2023 Agendas
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, January 19th, 2023 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows: 1. Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 12/15/2022 Meeting Minutes.
- 2023 Meeting Dates and Locations—Resolution 2023-1 5. Approve Rates Resolution 2023-2
- General Managers Report: Administration, Source, Treatment Water System. 7. Capital Improvement Plan RFP
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions. 10. Adjourn.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, February 16th, 2023 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 1/19/2022 Meeting Minutes.
- General Managers Report: Administration, Source, Treatment Water System.
- Capital Improvement Plan RFP Update
- Approval of Bills.
- Rate Increases/Concerns
- Public Comments or Questions.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, March 16th, 2023 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 2/16/2023 Meeting Minutes.
- General Managers Report: Administration, Source, Treatment Water System.
- Capital Improvement Plan RFP Update
- Pine Ridge Ditch Discussion
- Approval of Bills.
- Rate Increases Concerns: Durango West 1 and 2
- Public Comments or Questions.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, April 20th, 2023 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 3/16/2023 Meeting Minutes.
- General Managers Report: Administration, Source, Treatment Water System, 2021 Audit.
- Capital Improvement Update
- Pine Ridge Ditch Discussion- ADAM Reeves
- Approval of Bills.
- Rate Increases Concerns: Durango West #1 and #2 / Credit
- Public Comments or Questions.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, May 18th, 2023 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 4/20/2023 Meeting Minutes.
- General Managers Report: Administration, Source, Treatment Water System, 2022 Audit.
- Capital Improvement Update
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, July20 th, 2023 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 6/15/2023 Meeting Minutes.
- New At Large Board Seat Rep.
- General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment Water System.
- Capital Improvement Update, Grant Writer and Engineer.
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
- Adjourn.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, September 21st, 2023 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 8/17/2023 Meeting Minutes.
- General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment, Water System, Trappers Tank Update and Grants Update.
- Capital Improvement Update, Grant Writer and Engineer/ Trappers Tank update.
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
- Adjourn.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, November 16th, 2023 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 10/19/2023 Meeting Minutes.
- 2024 Budget Hearing
- General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment.
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
- Adjourn.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, December 21st, 2023 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held in person at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 11/16/2023 Meeting Minutes.
- General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment.
- Approve Resolutions 24-1 Meeting locations and Resolution 24-2 Adopt 2024 Budget
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
- Adjourn.
2023 Minutes
Agenda Items and GM Report 1/19/2023
- Call to Order —5:15 PM
Directors Present: Ward Holmes, Chuck Stevens, Tom Brossia, Jeff Wagoner, Mike Roussin (ZOOM) Staff Present- Charlie Smith( Zoom) Tim Graham, Chris Moore, Matt Nesbitt General Manager.
- Approval of Agenda – The agenda was
- Approval of 12/15/2022 Minutes- Chuck approved 12-15-22 minutes, Jeff 2nd,
- Set Dates and Locations for 2022 Board Meetings
Resolution 2023-1. Establishing time and place for regular meetings is attached. Updated Resolution to include Shenandoah Highlands Estates CR 141 & D&RGI Drive Durango, CO 81303. Chuck approved, Jeff 2nd, approved.
- 2023 Rates Resolution
Resolution 2023-2. Establishing Rates, Fees and Charges is attached. The water usage and base fee include a 15% rate increase from 2022. Rates resolution is attached. Jeff approved, Chuck 2nd, approved.
- General Manager’s Report
Financials, Billing, Insurance, Premium Credit Requests, etc.
2022 Water Sales are $16,000 over Budget 2022 Operating Expenses are $735 under budget.
The July 2022 Royalty was calculated the new monthly royalty payment is $3,484.04, $1072/month less than the July 2021 calculation. The Royalty should have been updated for the August payment.
Haynie CPAs are scheduled to begin the 2021 Audit fieldwork in February. Haynie did not want to send the engagement letter for the 2022 Audit until 2021 is completed.
Susin Osbourne 581 Ruins Point road is requesting rate relief and needs income eligibility guidelines. The emergency response plan is almost complete and once certified will be filed with the state representative and( water quality control division) and EPA.
Credit Requests- Mike approved Tier 1 premiums for -Rochelle Park . Chuck 2nd, approved.
