2024 Notices/Agendas
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, January 18th, 2024 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 12/21/2023 Meeting Minutes.
- General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment.
- Approve Rate Resolution 24-3
- Roads Maintenance/Plowing concerns.
- Truck Update.
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
- Adjourn.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, February 15th, 2024 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 1/18/2024 Meeting Minutes.
- General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment.
- Rate Study Update.
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, March 21st, 2024 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 2/15/2024 Meeting Minutes.
- General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment.
- Rate Study Update -Carl Brown Call
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, April 18th, 2024 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 3/21/2024 Meeting Minutes.
- General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment.
- Rafter J Water District.
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
- Adjourn
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water
Authority will hold a meeting on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 at 2:00pm. The meeting will be
held in person at 48 County Road 250 Suite #5 Durango, Co 81301.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of the Agenda.
3. Executive Session- Legal Advice 24-6-4.2(4)(b), C.R.S
4. Adjourn.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water
Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, May 16th, 2024, at 5:15
pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S.
Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of the Agenda.
3. Approval of 4/18/2024 and 5/8/2024 Meeting Minutes.
4. General Managers Report: Administration, Grants Update Rate Relief, Source,
5. Rate Study Update.
6. LPWWA Draft Agreement.
7. Approval of Bills.
8. Public Comments or Questions.
9. Adjourn.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water
Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 5:15
pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S.
Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of the Agenda.
3. Approval 5-16-2024 Meeting Minutes.
4. General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment.
5. Rate Study Draft Questions.
6. La Plata Vista.
7. SEH Development.
8. Approval of Bills.
9. Public Comments or Questions.
10. Adjourn.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water
Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, July 18, 2024, at 5:15
pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S.
Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of the Agenda.
3. Approval 6-20-2024 Meeting Minutes.
4. General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment.
5. Rate Study Update.
6. Seabiscuit Development.
7. Approval of Bills.
8. Public Comments or Questions.
9. Adjourn.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
Call to order.
Approval of the Agenda.
Approval 7-18-2024 Meeting Minutes.
General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment.
Rate Study Update/Discussion.
Rafter J update.
Approval of Bills.
Public Comments or Questions.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
Call to order.
Approval of the Agenda.
Approval 8-15-2024 Meeting Minutes.
General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment.
Rate Study Update/Discussion With Carl.
La Plata Vista Estates.
Approval of Bills.
Public Comments or Questions.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, October 17th, 2024, at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
Call to order.
Approval of the Agenda.
Approval 9-19-2024 Meeting Minutes.
General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment.
2025 Draft Budget.
LDWA Investment Options.
Cost Of Service Update.
Approval of Bills.
Public Comments or Questions.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold a special meeting open to the public on Thursday, October 31st, 2024, at 9:30am. The meeting will be held VIA Teams Meeting and at the Durango West 1 office at 119 Holly Hock Trail, Durango, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
Call to order.
Approval of the Agenda.
Cost of Service Presentation by Raftelis.
Questions on Scope.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority
will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, November 21st, 2024 at 5:15 pm.
The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S.
Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
1. The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
2. Call to order.
3. Approval of the Agenda.
4. Approval of 10/17 and 10/ 31/2024 Meeting Minutes.
5. 2025 Budget Hearing.
6. General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment.
7. Clearwell Update.
8. Approval of Bills.
9. Public Comments or Questions.
10. Adjourn.
2024 Minutes
Minutes 1/18/2024
Call to Order 5:15PM
Board Present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagoner, Tom Brossia, John Gallup. Excused: Mike Roussin. Staff present: Matt Nesbitt, Chris Moore, Tim Graham. Visitors: Mrs. Donaldson (65 Roble Way). Dayne Rowley( 530 Eaton Way).Approval of the Agenda. Motion Tom, Jeff 2nd approved.
Approval of 12/21/2023 Meeting Minutes. Motion Jeff, John 2nd approved.
General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment Water
Approve Rate Resolutions 24-3 Motion Tom, John 2nd approved.
Road Maintenance/ Plowing Concerns
Truck update.
Approval of Bills. Motion Tom, Jeff 2nd approved.
Public Comment.
Adjourn. 6:12pm Motion Tom, Ward 2nd approved.
5. Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Year end we grossed $859,190 which is $28, 262 over budget which is great but we also had $16,800 over on expenses due to the multiple leaks this year. Some of the lengthy leaks took extra help renting equipment and contracting out additional crews.
Water production for December was 7,459,000 million gallons and we estimate the lake is at 789 acre feet. Insurance and truck crash covered below.
Rate Relief Request:
Mr. Donaldson (65 Roble Way) is requesting rate relief after his irrigation lines ran for 4 months and it turned out to be drain caps in the valve box were not removed. Matt had called them in November and left a voicemail to call immediately, emailed 2 different email addresses December 21st with no response and staff went by the house multiple times. Turns out the bills are auto drafted and the mail gets routed back to North Carolina to the office address and sometimes does not get looked at. Long story short the Donaldsons can’t go after the irrigation company like the board asked them to because they do not have annual contract just a fall service and spring service. The Donaldsons would like to sign up and have the smart meter installed so that when they do travel they can be aware of their usage and notice any problems in the future. Mrs. Donaldson explained being out of town and having the mail forwarded to their North Carolina business address took months to receive. Also they have the auto draft set up to pay the water bill so it wasn’t until they noticed high usage and large draft amounts that they noticed something was wrong. Matt explained that we tried to get in touch via emails and phone calls, left voicemails and we were about to “turn water off to prevent any future issues to the unoccupied house”. Mrs. Donaldson explained that they had problems with the irrigation company that have finally been resolved and wished to get on the list for the smart meter and E Billing so she could track her account better. The board approved Tier 1 rate relief under the condition 65 Roble Way pays for the smart meter, so they can track their
usage while traveling out of town for extended periods of time. Motion Tom Tier 1 relief, Jeff 2nd approved.
Dayne Rowley at 530 Eaton Way is requesting his entire bill be expunged after he purchased a house on December 22nd and the family did not move in until December 27th. On January 5th LDWA staff contacted Dayne about a high usage of 62,000 gallons which he was unaware of so Tim went by to take a look. Tim stated the leak was around 2 gallons per minute so the line was shut off and Dayne promptly had it fixed on the January 6th. The leak is estimated to have started early December and went unnoticed. Dayne asked the board if there was anything that could be done since the meter connection was loose and the previous homeowner did not have high usage. It look like the in the middle of December the leak started during the sale of the property so both parties were not aware of the leak. Since the leak occurred where the meter connection was loose Ward stated we should forgive the charges. Motion Jeff Ward 2nd approved.
The owners of 720 Sawmill (Brenda Debolt) are requesting rate relief after they had a leak for 2 months that went unnoticed with the renters. The leak ran 46,000 gallons between the meter and the house so the Debolts replaced the entire 500 foot mainline. Since the Debolts replaced the entire 30 year old mainline, they asked for rate relief since they had crews replace the pluming to the house and made a good faith effort to fix all issues to the house. The board stated that they should have been more aware since they had two high usage bills so in the future watch more closely. Motion, Tom for Tier 1 rate relief, Jeff 2nd approved.
Tim and Chris work Performed list-
Source and Supply:
We turned in our pumping estimates for next year’s ALP pumping season. We estimated on both the low estimate and high estimate needs for next year depending on winter snow accumulations and spring runoff conditions.
Tim took a vacation 1/11-1/16
Chris obtained several quotes for a new pickup. The board approved the purchase and an order was placed.
Quotes for a new plow have been obtained for new Truck Ordered/Received Chlorite for chlorine dioxide generation
The chlorine dioxide generator is not working properly. Evoqua has ordered new rotameters for the chlorine and chlorite feed. Evoqua is scheduled for a site visit 1/23 to diagnose/fix the problem. The rotameters have not come in yet, Evoqua will make another site visit when the rotameters and teflon tubing arrive.
Ordered PAC Snow Removal
Meeting with Andrew Rice (CDPHE engineer) about Contact time/Extended periods of filter down time
Browns Hill was scheduled to complete the PLC change over, but had to reschedule. The new program has not been finished.
The backwash discharge return pump failed. We will pull it out in the spring to evaluate, and may need to purchase a replacement.
Reached out to Tony Fitzgerald Contracting about possibly refurbishing filter # 2 (after filter # 1 proves itself) He is busy but said he would get back to us.
Called out to 501 Eaton Way for a leak. The Pressure reducing valve on the customers side was leaking 2+ gpm. They replaced the PRV
Purchased a new 8” butterfly valve to replace one that is failing on the filter backwash line
Tim is going to schedule his Treatment B exam
Chris is going to Schedule his Distribution 2 and Treatment C exams
2 New leaks at trappers tank – Will address when the tank is refurbished or ASAP as conditions allow
Normal day to day operations
New PLC- inputs and outputs are being programmed.
Once the PLC is installed, and the pumps are operational, A construction completion form needs to be completed and submitted to the state. The Monthly Operating Report will be updated to reflect the increased clearwell volume and baffle factor. Ongoing process.
