2022 Agendas
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held via teleconference, do not come to the office at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 12/16/2021 Meeting Minutes.
- Set Dates and Location for 2022 Board Meetings
- Premium Credit request
- 128 Colonial Dr.
- 2022 Rates Resolution
- General Managers Report: Billing, Financial, Water System.
- TTHM Compliance
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
- Executive Session Cite 24-6-402(4) C.R.S. (f)
- Specific employee pay/compensation/benefits
- Adjourn.
*Contact the LDWA office for details if you are interested in calling in to the meeting. 970-247-4062
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday February 17th, 2022 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held via teleconference and zoom, do not come to the office at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
Zoom Meeting:
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84386173817?pwd=TUtyU1BHdXZxMFdSRDZTaThVazJRUT09 Meeting ID: 843 8617 3817 Passcode: 292984 One tap mobile +17207072699,,84386173817#,,,,*292984# US
The Agenda is as follows:
- Call Meeting to Order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of the 1/20/22 Meeting Minutes.
- General Manager’s Report.
- Treatment Facilities Condition and Overview. To be discussed by Doug Carothers and guest Chris Kramer.
- Approval of the Bills.
- Public Comments and Questions.
- Executive Session Cite 24-6-402(4) C.R.S. (f).
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, June 16th, 2022 at 5:15 pm at the Lake Durango Water Authority office Located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 5/19/2022 Meeting Minutes.
- General Managers Report: Billing, Financial, Water System.
- Water Treatment Plant pumping failure. Beginning 5/21.
- Leaks:
- Trappers Crossing area
- Shenandoah Area
- 12’ deep hole/water main report
- Second leak Valve failure
- Rendezvous
- Water Treatment Plant immediate repair/upgrade plans.
- Water Technologies appointment
- Rate Study Status – Plummer Engineering
- Water System Capital Priorities
- Administrative Coordinator and Accountant Status.
- Operator work status and possible labor assistance request.
- Water Royalties Update.
- Bob Johnson request for moving tap.
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
- Executive Session Confidential Employee Matters as per C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(e)
* The Lake Durango Water Authority office is located next to the treatment plan on South Lakeside Drive. From Highway 160 turn South onto Lake Durango Dr. then turn at the second left onto South Lakeside Drive.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, June 29th, 2022 at 5:30 pm at the Lake Durango Water Authority office Located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- General Managers Report: Billing, Financial, Water System.
- Leaks:
- Rendezvous
- Water Treatment Plant immediate repair/upgrade plans.
- Water Technologies appointment July 12th.
- Master Plan Status – Plummer Engineering
- Water System Capital Priorities
- Administrative Coordinator and Accountant Status.
- Water Royalties Update.
- CCR and Licenses
- Dam and Transmission main status
- Water Treatment Plant Status
- Easement and flush hydrant status
- Funding status
- Leaks:
- La Plata West Water Authority Dock
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
- Executive Session Confidential Employee Matters as per C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(e)
* The Lake Durango Water Authority office is located next to the treatment plan on South Lakeside Drive. From Highway 160 turn South onto Lake Durango Dr. then turn at the second left onto South Lakeside Drive.
2022 Minutes
Lake Durango Water Authority
Meeting Minutes
January 20th, 2022
- Call to order 5:18 pm. Meeting held via Zoom.
Directors present Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Tom Brossia, Chuck Stevens,
and Michael Roussin. General Manager Doug Carothers and Charlie Smith were also present.
Initial Discussion: Mike explained that LDWA set up a simple IRA for employees via Form 5304. He further explained that with this arrangement there is nothing LDWA will need to be filed with the government except that there needs to be a recording in our file of the date that it began. LDWA decided to set this up with a ‘’non-elective contribution.”
- Approval of Agenda – The agenda was approved
- Approval of the 12/16/21 Meeting Minutes
- Mike moved to approve the 12/16/21 Minutes second by Tom. All in favor and approved.
- Set Dates and Location for 2022 Board Meetings
- Resolution 2022-1 Motion to approve by Mike and second by Tom.
- Premium Credit Request for 128 Colonial Dr.
- Discussion took place on the topic and a motion was made by Mike and second by Chuck. Approved by all to credit via Tier totaling $814.55.
- 2022 Rates Resolution Resolution 2202 – 2
- Motion to approve by Mike second by Chuck. All in favor and approved.