Chuck approved Tier 1 premiums for Dudley and Kris Ashwood. Jeff 2nd, approved. Mike approved Tier 1 premiums for Laurence Hutt $7,000 bill. Chuck 2nd ,approved.
Alpine Bank has canceled the old manager credit card and in the near future will need 2 e-signatures from board members to approve Matt Nesbitt to have a card.
Source and Supply: ALMOR met on January 5th, 2022. Tom Brossia and Matt Nesbitt attended the meeting which covered ALP financial accounts and PDPA interest at TBK Bank . The joint pool and direct flow was not discussed. Reservoir projection assuming no Pine Ridge Ditch water this year.
M&R ran a camera and scoped the lines to see the rock blockage below the dam. Dam inspector told us to inspect monthly and keep tabs on it. The line is free flowing and if the lines fills up again we need to alert the dam inspector immediately.
Treatment: Water Production for Dec 2022 was 6,684,300 Gallons. Calsteel is getting quotes for replacing clarifier screens for filter #1. We received quotes to replace pressure gauges going from a dial gauge to digital output. We have received quotes for pressure transducers for the backwash system. We are receiving quotes for the finish water pumps from Arvada Pump Company, Water Technologies and Boyer Seeley. Chlorine will be ordered in the next few months. Phillips Electric will be installing additional gfi outlets in the plant.
Distribution: Lots of snow removal in the last few weeks which will result in some minor repairs to the plow truck! Multiple meters have been checked for leaks at customer’s houses after the cold snap in December and wet snow causing ice buildup. Pac was ordered but the delivery is behind schedule because of the snow conditions. The old laptop crashed so we purchased a new laptop and installed the meter reading software. We ordered a new pump for the Browns Lake pump house after the old pump overheated.
- Capital Improvement Plan RFP-Sent to Goff Engineering, SEH Engineering, Plummer Engineering, SGM Engineering, and Harris Water.
- Approval of the Bills – com report to follow. Mike approved, Chuck 2nd, approved.
- Public Comments or Questions-
- Adjourn: 6:07PM
Matt Nesbitt is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: LDWA Zoom Meeting
Time: Jan 19, 2023 05:15 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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Draft Minutes 2/16/2023
1. Call to Order 5:15PM
Directors Present: Tom Brossia, Jeff Wagner, Chuck Stevens, Ward Holmes(Zoom), Mike Roussin(Zoom). Staff: Matt Nesbitt, Chris Moore, Tim Graham, Charlie Smith(Zoom), Chris Kramer (Zoom).
Resident: Tom Phelps D West 1 Board Member.
- Approval of Agenda: Ward, Chuck 2nd,
- Approval of 1/19/2023 Minutes: Chuck approved, Tom 2nd, minutes
4. General Manager’s Report
Financials, Billing, Insurance, Premium Credit Requests, etc.
January 2023 Water Sales are $14,000 over Budget, January 2023 Operating Expenses
$2,431.25 over budget. We had a few issues with ASAP payroll not paying Tim Graham’s bonus correctly, Kelly Odells HSA account number was entered wrong and Matt Nesbitt’s last paycheck was $300 over what should have been processed. ASAP has fixed Tim and Kelly’s issues and Matt will follow up so they have the correct spreadsheets and take a cut in the next pay period.
Rate Relief Request- Jim Molick who lives out state but is more or less a guardian of an elderly resident at 85 Blue Ridge is requesting relief for a leak on a frost free hydrant. The Resident at 85 Blue Ridge has passed away and Mr. Molick would like to settle the bills and sell the property. The property has not had any rate relief in the past and Mr. Molick would like to respectfully ask for assistance ($509.61 bill). Tier 1 payment sum of $279.36 Tom, Chuck 2nd, for Mr. Molick approved.
Source and Supply: ALPWCD issued a letter outlining the details of the Agreement for the Seventh (Final) Acquisition of Animas-La Plata Project Allocation for 25 AF of depletion (50 AF supply). Once all the necessary signatures are collected the anticipated closing will be March 20th, 2023. The lake is at an estimated 813 acre feet. Tom B said we should wait because technically we do not need to pay for the remaining 50 AF until May. Matt will look into this because this could be a decision for the ALP board to make.