Turned Joe Whirry’s water back on in November of 2023 (as of January 2024 no payment) Ordered/Received Chlorite
Lead and copper survey maps and addresses shared
Locates for LPEA in Shenandoah is done, in the spring LPEA will run the lines thorough the conduit.
Chlorite delivery
This winter has been very cold so treatment has been slow and steady. We are keeping up but it’s a balancing effect keeping the tanks full and flowing enough to keep the bulk customers happy.
5. Approve Rate Resolutions 24-3 Motion Tom, John 2nd approved.
6. Road Maintenance/ Plowing Concerns
Frank Johnson at 505 Vaquero Way is asking that LDWA help financially with the snow removal and summer time weed/thistle management. Frank plows his driveway, Vaquero Way and our entry to Lake Durango pump house. Staff plows this area twice a week during the winter but the added help is much appreciated. Frank is asking that LDWA pay towards his time and fuel for his tractor just to help with rising costs of keeping up the road. Frank is very appreciative of LDWA and has helped with the road since 2018 but felt with increased cost for materials and fuel he would ask for some reimbursement. The board stated they are very appreciative of all the help from winter plowing, summer maintenance moving gravel and keeping thistle and weeds down. John stated we should look at this annually to make sure we are having our needs met each year. The board agreed to pay $1000 this year to help with increased fuel costs and to help with the last 5 years of costs. Tom approved, Jeff 2nd.
Erica Max is the new South Lakeside road contact and has agreed to be the contact person for winter plowing and summer maintenance operations. So far the new plowing company “Dig Deep” has done a good job keeping the road open during storms and even clearing the road after heavy winds and snow drift issues.
7. Truck Update.
On 1-11-2023 at 8 am on County road 141 a Jeep Grand Cherokee slid into our lane and hit the plow truck pushing it off the road into the field below. The other party was at fault and was driving too fast for conditions according to the police report. We had the truck removed from the field and towed to the office so we could remove tools. Currently we are waiting on the insurance adjuster to make a determination if it’s fixable or total loss. The adjuster is based out of Grand Junction so he thinks he will be in Durango on Friday January 19th to look over the truck and write his report. The board stated we should look into the at fault parties insurance company paying for a rental truck. Jeff stated he would see if Wagoner Cat had any fleet vehicles up for sale and told Matt he would get more information. Matt stated our insurance policy with Glatfelter did not cover any rental truck costs and that using our personal trucks was starting to create issues. The board told Matt to stay on the insurance company and hound them so we get quicker results.
8. Approval of the Bills – Bill.com report to follow
Motion-Tom , Jeff 2nd approved.
9. Public Comment or Questions. NONE.
10. Adjourn.6:12pm
Motion Tom, Ward 2nd approved.
Minutes 2/15/2024
1. Call to Order 5:14PM
Board Present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagoner, Tom Brossia, Mike Roussin, John Gallup.
Staff Present: Tim G, Chris M, Matt N.
2. Approval of the Agenda. Motion by Mike R, Jeff 2nd Approved.
3. Approval of 1/18/2023 Meeting Minutes. Motion by Jeff, Tom 2nd approved.
4. General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment Water
5. Rate Study Update.
6. Approve Bills.
7. Public Comment.
8. Adjourn.
4. Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
You will see in the financials that the early January orders for chemicals and some extra
accounting have been charged so we are a little over budget currently on those items. We had
extra accounting costs for cleaning up year end and getting things organized for our Audit in
the spring. We hope this years audit goes a little smoother and costs less than the lengthy 2022
audit. Water sales will start picking up and the rate increase will help as we see more usage in
the spring.
Water production for January was 4,652,800 million gallons and we estimate the lake is at 784
acre feet. The last few wet storms raised the lake about 11 AF but the warm days have
evaporated some as well. Insurance and Truck update payout– after they considered tool
boxes, ladder rack and plow was $38,182 (lengthy process involving 3 insurance agents and 2
different adjusters). We are still battling Progressive for loss of use (contracted plowing during
storms) and hope to get some amount from them since we were not at fault.
Rate Relief
Christopher Stewart on 1589 Colonial Drive had a 1” copper line burst possibly from colder
temperatures causing 3” of water to pool up on his floor. We estimate the water ran for 15
hours but it caused massive amounts of damage to the house. Mr. Stewart had the pipe
repaired and is having months of repairs done to the house and is asking for rate relief for this
unfortunate issue. Motion by Tom, Mike R 2nd approved.
Source and Supply:
We turned in our pumping estimates for next years ALP pumping season. We also talked with
LPWWA and we might need to set up an agreement between the city of Durango, LPWWA and
ourselves so we can dip into the joint pool if the politics change between some other members.
Tim and Chris work Performed list-Tim/ Chris coordinated Browns Hill Scada. Minor issues.
Obtained several quotes for a new plow truck which arrived February 12th
Received Chlorite for chlorine dioxide generation.
Evoqua made another visit to fix the teflon tubing and we are waiting on them to fix the
PAC was delivered by the best driver yet.
Snow Removal
Browns Hill was scheduled to complete the PLC change over, issues have come up so its been a
lenghty process. The new program has not been finished.
Met with Mike at Metron to look over orders for smart meters( install at large rate relief houses
to test them out).
Reached out to Tony Fitzgerald Contracting about possibly refurbishing filter # 2 (after filter # 1
proves itself) He is busy but said he would get back to us. Ongoing process!
Tim is going to schedule his Treatment B exam.
Chris- try to study for exams.
Start planning for Trappers Tank refurbishment- look at auxiliary tank size options.
Normal day to day operations.
New PLC- inputs and outputs are being programmed.
Once the PLC is installed, and the pumps are operational, A construction completion form
needs to be completed and submitted to the state. The Monthly Operating Report will be
updated to reflect the increased clearwell volume and baffle factor. Ongoing process.
Lead and copper survey maps and addresses shared( will pick this project up in April).
Locates for LPEA in Shenandoah is done, in the spring LPEA will run the lines thorough the
Chlorite deliveryTreatment:
This winter started off very cold so treatment was slow and now with warmer temperatures it
has picked back up. It is still a balancing act when all the bulk customers turn on at different
times and don’t always give us notice.
5. Rate Study
We have a few options when it comes to picking the company for our new rate study. First we can go
through the RFP process and pick an engineering firm which I have two responses from my list of eleven.
All the engineering and cost analysis was done in 2011 by Red Oaks Consulting. The second option is we
can go with a company (Getting Grate Rates LLC) that has collaborated with Colorado Rural Water
Association to help smaller communities set up rate setting programs/ cost analysis. CRWA supervises
GGR so that all across Colorado smaller communities get a fair chance to receive rate calculation models
resulting in unbiased structured rates. This looks like the better option since we are not changing any
infrastructure and don’t need to reinvent the wheel with engineering figures we already have. I think we
need someone who focuses on rate analysis so they can fully implement our capital improvement list
into the new rates. After a discussion on what was needed the board agreed we need more rate
analysis over extra engineering that was already done in 2011. The board agreed that the rate study
was much needed and the future capital improvement list should be carefully included. Mike R stated
the bulk customers will definitely want an initial meeting with GGR (Carl Brown) and a final
presentation with the final report and rate projections. Motion by Tom, 2nd John approved.
6. Approval of the Bills – Bill.com report to follow.
Email vote is needed because the system was shut down and bills could not be listed for the meeting.
Matt will attach the email approval to the minutes to show the bills were looked over and approved.
7. Public Comment or Questions.
Mike Wasson from Rafter J asked to be put on the smart meter list and test it out.
8. Adjourn.
Minutes 3/21/2024
1. Call to Order 5:16pm
Board Present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Tom Brossia.
Excused: Mike Roussin, John Gallup. Staff Present: Matt Nesbitt, Tim Graham.
Visitors: Beverly D west 2, Budd Fitts 1689 South lakeside resident.
2. Approval of the Agenda. Jeff motioned, Ward 2nd, approved.
3. Approval of 2/15/2024 Meeting Minutes. Tom motioned; Jeff 2nd approved.
4. General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment Water
5. Rate Study Update- Carl Brown Call at 5:30pm
6. Approve Bills. Ward motioned, Jeff 2nd
, approved.
7. Public Comment.
8. Adjourn. 6:45PM
4. Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
We have been estimating since December, April we will start getting physical reads and over
two months will be back to real time consumption. This will help us catch up on sales as we
move into spring where people start using additional water in April and May. We are under on
payroll and expenses since we are advertising for the new operator, and we have not started on
leak projects in Rafter J (2 locations we know of).
The Pine Ridge Ditch meeting was on March 6th and the moral of the story was we may have a
short season where the ditch produces. Also there was a presentation from Erik Bikis/ SGM
Engineering on the la Plata River Basin. They presented options. For LDWA we explained the
ditch adds a very nice safety blanket instead of just solely relying on Nighthorse water. I have
concerns that as years pass it will become harder to find parts to keep the large pumps
operating on schedule.
The positive news on March 7th at the AlPOM&R meeting “pass through pumping” was allowed
this season starting in April. This allows LDWA to pump from Nighthorse, while pumping from
the river occurs which reduces delivery costs and reduces dipping into the joint pool.
Water production for February was 4,262,800 million gallons and we estimate the lake is at
approximately 798 acre feet. We received approximately 11 acre feet from the last storm.
