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Lake Durango
Water Authority

A brief history of the
Lake Durango Water Authority

The Lake Durango Water Authority was established in January, 2008 by members La Plata County, Durango West 1, and Durango West 2 Metropolitan Districts for the purpose of purchasing and operating the Lake Durango Water Company system.

The purchase was completed in July, 2009 at which time the Authority took over operation of the system. Since the time of the purchase, the Authority has completed a Master Plan to guide the operation of the system; completed a Rate and Fee Study to equitably assess rates and tap fees; completed over $3,750,000 in capital improvements to the source water, treatment, distribution system; and improved water quality and customer satisfaction.

Capital improvements include the construction of a pipeline from Lake Nighthorse to Lake Durango and the purchase of up to 400 acre-feet of Animas La Plata project water. The pipeline was constructed with partners La Plata West Water Authority, Southern Ute and Mountain Ute Tribes. Construction of the pipeline ensured that the Authority will have an adequate water supply and not need to enforce water use restrictions in the future. The pipeline also resulted in La Plata County lifting a tap sale moratorium.



Please drip water from your sinks during the very cold nights so your pipes and water meter don’t freeze up.

Please make sure the Water Authority has your up to date email and emergency phone number. A contact form will also be mailed out if you prefer to write in your contact information and mail it back.  Thanks for the help!

LDWA Meetings and Minutes

The Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority holds regular meetings on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 5:15 p.m. at the Lake Durango Water Authority office located at 667 South Lakeside Drive, Hesperus, CO. In the event that the office is inaccessible due to weather or construction the meetings will be held at the office of Durango West 1, 119 Holly Hock Trail, Durango, Colorado.


The next LDWA Board meeting will be held Thursday, February 20th, 2025 at the LDWA office located at 667 S. Lakeside Drive in Hesperus, Colorado. Meeting begins at 5:15 p.m. 

General Information

Lake Durango
CCR Report

Read the Drinking Water Quality Report covering data for calendar year 2023.

LDWA Rules
and Regulations

View the original resolution establishing rules, regulations and fees pertaining to the services provided by the Lake Durango Water Authority.


Review the Bylaws governing the Lake Durango Water Authority.

Draft Budget

View the proposed 2024 LDWA budget.

Person getting a glass of water at a kitchen sink

Water Relief Program

Lake Durango Water Authority (LDWA) offers limited financial assistance to qualified low income homeowners. This assistance is intended to partially mitigate the impact of the 2009 acquisition costs.

Photo of lake in Autumn with mountains and trees

The Water Information Program

Providing Water Information to the Communities of Southwest Colorado

The Water Information Program is a public information program sponsored by the water districts, organizations and agencies in the San Juan and Dolores watersheds of Southwestern Colorado. The purpose of the WIP is to provide information to the public and community on water topics and water related issues.