Treatment: Water Production for January was 7,623,530 Gallons. Calsteel is making clarifier screens out of aluminum not stainless steel so we can rebuild filter #1 and save some money in the long run. We received pressure transducers for the backwash system so we can have accurate data on flush cycles. We received quotes for the finish water pumps from Arvada Pump Company, Water Technologies and Boyer Seeley (Quotes provided at board meeting). Chlorine and “pac” have been delivered right before our last storm so we got very lucky. Phillips Electric installed additional outlets in the plant so we can hook up additional gauges. The operators will be installing our pressure transducers and chlorine analyzers so we can better track the data.
Distribution: Lots of snow removal in January so the plow truck needed a new locking hub so the 4wheel drive worked. Trappers Crossing tank still has a minor leak so the operators plugged it but we will have to wait for warmer weather to weld the new patch.
Tim mentioned that refurbishing the Trappers tank could cost just as much to replace it. Tom B mentioned that the Trappers tank has had issues for years and that patching and welding it over and over has just got us by but it needs to be replaced.
- Capital Improvements Plan RFP–Sent to Goff Engineering, SEH Engineering, Plummer Engineering, SGM Engineering, and Harris Water. Some Engineering firms may need more time to go over the RFP because we found one engineering firm did not have all the attachments from the initial RFP email.
- Approval of the Bills: Tom, Jeff 2nd , – Bill.com report to follow. (print out on table).
- Rate increases Concerns— Mardi Gebhardt with La Plata West, Jane Looney from Durango West 2 and Janet Anderson from Durango West 1 are not in favor of a rate increase until we have a new rate study completed. They have expressed great concern with the % 15 rate increases in monthly charges and the %15 increase in base They feel that if rates increase they should be able to plan ahead and let residents know “6 month in advance” (Jane Looney). Matt informed the board that he had only heard from the bulk customer and none of the retail customers had called into with issues on the new rates.
8. Public Comment
Tom Phelps (D west 1 Board member) spoke about how the districts did not get enough notice on rate increases for 2023 and asked if the rates could be phased in over the year? Tom understood that inflation and all operating expenses have risen but he did not want his residents blindsided and wandered if we could phase in the increase over the year? Charlie spoke about how the rate increases were discussed and approved in November’s meeting when the board adopted the budget. Mike Roussin told the board he was under the impression that the rate increases and all the capitol improvements were needed by the state for compliance.
Mike R said if we can hold off on the list of improvements we should phase in the rate increases over the year starting in June with %7.5 and then phase in the rest of the remainder over the course of the year to reach the %15 rate increases. Mike R wanted to allow the districts more time to notify the residents so everyone was aware of the new increase to their water bill.
Ward asked if we have a motion to defer the rate increase and allow the districts more time to notify their residents. There was no 2nd so the motion died. Chris Kramer asked Tim if the clearwell expansion could be held off since the THM problem had resolved itself over the winter. Tim stated with the clearwell expansion and Filter #1 coming back online this summer we would have better contact time. There would be a longer period of time for the water to
mix in with the chlorine giving us better PH levels and increased compliance. Tim stated we are at 170 GMP but if we jump up to 200 GPM because of a massive water leak (have to increase pumping levels to fill tanks) we would be out of compliance. Tim also stated on the expensive side of things that if the media in Filter 1 may need to be replaced because the sample he took (parts per million) does not give us a definitive answer.
Tom B stated that “many improvements must be done this year because last year not a lot got done”. Tom B also stated that inflation has made many items more expensive and the longer we wait to increase rates and start projects will only cost more in the future. Tom B stated that the improvements need to get done so they we stay in compliance with CDPHE.
- Adjourn: 6:39PM
Agenda Items and GM Report 3/16/2023
- Call to Order— 5:15PM
Attendance: Board members present (Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Mike Roussin, Tom Brossia, Chuck Stevens not present—Excused prior) Staff present: Tim Graham, Chris Moore, Matt Nesbitt, Charlie Smith. Visitors: Mike Wasson Rafter J HOA, Janet Anderson Durango west 1 Manager, Tom Phelps D West 1 board member, Derek Ryter D West 2 Board Member.
- Approval of the Agenda. Tom, Mike R 2nd,
- Approval of 2/16/2023 Meeting Minutes. Jeff, Mike R 2nd, approved. Updated Bylaws for voting –section 3.8 President has same voting rights as other board members. Tom
, Mike Roussin 2nd, approved
- General Managers Report: Administration, Source, Treatment Water
- Capital Improvements Plan RFP update
- Pine Ridge Ditch discussion
- Approval of the Bills
- Rate increases Concerns- D West 1 and 2
- Public Comment
- Adjourn
- Financials, Billing, Insurance, Premium Credit Requests,
Source and Supply: Final Acquisition of Animas-La Plata Project Allocation for 25 af of depletion (50 af supply) will be March 20th, 2023.