Rate Relief
Farrell and Susan Farley at 1050 CR 125 had a water line leak in their driveway and did not
notice it for 2 months until there was a questionable mud puddle. The couple called the
office(leak was verified) and staff notified Farleys to fix the leak immediately. The couple
borrowed a tractor and had their grandson fix the leak, but it took a few weeks. The leak was
fixed and things got resolved but the Farleys would like to ask for rate relief since they have
been very “loyal customers”
. Tom motioned Tier 1 Rate relief, Jeff 2nd, approved.
Source and Supply:All pumping estimates for 2024-25 ALPOM&R pumping season were discussed at the March 7th
meeting. It has been expressed that we need to look into purchasing additional Nighthorse
shares because the joint pool could be harder to use in the future. I think that in the future the
tribes will vote “no” on pass through pumping and joint pool use because of political issues.
One option we have is to have an agreement with LPWWA and the City of Durango and form
our own joint pool. We are also exploring grant options to see if we can be eligible to buy
source water, this is difficult because we don’t serve enough low income customers.
Tim and Chris work Performed list-
Sampled for TTHM, HAA5, and Chlorite – results were below their respective Maximum Contam-
inant Level. MCLs : TTHM 0.08 mg/l, HAA5 0.06 mg/l Chlorite 1.0 mg/l.
New pump start up 2/22.
2/23 – Set up treatment plant alarms (high chlorine residual, pump failure etc…)
Submitted Construction completion form for the new pumps 3.04.24, have not heard back from
the state yet.
Noticed a vibration/off balance issue with the new pump. The American technical team came
out to rebalance.
Continued troubleshooting Radio/PLC communications with Browns Hill. Some issues remain,
may have to find other options.
Installed new peristaltic pump for the Combined filter effluent turbidimeter.
Ran filter #1!! It is ready to go online barring any unforeseen issues and the submittal of the
necessary paperwork to the state.
The Chlorine Dioxide Generator has been acting up. Evoqua is scheduled for a site visit on
3/25/24 to replace a pressure regulator and service the generator.
Nighthorse Booster pump is currently inoperable. Spoke With Dave Marsa 3/18/24, they are
waiting on Verizon to update their internet service.
Daily/weekly/monthly duties – Check tank levels, chlorine residuals, locates, bacteriological test-
ing, Treatment plant operation etc.
Tim passed the Water Treatment B Certification exam. One More to go!
Start planning for Trappers Tank refurbishment- Riley thinks mid April or May.Riley needs to find Auxiliary water tanks and plumb them in before sandblasting starts which is
becoming a chore.
Normal day to day operations.
Once the PLC is installed, and the pumps are operational, A construction completion form
needs to be completed and submitted to the state. The Monthly Operating Report will be
updated to reflect the increased Clearwell volume and baffle factor.
LPEA plans to start sometime this spring running news lines in the conduit they trenched and
installed last summer. This has been a very stressful project for staff and homeowners.
The winter started cold with some weeks in the negatives at night, now the lake is completely
unfrozen. As the temperatures warm up in the spring and we can replenish the lake with
Nighthorse water, treatment will become a little easier. Also it will be good to mix the
Nighthorse water with all the ditch water from last year because it was turbid and had lots of
5. Rate Study-Call at 5:30pm
We have decided to go with Carl Brown (Getting Great Rates) out of Jefferson City Missouri. Mr. Brown
has completed 368 utility rate analysis and rate setting projects since 2005. Mr. Brown has teamed up
with Colorado Rural Water Association in 2017 as a resource (also works with 7 other states) for cost in
advance rate analysis. CRWA provides over site on Mr. Browns studies to make sure entities are receiving
an unbiased study to better serve their community large or small. Mr. Brown took some effort to find but
I think he is very knowledgeable and will provide respectable analysis for the board and customers. Board
members asked Carl Brown about his background and how he got involved with rate analysis in the 90’s
working for the state of Missouri. The conversation covered different types of analysis over the years
and different ways each study broke out variable, fixed, and marginal cost calculations. The board and
visitors seemed satisfied with the explanations on different modeling scenarios for breaking down costs
for future rate formulation.
6. Approval of the Bills – Bill.com report to follow.
Ward, Jeff 2nd
, approved.
7. Public Comment or Questions.
Beverly stated she and the Durango West 2 board are happy to see a rate study being
performed. Bev stated her board would pass along questions concerning the analysis.
Bud Fitts asked about a water line on south lakeside drive that’s connects over to the lake
Durango tank. Also Bud asked Carl Brown if LDWA is not happy with the rate study can
multiple draft scenarios be performed to fit the large capital improvement list. Can multiple
model scenarios be presented to make sure all needs are covered when large projects are
projected in the future? Carl Brown explained multiple model scenarios with 10 and 20 year
projections that he has performed over his 377 rate analysis reports.8. Adjourn. 6:45pm
Minutes 4/18/2024
1. Call to Order 5:16pm
Board present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Tom Brossia, Mike Roussin, John Gallup.
Visitors: Julie Yousa, Michael Wasson, Beverly Lawrence, Bern Heath, Bob Manning.
Staff: Tim Graham, Matt Nesbitt
2. Approval of the Agenda.
3. Approval of 3/21/2024 Meeting Minutes. Tom motioned, Jeff 2nd, approved.
4. General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment Water
5. Rafter J Water District.
6. Approve Bills.
7. Public Comment.
8. Adjourn. 6:21pm
4. Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
For the March financials you will see we are under on sales because we have been estimating
consumption all winter and spring(Radios don’t work with snow). Once April physical reads hit
we will get exact consumption, then sales will get caught up and ultimately increase during the
summer months. Also having a mild winter and average snow levels we will see customers start
to consume more water in April and May as the ground dries up. Last year we had large
amounts of snow so it took until June for large consumption to take effect. During March the
plant treated 4,243,400 gallons and the lake currently is at an estimated 784 AF.
Payroll is over budget for March because we had 3 pay periods for the month but year to date
looks good.
Rate Relief.
A few customers called in but the small leaks were not enough to charge premiums, so we
explained the billing process and resolved the issues.
Source and Supply:
We are waiting to pump our share of Nighthorse water, but the internet provider “VIASAT”
dropped LPWAA as a customer. Once Verizon gets LPWAA set up as a customer and Browns Hill
installs a transducer Dave Marsa will start pumping for us. We hope to start pumping April 21st
and take advantage of the pass-through pumping which does not go against our supply.
The Pine Ridge Ditch was on for less than 24 hours because New Mexico put a call on the La
Plata River. May 3rd the Ditch can be turned back on, this year we expect to get a fraction of
what we received last year(245 AF). Board wants an update after maintenance is done on the
ditch this summer. Board wants to know when we start pumping Nighthorse water.
Tim and Chris work Performed list-The Record of Approved Water Works has been updated. The use of Filter # 1 has been ap-
proved. The new distribution pumps have been approved along with increased clearwell oper-
ating volumes and baffle factors.
Evoqua performed maintenance on the chlorine dioxide generator. Replaced a PRV; however,
the booster pump for the generator is not operating properly and needs to be replaced. Spoke
to Mike Trefry 4/17/24 about the status of the replacement pump. He is going to do his best to
get it replaced asap.
SCADA system is up and running without any major issues in the last few weeks.
The Non-Lead Only service Line Inventory Form (Mandated by the state) was submitted to the
state 4/17/24
Started preparing for the Trappers Crossing Storage Tank refurbishment.
Chlorine Delivery.
Met with Water Technologies (distribution pump supplier) about concerns we had with the new
pump. Answered our questions and reassured us it runs/sounds as it’s supposed to.
New Meter install at 1665 Deer Valley Rd.. The Builder, Don Feresse purchased a ADU tap for
the build, but the clients are no longer building the ADU.
Cleaned pump houses.
Exposed/Vacuumed out valve boxes in Rafter J that are required to isolate a section of water
line that has a leak.
Resolved a Clerical error made by the Lab that tests/reports Distribution by product samples.
Collected Radios that do not work and are under warranty. Submitted radio #s to the manufac-
A few call outs on small leaks.
Locates for new house builds.
filter #1 Ran.
Browns Hill set up effluent pump controls and tank communications (New radios were tricky)
and sensiphone call out system.
Evoqua made a site visit on 3/25/24 to replace a pressure regulator and service the Chlorine Di-
oxide generator.Daily/weekly/monthly duties – Check tank levels, chlorine residuals, locates, bacteriological test-
ing, Treatment plant operation etc.
Waiting on metron smart meters to be delivered (cellular option for large leak customers).
Chris passed the Water Treatment C Certification exam and Distribution 2!!
Start planning for Trappers Tank refurbishment- Riley wants to start May 13th
Late April the main line will be exposed so 3 valves can be installed to the auxiliary tanks.
Normal day to day operations.
Once the PLC is installed, and the pumps are operational, A construction completion form
needs to be completed and submitted to the state. The Monthly Operating Report will be
updated to reflect the increased Clearwell volume and baffle factor.
LPEA has begun running new lines in the conduit.
The lake has fully melted so the plan is to treat the lake in early May. We need to treat the lake
with copper sulphate before the algae can bloom which clogs the filters and makes treatment
more difficult (more chemicals/bad taste). We may need to treat the lake twice this year since
we could be very full this summer after we take Nighthorse water.