- General Manager’s Report:
Source and Supply: ALMOR met on January 6th, 2022. The flow/joint pool was not discussed beyond waiting for more modeling to be completed. A presentation was made on the Nighthorse water quality.
Treatment: Water Production for Dec 2021 was 7,749,700 Gals Sales was 6,819,700 gals.
Distribution: A leak was repaired at the intersection of Deer Trail and Castleridge on Dec. 22nd, a bell and gasket joint failed. A leak was repaired at the LD pump station on Dec. 27th, a ¾” compression fitting came apart underground outside of the pump house. Canyon Construction was called in to bring a Vac. Truck to do the excavation due to other utility lines interfering with work.
Other: Glatfelter has approved the payoff for the F150.
Various accounts and management authorizations have and are continuing to occur for various entities (private and governmental)
- TTHM Compliance
- CDPHE order to additional compliance requirements from 2018 has been closed by the CDPHE.
- Approval of the Bills
- Tom moved to approve the bills second by Mike approved.
- Public Comments
- No Public Comments
- Executive session Cite 24-6-402(4) C.R.S. (f)
- Back to Regular Stated Session at
- Motion to Adjourn at 6:12pm.
Lake Durango Water Authority
Meeting Minutes
February 17th, 2022
- Call to order 5:05 pm. Meeting held via Zoom.
Directors present Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Tom Brossia, Chuck Stevens,
and Michael Roussin. General Manager Doug Carothers also present.
- Approval of Agenda – Motion to approve Agenda by Mike second by Tom and approved by all.
- Mike made a motion to retain the officers that we have – Tom Seconded the motion. All in favor and motion passed.
- Approval of the 12/16/21 Meeting Minutes
- Tom moved to approve the 2/17/22 Minutes second by Mike. All in favor and approved.
- Set Dates and Location for 2022 Board Meetings
- Resolution 2022-1 Motion to approve by Mike and second by Tom
- 2022 Rates Resolution — Resolution 2202 – 2
- Motion to approve by Mike second by Chuck. All in favor and approved.
- General Manager’s Report:
Source and Supply: ALMOR met on January 6th, 2022. The flow/joint pool was not discussed beyond waiting for more modeling to be completed. A presentation was made on the Nighthorse water quality.
Treatment: Water Production for Dec 2021 was 7,749,700 Gallons, Sales were 6,819,700 gals.
Distribution: A leak was repaired at the intersection of Deer Trail and Castleridge on Dec. 22nd, a bell and gasket joint failed. A leak was repaired at the LD pump station on Dec. 27th, a ¾” compression fitting came apart underground outside of the pump house. Canyon Construction was called in to bring a Vac. Truck to do the excavation due to other utility lines interfering with work.
Other: Glatfelter has approved the payoff for the F150.
Various accounts and management authorizations have and are continuing to occur for various entities (private and governmental)
Employee Policy to continue to be worked on.
Chris Kramer spoke to board about treatment facilities. Noted that filter #1 has been inoperative for up to 20 years, that our clear well needs to be expanded, instrumentation and controls are partially obsolete and needed upgraded for water treatment expansion. Doug concurred with the general explanation and is setting up pre-engineering meetings.
Spoke about safety and PPE.
- Approval of the Bills
- Tom moved to approve the bills second by Mike.
- Public Comments
- No Public Comments
- Motion to Adjourn at 6:17pm.
From April 21st, 2022
Meeting was held via Zoom
The Agenda is as follows:
- Call Meeting to Order 5:15pm
- Approval of the Agenda. All Approved
- Approval of the 4/21/22 Meeting Minutes.
- Mike made a motion to approve the minutes second by Tom. All approved.
- General Manager’s Report.
- General Business.
- Financials and Billing.
- Reported on Admin assistant search.
- Reported on Salt and Main accounting resolving accounting issues.
- Auditor came for first organizational meeting.
- Source and Supply
- Reported on being asked by Russ with ALP to wait until May to pump.
- Lake Nighthorse pumping facilities and transmission lines are operating well.
- Treatment
- Water quality is outstanding
- Financials and Billing.
- General Business.
- Engineering Progress
- Do not have enough information to present cost numbers.
- Discussed basic design option criteria.
- Water Plant and Settling Pond Repair progress. Work will begin to return both backwash water and dam seepage water to Lake Durango.