At the ALP OMR board meeting there was mutual consensus this year that pass through pumping was acceptable. At the Pine Ridge Ditch meeting with Seth, the ditch rider explained that the cottonwoods have grown and they would need to be cut down because ripping them out would cause seepage and loss. Seth will take the staff out in April to show them the problem areas on the ditch so the staff has working knowledge.
The lake is at an estimated 789acre feet or 4.5ft from spillway.
Tom Vanderleest at 335 Gulch Rd in Rafter J is requesting rate relief for a leak he discovered in February. Mr. Vanderleest was prompt in getting the water line repaired and has never had any issues with leaks or paying his bills in the past. Mike R voted for Tier 1, Jeff 2nd, Approved.
Durango West 2 is requesting a credit for May 2022 since they had to conserve water during the time LDWA was fixing its pump at the plant. This was a verbal agreement from Doug to Jane so Im unsure what was promised. (Board said they did not want to credit the acquisition charge, and Derek Ryter stated that D west 2 was not shutdown- it was voluntary to conserve water. Ward Holmes will talk with Jane to get more information and it can be discussed and voted on next month). Mike R made a motion to review and change Bylaw section 3.8 –Board President has the same voting rights as the other board members.
Treatment: Water Production for February was 5,934,100 gallons. The new pressure transducers installed have the plant running more efficiently resulting in using less “pac” coagulant. The new screens for filter 2 are being made at Cal Steel and will be ready in 2 months. We ordered waste gate gaskets and a waste gate actuator solenoid from West Tech so we can install those on filter 2. Chris ordered check valves for waste wells to support additional backwash flow.
Chris started the quote process for raw water flow calibration so far rust quoted $4000. The Compressor is having circuit protection problems so Phillips electric is coming to evaluate and see if they can rewire the compressor.
Distribution: Trappers Crossing tank needs to be refurbished so Riley Industries is working on a bid along with All Kote lining out of Tempe Arizona. Out of 5 companies that were contacted Riley and All Kote are the only ones actively sending us quotes and communicating. “Charlie stated look at a smaller tank so you have faster water use and better chlorine residuals”. “A smaller tank will work cause you only have 20 houses to support”.
Distribution list from operators:
- Rebuilt small pump at Shenandoah
- Ordered pump saver from lane electric for rafter J backup pump
- Installed new pump in Lake Durango pump house to increase volume to customers
- Replaced pump in browns lake pump house due to bad motor, used lake Durango pump house for older pump
- Bought new motor for old browns lake pump and started the replacement process, had to order a new seal to complete this Once repaired pump will be installed in Shenandoah Drive pump house to replace broken pump at that location
- Plowed a ton of
- Had the other locking hub replaced and had Auto Pro fix things they missed on last service visit.
- Ordered VFDs from Lane electric for the new pump arrangement
- Ordered finish water distribution pump from water tech group 12-16 week build time 10 Had all American tech team evaluate the installation requirements of the new pump for quote on install, no quote received at this time.
- plowed some more snow
- Quoted new tank for trappers ($111,000) from National storage tank Inc
- Rebuilt small trash pump
- Capital Improvements Plan RFP—SEH/ Paul O’Neil called and stated that they are not overwhelmed anymore and if the CIP project is out for bid again, they are interested. Plummer sent a CIP proposal that covered lots of information already covered in the 2011 Master Plan by Russell Engineering. The Plummer proposal has lots of information that has previously been covered and for $77,712 this bid amount seems very high. Charlie Smith offered an in house improvement plan using Harris Engineering for items such as regulatory analysis and The in house CIP would be a fraction of Plummer‘s proposal and we could finish in 1-2 months where Plummer could take 6 months to complete. (Charlie talked about PFAS and said we should reach out to Russ with ALP to see if they are testing for PFAS). (Mike R stated that he agreed with Charlie, that in house CIP could save the authority 50,000 because most of the work has already been done back in 2011 with Russell Engineering).