5. Rafter J Water District:
Rafter J Hoa is looking into forming their own water district so they can use property taxes to
help with replacing the old distribution system. What this could mean is that Rafter J could
become a bulk customer where we supply water to them just like Durango West 1 and 2. Their
primary goal for this change would be to find different funding sources to tackle the replacement
of their high-risk system. Over the last few years residents have asked for fire protection which
currently the main 4 inch line from the plant to Rafter J would not produce enough to feed a 6
inch hydrant. A few residents also explained that home owners insurance is becoming more strict
on high risk wildfire areas and fire flows are needed. A District Formation Letter is attached for
the board to review. Bern and Bob explained that they are looking for solutions to upgrade the
distribution system and be able to go after infrastructure grants to help with the large costs.
Mike R explained that they should get some hard costs from engineers, so the reality of the
situation sinks in. The formation and the history of Rafter J was discussed and the need for fire
flows is a major factor to forming a Rafter J water District. The discussion was positive and the
board stated to keep conversation open in the future.
6. Approval of the Bills – Bill.com report to follow. Mike R motioned; Jeff 2nd approved.
7. Public Comment or Questions. Tom stated he wanted new information in May about the
update on infrastructure grants and the current DOLA grant.Beverly asked to update minutes on the website and to explain the clearwell expansion. Mike
R and Tim explained that any work done to the plant benefits all users( it’s the heart of the
system) and especially bulk customers because they draw 50gpm at one time when they turn
8. Adjourn.
05/08/2024 Minutes
1. Call to order.
Board Members Present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Tom Brossia
Staff Present: Matt Nesbitt
Legal Counsel Present: Floyd Smith
2. Approval of the Agenda.
Tom made a motion to approve the agenda, Jeff 2nd approved.
3. Executive Session- Legal Advice 24-6-4.2(4)(b), C.R.S
Ward made a motion to adjourn regular session meeting and enter executive session to
seek legal counsel on the various entities involved in the operating agreement with the
Lake Durango pipeline. Tom 2nd, approved.
4. Adjourn.
Minutes 5/16/2024
1. Call to Order- 5:15pm
Board Present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Tom Brossia, Mike Roussin and John Gallup
Staff Present: Tim Graham, Chris Moore and Matt Nesbitt
Visitors: Beverly Lawrence from D WEST 2 and Budd Fitts(resident)
2. Approval of the Agenda.
3. Approval of 4/18/2024 and 5-8-2024 Meeting Minutes. Mike R motioned to approve
minutes on 4-18 Tom 2nd, approved. Jeff motioned to approve 5-8 minutes, John 2nd approved.
4. General Managers Report: Administration, Grants Update, Rate Relief, Source,
5. Rate Study.
6. LPWWA Draft Agreement.
7. Approve Bills. Mike Roussin motioned; Tom B 2nd approved.
8. Public Comment.
9. Adjourn. 6:04PM
4. Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Financials are attached and sales are still slow since we don’t have winter premiums yet and
physical reads have not hit this month. We are under on expenses but that will change once we
start to jump on leaks and repairs over in Rafter J and Shenandoah. During April the plant
treated 4,703,400 gallons(up 400,000 from last month) and the lake currently is at an estimated
795 AF and rising.
Grants Update.
We met with Erik Worker(CDPHE Water Quality Control Division grants unit) and he explained
the process for DWRF program steps. We have completed the eligibility survey and need
another Pre-qualification meeting to make sure we have our ducks in a row when we move to
financial review. Flow chart attached.
We extended the DOLA grant so we could carefully plan out additional purchases and were not
in a rush to spend all the money by October.
Rate Relief.
Ilan Reuben at 241 Pinon Lane in Rafter J had faulty toilet running in his home while they where
out of town for a month. We notified Mr. Reuben that his bill was increasing so he had his
maintenance guy look over the house and found a running toilet. The toilet was replaced, and
the house was inspected again for plumbing issues, all good. Mr. Reuben has never had any
rate relief and is in good dating with LDWA. Mr. Reuben is seeking rate relief and will be
installing a wifi flow meter so he can track his usage while out of town. Mike R motioned for
Tier 1 relief, Tom 2nd ,approved.
Carly and William Coffin at 1603 Ridge Road were seeking rate relief after leak developed after
the meter. The leak ran for a month and after the owners received their bill they dug up theline to inspect. Once the leak was located the home owners decided to replace the entire line
from the meter to the house. The coffins are seeking rate relief since the radio was faulty, so a
physical read was performed to get the exact usage. Mike and Ward instructed Matt to make
sure the Coffins understood the rate relief process and that its usually used for very large
leaks. Matt stated both he and Kelly had gone through the policy / process with the Coffins
multiple times. Mike R made a motion to wave premiums on their bill, Jeff 2nd, approved.
Source and Supply:
We are pumping Nighthorse water currently and taking advantage of the pass through
pumping which was approved this winter by the ALPOM&R board. We will pump the 100AF
from Nighthorse this May and then mix the water this fall with 50 AF in September and another
50 in October to refill after summer usage and evaporation loss. We are also draining Amber
reservoir so we can work on the leaky toe drain.
Tim and Chris work Performed list-
Exposed/Tapped Trappers tank feed line for the tank refurbishment and future tank monitoring
via transducer/cellular monitor.
Replaced Backup pump in the Shenandoah drive Pump Station
Replaced 10 dead radios with Metron Farnier’s updated register/radio combo. More regis-
ter/radio combos were ordered, still waiting on delivery. We will need to order more in the Fu-
ture – we have close to 100 dead radios(Bulk Order).
New meter pit install at 1693 South lakeside Drive.
Reilly Industries has begun the Tank refurb process(set auxiliary tanks).
Repaired Meter Pit leak on Ridge rd.
Discovered new leak on Roble way in Shenandoah. Our maps do not show a water line in the
immediate area of the leak. We hired a hydrovac to expose the line (at a hydrant uphill of the
leak) It appears that there is a water line in the area of the leak. Waldo Construction is sched-
uled to expose the line at the end of the month. (Leak repair scheduled for 5-28-2024).
We are scheduled to repair the leak on Ridge rd. Wed. 5/22 We hired Richardson Construction
to assist.
The Upper Deer Valley pump station high pressure pump and pump saver burned up. The pump
saver was replaced, a temporary pump was installed while we are waiting on the new pump to
be shipped.Evoqua site visit 4/24. The booster pump for the Chlorine Dioxide generator was replaced as
well as the Chlorine Feed Rotameter. The generator is performing better, but not perfect. They
are planning a site visit 5/21 to replace the Chlorite feed Rotameter and update the feed rate
Monthly Bacteriological samples.
Releasing Amber Reservoir/Pine Ridge ditch into LD.
Compliance samples for Chlorite/TTHM/HAA5/Pesticides
Backflow/Cross connection control report – During our next sanitary survey, we may receive a
violation for the report not being completed the last 2 years
Started pumping from Nighthorse (approximately 35 AF YTD).
With the release of Amber reservoir and a week of the pine ridge ditch running, we are adding
copper sulphate at the inlet to treat the incoming water. In late May we will use the boat and
treat the entire lake so we can eliminate the chance for algae growth.
5. Rate Study Update.
Carl Brown has gathered DATA for all Bulk and Retail customers and is combing through the
spreadsheets to give us a draft model(End of May). Once that draft model is finished, we can pick
through and make sure we agree or give Carl our revision list. ( Mike R asked that once a draft is
complete please send it to all board members so everyone can ask questions and we can keep
progress going on the study).
6. LPWWA Draft Agreement.
We have worked on the operating agreement with LPWWA on how to manage the intake
structure at Nighthorse and the booster station at their insistence. The primary reason for the
agreement is to make sure the costs associated are split per the 2014 agreement. This is to
ensure that the original structure and pump are maintained correctly for future use for all the
benefiting parties. The Capacities are all in prior agreements so this draft agreement does not
change any of that, its only allocating costs. Fixed based on capacity and variable based on
actual use. Since actual use is only LPEA pumping costs, all other costs are fixed. (After much
discussion Matt was instructed by the board to send LPPWWA a corrected version of the
operating agreement).
7.Approval of the Bills – Bill.com report to follow.
8. Public Comment or Questions. NONE.
9. Adjourn. 6:04PM
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water
Authority will hold a meeting on Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 at 2:00pm. The meeting will be
held in person at 48 County Road 250 Suite #5 Durango, Co 81301.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Call to order.
Board Members Present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Tom Brossia
Staff Present: Matt Nesbitt
Legal Counsel Present: Floyd Smith
2. Approval of the Agenda.
Tom made a motion to approve the agenda, Jeff 2nd approved.
3. Executive Session- Legal Advice 24-6-4.2(4)(b), C.R.S
Ward made a motion to adjourn regular session meeting and enter executive session to
seek legal counsel on the various entities involved in the operating agreement with the
Lake Durango pipeline. Tom 2nd, approved.
4. Adjourn.
Minutes 6/20/2024
1. Call to Order 5:13PM
Board Present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Tom Brossia, Mike Roussin.
John Gallup excused.