- Gave status on Backwash Lagoon pumping and drying. Pumps will be installed for
- Algae Control Program
- Solar Bee is operating
- Reported plan to apply copper sulfate to Lake Durango in May.
- DOLA funds accounting report. Working with DOLA.
- Employee Handbook Status – will complete after admin difficulties are handled.
- Banking – Bank cards were acquired.
- Engineering Progress
- Approval of the Bills. Motion to approve bills made by Mike second by Tom approved by all.
- Ward asked to catch up the Board Stipend of $25/meeting. Doug states that he will have that accounted for after admin issues are caught up. Ward states that it is paid quarterly.
- Acquisition Fund and related correspondence
- Public Comments and Questions.
- Lorenzo letter about drilling a well.
- Mike states that PUC was informed that wells were not allowed. Mike states that he will attempt to find related documentation and speak to Chuck.
- Board differed to next meeting.
- Lau request for financial relief. Board denied further relief.
- Board does not find homeowner to be indigent and are still willing to postpone the payment for the Winter premium/overage without additional late fees (on that portion only). Any other incurred fees are separate from this determination.
- Water user “Mike.” Discussed concerns about the LDWA website and billing. Also, asked about water quantity for his HOA. All questions were answered.
- Lorenzo letter about drilling a well.
- Adjourn to Executive Session
- Write code acquisition fee, Find rate study, do lake calculations, handle Mary Austin #’s,
- Return to Stated Meeting
- Adjourn Meeting 6:77pm
Lake Durango Water Authority
Meeting Minutes From May 19th, 2022
May 24th, 2022 Emergency Meeting
- Call Meeting to Order 5:15pm
Board Members present Ward Holmes, Tom Brossia, Mike Roussin, Chuck Stevens, Jeff Wagner.
Also present Doug Carothers. Mardi Gebhardt also present to present a topic. Barb McCall from La
Platta West was also in attendance.
- Approval of the Agenda. Tom made a motion to approve the agenda second by Mike. All in favor with the
addition of adding Board attendees to April minutes.
- Approval of the 5/19/22 Meeting Minutes. Tom made a motion second by Mike. All in favor.
- La Plata West Water Authority Discussion. Mardi Gebhardt Guest.
Discussion occurred in reference to La Plata West’s Water Fill Dock. Ms. Gebhardt presented to general
information and LDWA Board members ask questions. Dave Marsa also projected around 20,000
gallons per week of water usage from the water dock.
Mike made a motion for Mardi to give LDWA restrictions that apply to the water doc and based off of
the agreement of that narrative LDWA would be inclined to support the water doc with the county
commissioners. Motion seconded by Tom and all in favor.
- General Manager’s Report.
- Engineering progress. Having some difficulty getting results from engineering. Probably due to time
of year.
- The previous company who did the LDWA rate study is out of business. Will continue to search for
related engineers.
- Water Plant and Settling Pond Repairs proceeding well. We are returning the backwash water and
seepage water back to the lake.
- Algae Control Program. We have scheduled our people to treat the lake with copper sulfate.
- Fire Hydrant and Protection Communication. The Fire Marshall and Doug scheduled a meeting to figure out related fire topics on 5/23/22.
- Further Communication about Trapper’s Crossing unused taps. Mike made a motion second by Tom to allow the property owners to relinquish the unused taps for no reimbursement to the tap owners.
- Spoke about the possibility of the property owner on Oak Road installing a well. After discussion with the other property owners on Oak Road – the home owners I spoke to would be interested in receiving LDWA’s water. The Board instructed Doug to not sign off on allowing a well and to tell the property owners that they need to acquire necessary easements and to pay for the infrastructure going to their property. After which, any other home owners using this main will need to pay their “fair share” and that money will be reimbursed to the original homeowner who paid for the extension.
- Motion made by Tom second by Jeff to raise service connection installation fee to LDWA’s actual expenses if LDWA performs the excavating and service connection.
- Approval of the Bills. Reminder to catch up on board member’s stipend when accounting gets caught up.
- Audit Status. Approved to do an audit extension as advised by the auditor.
- Acquisition Fund topic if applicable. Mike wants to officially say that LDWA is working on figuring out the Acquisition Fee.
- Conversation took place able getting a rate study started. Doug states that a meeting is scheduled with Plummer Engineering and hoping for a second firm to give an estimate.