Visitors: Melissa Schneider(Dwest 1), Tom Phelps(Dwest 1), Rob Wolf(La PLata Vista
Estates), Dan Murphy (SEH), Joe Carter (Heritage), Philip Rennhack(SEH), Budd
Fitts(Resident),Michael Wasson( Rafter J), Bev Lawrence(Dwest 2).
2. Approval of the Agenda.
3. Approval of 5/16/2024. Mike moved to approve minutes, Jeff 2nd, approved.
4. General Managers Report: Administration, Source, Rate Relief, Treatment.
5. Rate Study Draft Questions.
6. La Plata Vista.
7. SEH Development.
8. Approve Bills.
9. Public Comment.
10. Adjourn.
4. Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Financials are attached and sales are increasing since we started with a dry spring and summer.
I am interested to see how the LPWAA fill station increases usage per month and if it will level
out or if they will continue to add new customers. In a week to ten days they will have sold 1
million gallons out of the fill station in just shy of a year( very neat). We did have some costly
leak repairs but we worked with the Hoa’s so that we could be added to their summer asphalt
patching list, so the mobilization fees were divided (save money). During May the plant
treated 6,393,800 gallons and the lake currently is at an estimated 990 AF after draining Amber
to work on the toe drain.
Source and Supply.
During May and June we pumped Nighthorse water to fill the hole LPWWA owed from last year
and there amount needed for this year(39AF). We also were very fortunate that the Pine Ridge
Ditch came on and off multiples times getting us to the 970AF mark. The cold nights in may
really helped gradual melting of the snow pack up in the La Platas resulting in 120 AF delivered
from the ditch. In the fall we will pump Nighthorse water again to mix the lake and refill what
was consumed from heavy consumptive summer months.
Rate Relief.
Susan Tappan at 37 Tomahawk had 2 valves fail on the irrigation system causing 35,000 gallon
leak to form in the yard. Susan reported the leak and had her water shutoff and inspected the
house and irrigation system showing the faulty valves. Susan replaced the valves but is
requesting rate relief since this is the first time she has had any water leaks in 23 years. Mike
motioned for Tier 1 rate relief, Jeff 2nd, approved.Tim and Chris work Performed list.
2nd quarter TTHM and HAA5 Samples submitted (Had to re-sample, Green Analytical had an
issue getting the samples out on time. Original sample arrived out of temp)
Leak repaired @ 1489 Ridge Road
Leak repaired @ Roble way and D&RG
Trappers Tank Refurbishment ongoing—Not fast enough
Found leak in trappers crossing that emptied the temporary tanks – Customer had a 10 gpm
leak in their irrigation system
We have been running/observing Filter #1
Periodic tank inspections
Treated the lake with Copper Sulfate for Algae control
Pine Ridge Ditch turned off – releasing Amber reservoir into LD
Nighthorse Pass through pumping is over, pumps are off (130AF)
2 new taps at 430 Old Snag
New meter install at 251 Bell Circle
Replaced Faulty Chlorine Regulator
Evoqua Chlorine Dioxide generator site visit
Bacteriological Samples
Issues with Lake Durango Tank/Water Treatment Plant communications – Browns Hill made a
temporary fix, working on a permanent fix
Normal Day to Day tasks
The lake was treated early June (copper sulphate)and with the Nighthorse water and Ditch wa-
ter mixing it has been easier to treat this summer. Last year with only Ditch water it wasextremely difficult and hard on the plant filters to keep up. I think when we have the oppor-
tunity, we should keep using the two sources so the plant runs more efficiently.
5. Rate Draft Questions.
There has been a lot of concern on this first draft so I will meet with Carl so he can break down
costs associated with retail and bulk. Carl did bring up a concern for not having peak flow charges
to bulk customers since the demand is such a hard hit to the entire system. I think we need to
look at peak flow charges in the future since we don’t know when bulks turn on. Mike asked
that the costs analysis and draft updates be shared so the bulks can follow the progress of the
study and the many iterations.
6. La Plata Vista Estates.
La Plata Vista Estates Hoa would like to see if LDWA could take over their water distribution and
billing for their 28 residents. They do have an operator that does monthly reporting and are
open to ideas on how they could transition over management for their small system. Rob Wolff
asked if LDWA could take over the distribution system for the 28 residents at La Plata Vista
Estates. This would entail all reporting, billing, repairs and maintenance. The board asked Mr.
Wolff to set up a meeting with the current operator and LDWA staff so they could learn all the
parts of the system to make an educated recommendation.
7.SEH Development.
Dan Murphy and SEH have been hired to help with a possible development on La Plata Heights
LLC which is 240 acres west of Durango West 1. The new owners of the property are looking at
different scenarios for developing 6 homes or 180 homes. I think this has been a reoccurring
scenario for this property and the access/ water have always held up any development. Dan
will attend the meeting and explain what they have figured out up to this point. Dan Murphy
explained they are in the initial phases of looking into a possibility of a development and
wanted to communicate to the LDWA board. The initial visit was to see if LDWA could provide
water taps in the future and how many in a multi phased system. The short answer from the
board was yes but we need more information and how many homes you expect water taps
for. Also a discussion on fire flows and storage with the fire department should happen so all
parties know their expectations.
8.Approval of the Bills – Bill.com report to follow. Tom motion, Jeff 2nd, approved.
9. Public Comment or Questions.
Bev asked that the links on the website be updated because some are not working. She also
stated she would ask the operator for better communication.
10. Adjourn. 6:63PM
Minutes 7/18/2024
1. Call to Order 5:15pm
Board Present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Thom Brossia, John Gallup, Excused Mike
Visitors: Beverly L (Durango West 2), Clayton Harrison CHC Engineering.
2. Approval of the Agenda.
3. Approval of 6/20/2024 Minutes. John motioned to approve, Jeff 2nd approved.
4. General Managers Report: Administration, Source, Rate Relief, Treatment.
5. Rate Study/ Cost Analysis.
6. Seabiscuit Development.
7. Approve Bills.
8. Public Comment.
9. Adjourn. 6:44pm
4. Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Financials are attached and sales are increasing as consumption climbs during the summer
months. During June the plant treated 8,339,900 gallons and the lake currently is at an
estimated 969 AF. We estimate during the summer months we are losing 2 inches every ten
days due to evaporation. Please look over our new ADA compliant website!
Source and Supply.
We had to install additional no trespassing signs around the lake since we had a vehicle park on
the water’s edge in very soft soil. Staff also told kids not to use our thrust block on top of the
dam as a spot to sit and fish. We do not want anyone slipping and falling onto our aluminum
staff gauge markers. The toe drain wheel is chained and locked but we do not want people
spending any time on the dam potentially causing damage.
Rate Relief.
The Gibsons at 1173 Heritage Road in Trappers Crossing are asking for rate relief after they re-
ceived a large water bill. The Gibsons had their plumber look around the house and found
nothing. The Gibsons had San Juan Water Works look over the irrigation to their property and
found nothing wrong. Staff has tried to educate the Gibsons on rate relief and how it works but
the Gibsons keep asking staff to “adjust their bill back to normal usage”
“Staff thinks a valve
was left open during winterization last year and the irrigation company won’t admit to it this
summer”. Board asked for invoices from plumber and irrigation company to show repairs/
issues were fixed, no relief until we have documentation.
Stefanie Fielder at 1074 D&RG had new irrigation installed and they had the timer turned on
too frequently. They fully admitted to not understanding the system and using too much water.
They asked for rate relief for the learning curve and now understood the tiered premiumsystem.
“Staff asked them to spread their new knowledge to the neighbors and help promote
conserving water not wasting it”
. Tom motioned for Tier 1 relief Jeff 2nd approved.
By treating the lake after filling it with a combination of ditch water and Nighthorse water we
have not seen any algae blooms. We will add Nighthorse water this fall treating the lake again
to make sure we stay free of any algae which helps reduce the amount of chemicals we use in
the plant. Staff works very hard at delivering tasty odor free water.
Tim and Chris work Performed list.
Fill trappers tank starting 7/11(2ft per day)
Trappers tank Bacteriological samples
Trappers tank Volatile Organic Chemicals samples (VOC’s)
Replaced booster pump at lower deer valley pumphouse
WTP Distribution meter quotes/sizing
Quote/Schedule for new distribution pump install
Run filter 1
Replaced air vac on b/w line
2310 Deer Valley Meter install
Booster pump test station
Chlorine Delivery
Ordered PAC (poly aluminum Chloride)
Installed dampeners on filter 1 effluent valve actuator
Ordered 2 backup booster pumps
Cleaned pac injection equipment
Replaced filter 1 wastegate bearings and actuator pinsLawn/Vegetation Maintenance
Horizon Environmental sprayed Thistle
Discovered irrigation leak at 2317 Deer Valley twice (homeowner out of country)
Recycled old used/inoperable motors
Repaired leaky meter pit by trappers’ tank
Installed new sample ports in 3 pump houses
Met with Bruce Murray about a water line extension in Long Hollow
Normal day to day operations
5. Rate Study Draft Questions.
After some discussion on shared costs we have an updated cost analysis to look over and discuss.
On the fixed and variable costs each item can be discussed and given a percentage for cost
sharing. This is a new analysis from Carl so its more to get people thinking and asking questions
for further discussions. I suggest we have a work session to discuss fixed and variable costs
because there are too many items to look at during a normal meeting. Board wants additional
information in the columns for who benefits.
6.Seabiscuit Development.
Clayton Harrison (CHC Engineers) is working with Jaime Johnson and Mary Austin to develop
property off county road 125 along Seabiscuit and Vaquero Way. Last winter the Fire
Department required fire flows of 1000 gallons per minute and a hydrant every 150 ft. Clayton
will be giving us an update on new possibilities he has been working on with the Durango Fire
to help reduce fire flow demand. Clayton stated each house will be deed restricted requiring
internal fire suppression lowering fire flow demand to 550gpm. For LDWA I think the best
layout would be to have a storage tank and separate lines feeding the fire hydrants and
separate service lines to each house. This way we have separate water lines that can be
isolated for any repairs without affecting the entire neighborhood. Clayton asked that LDWA
fill out the comment form on the county notice for the subdivision. The board stated we could
add notes that we are aware of the subdivision but we don’t have any details to add specifics.
Tom stated we have our Engineer look over the project to get ahead of any issues and bill the
7.Approval of the Bills – Bill.com report to follow. Tom motioned to approve bills, Jeff 2nd
approved.8. Public Comment or Questions. Beverly stated she was worried about cost percentages on
the rate study and wanted different column breakdowns.
9. Adjourn. 6:44PM
Minutes 8/15/2024
Call to Order 5:13pm
Board Present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Tom Brossia, Call In Mike Roussin, Excused- John Gallup. Staff present: Tim, Chris, Matt. Visitors: Gene Bradley (Shenandoah Subdivision) Beverly Lawrence (D West 2) Mike Wasson (Rafter J).
Approval of the Agenda.
Approval of 7/18/2024 Minutes. Jeff motioned to approve minutes; Tom 2nd approved.
General Managers Report: Administration, Source, Rate Relief, Treatment.
Rate Study Update/ Discussion.
Rafter J.
Approve Bills. Tom motioned to approve, Jeff2nd , approved.
Public Comment.
Adjourn. 6:53PM
4. Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Financials are attached and sales increased due to the higher temperatures for July. Water sales definitely increased since May and June so we are looking good until monsoon season. During July the plant treated 8,016,500 gallons and the lake currently is at an estimated 966 AF.
Source and Supply.
ALPOM&R did not charge us O&M costs($2,2247.80) during our pumping this year because they used the intertest they acquired through the investment CD’S. This was a very nice gesture, and this staff have been very enjoyable to work with. I think in the future things will tighten up as other groups or authorities take water out of Nighthorse so we should enjoy these working relationships. I have concerns that in the future the aging ALP pumps are going to be more difficult to fix and parts will become scarce. Nighthorse pumping will become very expensive whether they fix old pumps or buy new ones.
Rate Relief.
The Gibsons at 1173 Heritage Road in Trappers Crossing are asking for rate relief after they received a large water bill. It turns out a curb stop was left open during the winterization process blowing out their irrigation lines in the fall. When the irrigation was turned on in the summer the water ran even when the timer was off. The curb stop was adjusted and now the Gibsons know more about their irrigation system. Jeff motioned for Tier 1 rate relief, Tom 2nd , approved.
Shadid at 395North Lakeside Drive at had irrigation leak that they noticed and fixed promptly. Jeff motioned for Tier 1, Tom 2nd, approved.
Flethchers at 2317 Deer Valley Road in Trappers Crossing had an irrigation leak while out of the country. We notified the builder and he got the problem resolve quickly. Tom motioned for Tier 1 relief, Jeff 2nd approved.
So far the May treatment to the lake has kept away all the algae. Later in the fall we may treat the lake again unless the rain and newly pumped Nighthorse water keep a good clear balance. As long as we stay ahead of any algae blooms we will save our filters in the plant from being clogged like the old days.
Tim and Chris work Performed list.
Fill trappers tank starting 7/11(2ft per day)
Work performed:
Fixed leak at Rafter J Pump House(West Fork)
Installed Vault and pressure transducer @ Trapper’s tank
Electrical storm 7/20 took out some electronics in the WTP – Browns hill called in to replace PLC Card for the SCADA and replace the sensaphone. New Chlorine detector ordered, new SC1000 ordered(Century Link was not helpful).
Trappers tank is online
New tuck in the shop to replace faulty AC compressor/parts backordered
Replaced meter radios
Quarterly Distribution byproduct samples submitted (TTHMs,HAA5s, and Chlorite)
PAC (coagulant) delivery
Tim took some vacation time
Normal day to day operations
5. Rate Study Draft Questions.
You all received the update excel spread sheet showing consumption and who benefits. I think a tutorial on the distribution system will help show how certain tanks and pump houses are needed for all lines to be primed and ready for use whether its retail or bulk. Once we have an understanding of the system we can discuss cost breakdowns and then turn that back over to Carl to update and his cost tables. Mike R stated he did not like having to digest Carls tables to figure out percentages and then have to approve it. Mik R stated he wanted to look over the costs and double check the amounts and then go over it with Carl on Zoom. Mike R stated Carls numbers and percentages do not represent cost of service which is required by the board to examine and approve. Ward stated once Mike Looks over his costs, we can all meet and ask Carl to explain his costs and consumption breakdowns. Mike R said he would compute, and update percentages based on cost of service and then share his findings with the board. Tom stated Carl is fully capable to breakdown costs and we need to keep moving forward. John stated we should get a second study to compare. Jeff stated we should use more consumption years to fully understand the costs associated.
6.Rafter J.
Rafter J HOA is still pursuing the formation of their own Water District and having engineers provide costs estimates for new main lines. They have also expressed an interest in adding 3 fire hydrants along Ridge Road since they have been receiving lots of questions and concerns from residents about homeowners insurance. We are looking into the possibility of adding a valve on the outlet line of Rafter J Tank and running a line down to the 10 inch dry hydrants. Harris Water is writing up a plan for this project since the HOA and Fire Department have specific needs for flow and hydrant locations. The HOA also knows that engineering work needed for LDWA and any construction costs will be covered by the HOA since this is a unique project. The board stated they have no issue with trying to help a subdivision combat fire danger as long as it doesn’t cause issues with our infrastructure or compliance testing.
7.Approval of the Bills – Bill.com report to follow. Tom motioned to approved bills, Jeff 2nd, approved.
8. Public Comment or Questions. Mike Wasson asked about his smart meter install and when that could be finished? Staff explained we need the adapter which is backordered to install the meter. Chris stated he would show Mike how it operates.
9. Adjourn. 6:53pm
Minutes 9/19/2024
Call to Order: 5:14pm
Board Present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Tom Brossia, Mike Roussin, John Gallup. Staff present: Tim, Chris, Matt
Visitors Present: Janet Anderson (D WEST 1), Beverly Lawrence (D West 2).
Approval of the Agenda. Tom added an item for investments.
Approval of 8/15/2024 Minutes. Mike R motioned to approve minutes with a few additions, Jeff 2nd, approved.
General Managers Report: Administration, Source, Rate Relief, Treatment.
Rate Study Update/ Discussion.
La Plata Vista Estates.
Approve Bills.
Public Comment.
Investments/Money Market interest Rates
Adjourn. 6:35PM
4. Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Financials are attached and we are under on expenses for the month and ahead $17,000 on net income. YTD for total water sales we are at 94% of our budgeted projection. The rain gauge data for this year looks very similar to 2016 when we had lots of rain and then large amounts of snow in the high country above 9,000 ft. During August the plant treated 7,465,100 gallons and the lake currently is at an estimated 966 AF.
Source and Supply.
For august we have received some intense rain and hailstorms totaling 16 acre feet in the lake. This has helped keep our lake levels high through summer usage and less evaporation during the cloudy weeks. During the dam inspection the groin location( makes contact with the abutments) was really saturated so the inspector told us not to pump any additional water into the lake this fall. The inspector wants to see if the area will dry out on its own. If it does not dry out the inspector has some solutions on how to remediate the area and add some drainage and piping.
Rate Relief.
The sickle family at 207 Rendezvous had an irrigation leak that took multiple months to find and track down. They found the connection leaking at the irrigation hydrant and landscape company made the repairs quickly once the leak location was discovered. The Sickle family are asking for rate relief since this issue lasted multiple months and are in good standing with the Authoriy. Tom stated its hard to find good contractors to show up because everyone is so busy. Mike R motioned for Tier 1 rate relief for the months of July and August, Jeff 2nd , approved.
John Spear and Holly Hagan at 424 Miramonte are requesting rate relief after they found an irrigation leak on their property. After hearing water running though a house wall they searched all over the house and had staff download a current report showing the spike in usage. After connections and valves were inspected the leak was not found so they had the entire irrigation pipe replaced. Tom motioned to approve Tier 1 rate relief, Mike R 2nd , approved.
The filters were clogging often when we discovered copepods were swimming around in the sample beaker. The copepods were attached to small micro algae or transferred after they attached to sediment delivered by the Pine Ridge Ditch. Either way the copepods are not harmful and were removed during the filter process.
Tim and Chris work Performed list.