Doug request to take Bud Smith off of the bulk emails so as not to get charged.
- Public Comments and Questions. None Occurred
- Adjourned Meeting 7:40 pm.
Emergency Meeting Minutes
May 24, 2022
6:30pm Open Meeting
Meeting to discuss emergency repair related to Finished Water Pump failure at Water Treatment Plant.
Board Members present Mike Roussin, Jeff Wagner, and Tom Brossia. Also present Doug Carothers.
After Doug explained the pumping emergency, actions taken to date, and possible solutions the board members asked many questions. In the end it was determined that this repair had to be
done and recognized that unless less expensive options could be found, the cost could go as high
as $100,000. Doug explained that avenues of saving money would be vigorously pursued.
Tom made a motion to approve up to $100,000 in emergency funds and second by Mike. All in
7:30pm Meeting Adjourned
Lake Durango Water Authority
Meeting Minutes From June 16th , 2022
June 29th, 2022 Stated Meeting
- 1. Call Meeting to Order 5:15pm June 16th, 2022
Board Members present Ward Holmes, Tom Brossia, Mike Roussin, Chuck Stevens, Jeff Wagner, and Chuck Stevens.
Also present Doug Carothers.
- Approval of the Agenda. Tom made a motion to approve June 16th, 2022 agenda second by Mike. All in favor.
- Approval of the 5/19/22 Meeting Minutes. Tom made a motion to accept the May 24th minutes – second by Mike. All in favor.
- General Manager’s Report
- Water Treatment Plant has been running well. Filter #1 is still waiting on backordered instrumentation and equipment in order to be brought online.
- Rendezvous leak scheduled for repair.
- Water Technologies Scheduled to help with WTP planning. The plan is to evaluate what pumps, VFDs, other equipment are needed and the costs.
- Plummer Engineering: Packets were given to Board Members for their review.
- Water System Capital Priorities: Doug discussed the combined capital improvement list, how it was prioritized, and that identifying these needs impacts the future state funding.
- Doug discussed related funding topics. He showed what was being done with CDPHE and explained that we are in a slight holding pattern until after CDPHE receives all of their surveys back.
- 5. Administrative Coordinator Status. Kelly Odell will start work on June 27th.
- 6. Operator Work Status: There was a leak in both Trappers Crossing and the Shenandoah areas. Both leaks were repaired.
- 7. Water Royalty Status. Board approved Doug to further research the Water Royalty Agreement Status.
- Algae Control Program. Copper Sulfate was applied to Lake Durango and we plan on doing so again in the Fall.
- Approval of the Bills. Reminder to catch up on board member’s stipend when accounting gets caught up.
- Audit Status. The auditors have an extension and we are waiting for them to give us their status.
- Approval of the Bills Mike made a motion to approve the bills second by Jeff. All approved
- Bob Johnson request to move approved tap. Board approved Mr. Johnson’s request to put move the approved tap to a different property.
- Public Questions and Comments. No public attend the meeting.
- Executive Session – Confidential Employee Matters as per C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(e)
- Adjourned Meeting 7:40 pm.
June 29th, 2022 Stated Meeting
- Call Meeting to Order 5:30pm
- Board Members present Ward Holmes, Tom Brossia, Mike Roussin, Chuck Stevens, Jeff Wagner, and Chuck Stevens. Also present Doug Carothers.
- Approve the Agenda Motion made by Tom Second by Mike. All approved
- Leaks: Leak at Rendezvous was repaired
- Water Technologies is still scheduled for 7/12 to evaluate pumping and VFD needs followed by and estimate.
- Plummer Engineering. Motion made by Tom and seconded by Jeff to hire Plummer Engineering to complete a Water System Master Plan and to allow CDPHE to do the rate study during the funding process.
- Water System Capital List:
- Discussed capital priorities.
- Discussed that changes will probably occur with Plummer Engineering
- Agreed that several of the budgeted item should wait until discussion with Plummer. WTP pumps and filter #1 should proceed.
- Kelly Odell started as the new Admin Coordinator. Mike R. will be helping to train her about accounting and software procedures.
- The Dam and Raw Water transmission line. The raw water transmission main seems to be leaking. The leak is the main source of extra water filling the setting ponds behind the WTP. We will wait to repair it when the distribution system water demand slows down. Since it is the only source of water for the WTP we cannot risk damaging it during excavation and high demands.