Lead and Copper samples have been submitted, waiting on results
TTHM and HAA5 sample results were submitted to the state, the results are below the MCL
Met with Barbara Wolf (la plata vista hoa); spoke to Ben Keilly(our compliance officer) about the implications of taking over
We have 150 gallons of Coagulant that needs to be disposed of – looking into ways to dispose (Safety Kleen out of Farmington $3800.00, La Plata County Household Hazardous Waste Disposal – Free, but limited amounts)
Chlorine delivery
Cleaned pumphouses
Replaced lightning damaged SC1000 Controller/Probe module
Removed willows from the lake side of the dam
Dam inspection – The inspection went well, the inspector had a few insights for us – will provide greater detail after receiving the report
New Leak Discovered – Located in rough terrain, requiring us to rent a mini excavator. We plan on fixing the leak 9/24
New service agreement with Evoqua, obtained new pricing for Chlorite
Interviewed 2 people for the water operator position – hired Brandon Betancourt
Working on obtaining quotes for Filter #2 refurb
Regular Day to Day operations
5. Rate Study Update / Discussion.
Last board meeting Mike R stated he would work on the cost of service and submit his findings to the board which he did. Carl has asked that we give him a direction to go since we have worked on this since February. Mike R stated we have to have a cost of service study based on our organizational charter. The board discussed different options to use the draft rate study and add cost of service elements(additional engineering). Ultimately the board decided to stop the rate study project and directed Matt to find an engineering firm to perform a cost-of-service analysis. The analysis will help with the future growth and costs associated with La Plata West Water Authority and their phase two expansion. Mike R motioned stop the rate study and get a costs of service analysis, Jeff 2nd, approved.
6.La Plata Vista Estates.
After looking through the sales for 2023 and 2024 it seems if we took on La Plata Vista estates and added them to our retail system we would only bring in an additional $3500 annually. We will continue to look up the systems state records and speak with the operator to gain more knowledge. Currently all we can do is obtain more information and start a list of items we wish LPVE to fix or produce more information on. Once we have enough information on the systems history and health the board can decide if the authority will take on LPVE.
7.Approval of the Bills. Tom motioned to approve bills, Jeff 2nd, approved.
8. Public Comment or Questions.
NO Comments from Beverly, Janet stated we wish for the analysis to be fair to all involved.
9. Investments/ Money markets. Tom stated we should move our money to an account that has a higher interest rate. Mike stated we should look into Colorado Trust because they sometimes have interest rates as high as 9%. Ward stated to add the money market interest rates discussion to the next months agenda.
10. Adjourn.
Minutes 10/17/2024
Call to Order. 5:17PM
Board Present: Ward Holmes, Tom Brossia, Mike Roussin, John Gallup, Excused: Jeff Wagner. Staff Present: Tim, Matt. Visitors: Mike Wasson Rafter J resident.
Approval of the Agenda. Tom motioned to approve agenda, Mike R 2nd approved.
Approval of 9/19/2024 Meeting Minutes. Mike Motioned to approve minutes, Tom 2nd, approved.
General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment Water System.
2025 Draft Budget–—
LDWA Investment Options.
Cost of Service Update.
Approval of Bills.
Public Comment.
Adjourn. 6:31PM
4. Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Water production for September was 6,540,300 gallons averaged out to 218,000gallons per day. The reservoir is projected to be around 838 AF by the end of the October. We appreciate all the rain from August and a little in September to keep the reservoir full and with the storms we experienced cooler days and less evaporation. For financials moving into fall we see water sales slowing down and expenses such as equipment rentals and labor staying a little high for all the leak repairs after hours. All things considered net income is looking strong and we will stay tight on our operating expenses this last quarter.
Rate Relief Request.
Kari Escher at 143 Lower road is requesting rate relief since they had a service line to their house break. The Echers had a large increase in their water bill so they went to investigate and found the leak draining into the neighbors yard. They notified us immediately and began digging up there property with a mini excavator. The Escher’s have a good account history and have not asked for rate relief in the last 3 years. Mike Motioned for tier 1 rate relief, Tom 2nd, approved.
Source and Supply.
Last month we spoke about the copepods from the lake clogging up our filters and looks like they have gone away. We all wandered if the small crustaceans came in from Amber reservoir or worked there way through the ditch during runoff and hatched several months later. In some pond dwelling species the eggs have a tough outer shell so they can lie dormant for extended periods of time if a pond dries up. Either way we are glad they have disappeared and are not clogging up the filter anymore.
Distribution: A group in Rafter J on Panorama Drive have contacted an excavation company to develop plans for a main line extension either off Deer Trail or Cast Ridge Drive. Its in the early stages for this group to budget and plan out the extension if they have enough funds. Once they are serious we will get our engineering done and help guide them on the line extension but for now its all discussions.
We met with La Plata County public works employees on future plans out at the 136 gravel pit. The County is looking into a possible main line extension south along 136 for multiple scenarios on the gravel pit site. The county is in the early stages but in the future, they would like to build a conference room, gun range, driving course and operate the gravel pit. There are more conversations to come with what exactly they envision for that property, but it will only help us to move more water at the south end of our lines.
5. 2025 Draft Budget Attached.
2025 draft budget only has a few small capital items for new billing software and building new pumphouses. Mike R stated we should go after more capital projects and start the Clearwell project again. Tom agreed and said we should get ahead of a large project before it holds us back from operating. Tim stated we need to add a new plc to the plant and we need to talk with Browns Hill.
6. LDWA Investment Options.
After speaking with Bank of San Juans, Colo Trust, Alpine and TBK they all have CD’s consistently from 4 to 5 %. I have a call on Friday with Baird Financial who is FDIC insured and states they can beat those percentages. I feel confident that we could invest 150 or 200K with a few laddered out cd’s to help boost our reserves. The board decided we should move our money out of TBK and invest in Alpines money market accounts with a better interest rate.
7. Cost of Service Update.
I spoke with Association Reserves to see if they have the ability to run a cost of service study for us. I think they are used to larger systems in bigger cities so they may not really understand our small unique needs but they are willing to discuss in the future.
Raftelis Management Consulting who worked with the City of Durango in 2019(Rate and Fee Study for Water and Wastewater) is another possible option. I spoke with Todd describing the customer classes and gave a little overview of the system so he had an idea of how things worked. Todd was formerly the Manager of Rates for Denver Water so he understands all the customer classes and was the past chair and current member off AWWA Rates and Charges Committee. Todd seemed very knowledgeable and agreed to discuss our needs in the future. The board wanted to ask the Raftelis point of contact before they make any decisions on a future cost of service. The board also stated that this cost of service study will need to be revisited in 2029 when things financially change and we are not paying the royalty.
Tim and Chris work Performed list-
Trappers Crossing Leak repair/clean up
New tap @ 219 Oak Road
Chlorite Delivery
Snow Tires on F250
Schedule New WTP Distribution pump/flow meter install (tentative week of 10/21)
Tank Inspections
Cleaned Pumphouses
Cleaned Treatment plant
Met with the County to go over potential mainline extension to gravel pit on CR 136
Submitted Monthly Operating Report and Chlorine Dioxide/Chlorite quarterly report
Bacteriological Samples
Planning on sampling for (on 10/16) : Fluoride, Nitrate, Volatile Organic Chemicals, and Inorganics (Metals)
Trappers crossing tank exterior was painted
Investigated leak on Mtn. Top road, will schedule repair in the next few weeks
The VFD for the LD Tank Blower had a wiring issue, Phillips Electric fixed the issue
Obtained Lead and Copper Results
Obtained Quotes for Re-coating filter #2
Obtained a quote for new media for filter #2 (material is $8,132.00 ; freight is $4,720.00) total $12,852.00 – shipping puts us over the $10,000.00 3 quote threshold, do we need to get 2 more quotes?
We are having issues with the filter controller. Browns hill gave us a rough quote to transfer the controls (for 1 filter) to the new PLC – Will likely have to replace the controller in the future
Will sample 4th quarter THHMs, HAA5s and Chlorite next month
Chris took a well-deserved vacation
Regular day to day operations
8. Approval of the Bills – Bill.com report to follow Mike R motioned to approve bills, Tom 2nd, approved.
9.Public Comment. Mike Wasson just asked about some of the projects over years and where some of the large costs went. The pipeline was described and all the tank mixers, solar bee and strippers inside the tank for water mixing were explained.
Minutes 10/31/2024
Call to order. 9:30am
Board Present: Ward, Tom, Jeff, John, Mike. Staff present : Matt.
Visitors Present: Janet ( D west 1), Beverly (D west 2) , Todd Christiano (Raftelis REP).
Approval of the Agenda. Tom approved , Mike R 2nd approved.
Cost of Service Presentation by Raftelis.
Todd listed out prior studies and received retail and bulk questions on costs associated from prior projects. Mike stated we need to make sure bulks like LPWWA are paying the correct amount on cost since they have become a new customer and are using 22% of the water. Todd stated a site visit to understand the distribution system will be needed to fully understand the system and it complexities. After the site visit a time frame for the entire project to be completed can be delivered. An updated cost for this COS proposal was requested once Todd has a better understanding on scope of work.