- Easement and Hydrant Flush status. Waiting for property owner to schedule a meeting with me. After that I will be in contact with Bud Smith.
- Water Treatment and grounds tour with Doug and the Board. We discussed capital improvements and WTP/Settling Pond conditions and plans.
- Public Questions and Comments: No Public present
- Executive Session: As per C.R.S. 24-6-402(4)(e)
- Meeting Adjourned 7:30pm
The Board held a regularly scheduled meeting in person at their office and via Zoom, on Thursday August 31, 2022 at 5:15 pm. Present were board members Ward Holmes, Chuck Stevens, Tom Brossia, and Mike Roussin. Board member Jeff Wagner appeared by Zoom. Also in attendance were general manager Doug Carothers, former general manager Charlie Smith, and water and distribution operators Tim Graham and Chris Moore and DW1 water operator Brian Davies.
- Call to order.
- The agenda was approved.
- The board reviewed two requests for premium rate relief (excess water use due to leaks) from Kemple and Richardson for the period during which the general manager failed to bill customers of LDWA. The board approved relief to the first premium tier for the first month the general manager did not bill those customers. This relief was based on historic precedent of granting such relief to other customers. The board approved relief for subsequent time periods to the basic per gallon billing rate without premiums for the remaining periods the general manager did not bill those customers.
- Kelly Fleming of Plummer Engineering gave a presentation to the board on providing a Master Plan for LDWA for a fee of $75,245. She advised the board it would take six months to complete and the results would most likely be available in February 2023. Mike brought a motion to approve the Master Plan study if the contract was approved by legal counsel. Seconded by Tom, the motion carried.
- Doug Carothers advised the board he had pressing matters to attend to in Farmington, NM, and that he needed to leave the meeting.
- A discussion was held as to whether the board could approve the Master Plan study without first putting out a RFP on the matter. That subject was referred to legal counsel.
- Tom raised the question of whether bringing filter number one online had been postponed. Both Tim and Chris advised the board that they were moving forward with bringing the filter online and were waiting for parts to complete the work.
- Administrative matters: The board discussed that they had accepted the resignation of Doug Carothers on August 5, 2022. They further discussed whether there was any reason to continue his employment beyond the end of August. A quorum of the board agreed that there was no need for Doug’s services beyond August 31, 2022. This was decided in part based on comments from Charlie Smith and other employees on the working environment.
- Charlie agreed he was willing to provide services for temporary support during the transition to hiring a new general manager. Charlie will present a scope of work and rate schedule to the board for his assistance in managing LDWA in the absence of a general manager.
- Meeting was adjourned by motion from Ward second by Chuck.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday September 29, 2022 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 8/31/2021 Meeting Minutes.
- General Managers Report: Administration, Source, Treatment Water System.
- Capital Improvements Plan
- General Manager Hiring Process – Possible Executive Session per CRS 24-6-2402(4)(e and f)
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Wednesday October 26, 2022 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 9/29/2021 Meeting Minutes.
- General Manager Interviews – Executive Session per CRS 24-6-2402(4)(e and f)
- General Managers Report: Administration, Source, Treatment Water System.
- Capital Improvements Plan
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
- General Manager Hiring Process – Possible Executive Session per CRS 24-6-2402(4)(e and f)
- Adjourn
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold a Special Meeting open to the public on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 at 5:00 pm. The meeting will be held in via Zoom.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- General Manager Hiring Process – Executive Session per CRS 24-6-2402(4)(e and f)
- General Manager Hiring process
- Adjourn
- If you would like to attend via Zoom please contact [email protected] for invitation.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, November 17, 2022 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 10/26/2022 and 11/8/2022 Meeting Minutes.
- General Manager Offer of Employment.
- 2023 Draft Budget
- General Managers Report: Administration, Source, Treatment Water System.
- FAMLI Family and Medical Leave Insurance
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
- General Manager Hiring Process – Possible Executive Session per CRS 24-6-2402(4)(e and f)
- Adjourn
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, December 15, 2022 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 11/17/2022 Meeting Minutes.
- 2023 Budget Hearing
- Approve Resolutions 2022-6 to Approve 2023 Budget and 2022-7 to Appropriate Funds
- General Managers Report: Administration, Source, Treatment Water System.
- Paid Time Off Policy.
- Capital Improvement Plan RFP
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
- Adjourn