Questions on Scope. John stated the scope needs to be very accurate so Raftelis examines the correct costs and the COS covers all our needs. Tom motioned for Raftelis to start the Cost of Service study, Ward 2nd , approved.
Adjourn. 10:16am
Minutes 11/21/2024
Call to Order. 5:17pm
Board Present: Ward Holmes, Tom Brossia, Jeff Wagner, Mike Roussin and John Gallup. Staff Present: Matt Nesbitt, Tim Graham and Chris Moore.
Approval of the Agenda.
Approval of 10/17/ and 10/31/2024 Meeting Minutes. Mike R motioned to approve, Jeff 2nd, approved.
Budget Hearing 2025.
General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment Water System.
Clear well Update.
Cost Of Service Update/ Proposal.
Approval of Bills.
Public Comment or Questions. NONE
Executive Session. Personnel Matters 24-6-402(4)(f),CRS.
Adjourn. 6:47pm
4. 2024 Budget Hearing.
See attached.
5. Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Water production for October was 5,799,300 million gallons and we estimate the lake is at 833 acre feet. We did have to renew our Pinnacol Insurance starting in November and they raised rates 9% from last year. For October we are under on operating expenses and we are ahead on Net income by by $81,000.
Rate Relief Request:
Gunnar Anderson at King Mountain Estates is requesting rate relief after they noticed a leak in the irrigation line. Once they noticed water saturating one portion of the yard and a large water bill they dug up the line and noticed a hole. They dug up the line immediately and made repairs. Mike motioned for Tier 1 rate relief, Jeff 2nd, approved.
Mike Karpfen at 110 Conestoga Way is requesting rate relief after they discovered a frost free hydrant leaking. The Karpfen family was on a 3 week trip so they did not notice a leak until they got back from the trip and had an increase in their water bill. Mike and his family are asking for rate relief during this hard time and have a good account history with the authority. Mike motioned for Tier 1 rate relief, Tom2nd, approved.
Source and Supply:
ALPOM&R has asked for the Nighthorse pumping schedule/ prediction that LDWA is planning on for 2025. We need to estimate and plan for next years usage so we can estimate the acre feet needed to re fill the lake. What worked great in the spring of 2024 was to mix Nighthorse water with Pine Ridge Ditch water which resulted in less taste and odor and quicker treatment.
The Pine Ridge Ditch on top of Hesperus hill was regraded and cleaned out this fall. We also had a contractor cut out overgrowth and drop trees that had grown inside the ditch. The last step was seeding the sides and top of the ditch so we can retain the soil and keep it from running down the hillside. Now we can have the ditch rider inspect and patrol easily along the ditch and look for obstructions before we have an issue or breach.
Tim and Chris work Performed list-
Here is a list of work performed since the 10/17 Board meeting:
New Distribution pump was installed in the WTP
New distribution pump piping was installed in the WTP
New Flow meter was installed in the WTP
Sampled 4th quarter Distribution By-Products (TTHM,HAA5s and Chlorite)
Spoke with Andrew Rice, a CDPHE engineer to update the Record of Approved Water Works to reflect the installation of the new pump and flow meter
Spoke to Andrew Rice about potential solutions for Disinfection Credit (ozone, UV, increased clearwell volume, Credit for Chlorine dioxide)
Meeting with Dave Henry about solutions for Disinfection Credit
Accepted quote from WBS Coatings to refurbish filter # 2
Ordered filter media for filter #2
Ordered Chlorine Cylinders
Browns Hill installed new radios (again) for the SCADA system – Changed from LD tank -> Shen Tank -> Treatment plant to LD tank -> Treatment plant and Shen Tank -> Treatment plant
Charles Moore with Browns Hill is putting together a quote for a new PLC to run filter 1 +2
Installed 20+ radio/meter registers
Installed new Chlorine Detection Alarm
Insulated meter pits with dirt
Filter 2 has been heavily used over the years and we have collected bids to get it refurbished over the winter. Now that Filter 1 has been fixed and put back online we can now focus our attention on repairing filter 2 adding new media, anthracite and refurbishing (Poly Urea)the entire filter.
6. Clear Well Update.
We met With Harris Water to look over the multiple options for the clear well expansion including a pressurized external (baffled)tank or contact basin/field. We are also bringing up a new strategy which involves a chlorine dioxide generator or batch system. Once some titration tests are performed we can show the state engineer the data and see what he will approve as a faster treatment and faster option for distribution. Tim explained how a contact basin worked as well as the pros and cons of of an external pressurized tank.
7. Cost Of Service Update/ Proposal.
Todd (Raftelis)sent over the new proposal for the cost of Service study which includes a site visit to understand the distribution system and also added multiple virtual meeting to inform the board. I asked Todd to include in his proposal extra time for virtual meetings so the board will get updates on progress during the study and have the ability to ask questions. I also asked Todd to be available to present the final Cost of Service Study so that the board and public could ask questions and understand the final product. Proposal is attached.
8.Approval of the Bills – Bill.com report to follow .
Mike wanted to make sure we were happy with central square before we paid for the renewal.
9. Public Comment. NONE
10. Executive Session Personnel Matters 24-6-402(4)(f),CRS.
Mike Motioned to enter into executive session Jeff 2nd, board entered session at 6:30pm to discuss employees, work performance and pay. Mike motioned to exit executive session at 6:42pm , Jeff 2nd, board entered back into public meeting.
Ward motioned to adjourn meeting at 6:47pm, Jeff 2nd, approved.
Draft Minutes 12/19/2024
Call to Order. 5:19pm
Board Present: Jeff Wagner, Mike Roussin, Tom Brossia.
Staff Present: Matt Nesbitt, Tim Graham, Chris Moore. Visitors: Beverly Lawrence (D West 2)
Approval of the Agenda. Mike made a motioned to approve, Tom 2nd approved.
Approval of 11/21/2024 Meeting Minutes. Mike made a motion to approved minutes, Jeff 2nd approved.
General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment Water System.
Approve Resolutions 25-1 Meeting locations, Resolution 25-2 Adopt 2025 Budget and Resolution 25-3 Appropriate sums of money.
Approval of Bills. Tom, Jeff 2nd approved.
Public Comment.
Executive Session if Needed. General Personnel Policies 24-6-4-402(4)(F)
4. Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
For 11 months of actuals we are under on expenses by $81,000 and our net income is well above what was budgeted by $138,000. Considering all the repairs and leaks we fixed this season we are really happy being under on expenses.
Water production for November was 4,738,290 million gallons and we estimate the lake is at 798 acre feet. Since installing the new Flow meter in early November we can already see a difference in recorded distribution numbers.
Rate Relief Request:
Mr. Powell at 1074 Ridge Road is asking for rate relief after discovering water accumulating on the side of his property. The excavation company arrived the next day exposing and repairing the damaged section by noon. Mr. Powell is asking for rate relief since they fixed the line quickly trying to reduce the water loss. Mike motioned for Tier 1 rate relief, Tom 2nd, approved.
Source and Supply:
The 2025 Nighthorse pumping schedule was submitted so ALPOM&R can start negotiations with Western Area Power Administration for fixed electric costs. LDWA is charged a fixed cost for the water that must be pumped into Nighthorse after we take out our annual shares.
Tim and Chris work Performed list-
Insulated meter pits with dirt and straw
Installed new sump pump in the King Mountain Pump Station
Hot tap at 460 Sawmill rd
Turned the water off for several customers with leaks/hot water heater issues
Thawed several frozen meters
Replaced broken freeze plate on a meter(Meadow RD)
Chlorine cylinder delivery
Bacteriological samples
Received Distribution by product results (TTHM,HAA5s and chlorite) – results are good, Below the Maximum Contaminant Level
Aarron Kothe with Lane Electric Programmed 2 VFDs in the Shenandoah pump station to kill power to the pumps if they run dry
We had a $1500 USA Blue Book credit – ordered 2 pocket colorimeters (tests chlorine residual)
Normal day to day operations
Tim took a short Vacation
As we move inter the colder months we are distributing 150 to 200 gpm based off current demand. During the colder months we can only treat and distribute at a slower pace because of the contact time the chlorine needs with the colder water. So we are looking into the clear well expansion and different options for the day we will need to distribute higher flows. The options we are comparing with our Dove compliance officer are, Contact field or basin, UV and Ozone treatment. All options will need to analyzed and compared anyway if we expect to ask for help from the State Revolving Fund. More information to come!
5. Approve Resolutions 25-1 Meeting locations, Mike made a motion to approve 25-1 Jeff 2nd approved.
Resolution 25-2 Adopt 2025Budget – Mike made a motion to adopt and approve 2025 budget Tom 2nd approved. 25-3 Appropriate Sums of Money Mike made a motion to approve 25-3 appropriate sums of money, Jeff 2nd , approved.
6. Approval of the Bills – Bill.com report to follow
Tom made a motion to approve bills, Jeff 2nd approved.
7. Public Comment. Beverly stated D west 2 wishes to meet and discuss pumping schedules.
8. Executive Session if Needed. 6:12PM Mike motioned for executive session CRS 24-6-402 (4) and (F) to discuss personnel matters, Tom 2nd approved. Mike motioned to exit executives session at 6:13pm, Tom 2nd approved.
9. Adjourn.