- Pine Ridge Ditch discussion– Adam Reeves wants to know if the South West Water Conservancy District purchases ALP water, will LDWA trade their Pine Ridge Ditch Water rights for the ALP water? Is one source of water better than 2? Also we have a contract with Mary Austin until 2029 where she owns a portion of the Pine Ridge Ditch water rights. This trade had been brought up in years past and seems to fade away. “Mike R and Tom Brossia stated we should buy more storage water out of Nighthorse for the future demand”. Tom B said dual source is a safer bet than to solely rely on one source which is Nighthorse. “Charlie spoke about meeting with Matt, Kirk Russell and Laura Spann about purchasing CWCB storage water from Nighthorse but its $3500 per AF and maybe we can get a grant”. “Tom B stated we should keep two sources because if Nighthorse is ever contaminated we can rely on the ditch to get by”.
- Approval of the Bills – com report to follow. Mike R, Jeff W 2nd, Approved.
- Rate increases Concerns—Janet Anderson from Durango West 1 and Jane Looney from Durango West 2 are not in favor of the rate increases and wondered if LDWA could give bulk customers more time or delay a percentage of the rate increase spread out over 2023. Both districts think LDWA should hold off on certain capital improvements so they don’t have to raise rates. Mike R can expand on the other districts point of view. “Mike R said the districts had their budgets already finished when LDWA issued new rates in January when they should have been notified back in December”. “Mike R stated that if the rates are increasing the districts need ne be notified prior to their budget being adopted in November”. “Ward made it very clear that the districts ( 1 and 2) asked for a meeting to discuss rates and Ward (President of LDWA) was intentionally not invited”. “Ward also stated the LDWA budget hearing was publicly posted and the districts did not attend”. “Tom B said LDWA cannot hold off on rates and Capital projects anymore because its risky, we could have a major break tomorrow, getting by is not good enough”. “Janet A from D west 1 said the CIP list seems very long and wandered if some projects could be held off so the rates would not have to be increased”? “Tom B stated we are behind on maintenance and projects need to keep moving forward”. “Charlie stated all the tanks exteriors should be repainted if we don’t expand the clearwell”. “ Ward stated the rates discussion will be tabled to next month since Chuck was gone, no vote could happen”.
“Ward also wants the DOLA grant and treatment pumps update next month”. Table the rates discussion next month Ward, Mike R 2nd. Approved.
- Public Comment
- Adjourn 6:25pm
Agenda Items and GM Report/ Minutes 4/20/2023
- Call to Order 5:12PM
Board Members Present: Ward Homes, Jeff Wagener, Tom Brossia, Chuck Stevens, Mike Roussin. Visitors: Adam Reeves LPWCD, Michael Wasson Rafter J, Janet Anderson D West 1, Wayne Schrader D west 2. Staff: Tim Graham, Chris Moore.
- Approval of the Jeff, Tom 2nd approved.
- Approval of 3/16/2023 Meeting Minutes. Tom, Mike R as long as we update section 3.8 Bylaws for the Board President to Vote the same as other Board 2nd approved
- General Managers Report: Administration, Source, Treatment Water System, 2021
- Capital Improvements update
- Pine Ridge Ditch discussion—Adam Reeves
- Approval of the Bills
- Rate increases Concerns- D West #1 and #2/Credit
- Public Comment
- Adjourn
- Financials, Billing, Insurance, Premium Credit Requests,
Source and Supply: (72 af of runoff as of april 20th) Reservoir projection is 850AF and 2.6 ft from spillway. We expect if we stay at 6cfs of runoff the Lake will reach the spillway in 14 days. The guys put sandbags along the ditch above the Lake Durango Flume because the Amber ditch was spilling so we opened the toe drain. The Pine Ridge Ditch is still iced up so we think in May we will see it start to flow once temperatures warm up.
David Bowen has decided to help LDWA with accounting and is in the process of looking over quikbooks and bank statements. David has lots of experience with accounting needs for utilities and HOA’s so we feel he will be a great fit. We reached out to other companies (Rachel Gilman, ASAP, Holder Financial and Maynes) but they said they were short staffed and not available until the fall.
CHC Engineering contacted the office about the possibility of integrating into the distribution system if they build 20 new homes on Seabiscuit Lane and Vaquero way. A site visit on April 21st will shed more light on the project to see if its possible.
AJ Construction has asked to use a hydrant to fill their water truck during road projects this summer at Trappers Crossing, Shenandoah and South Lakeside Drive. They have lost the ability to fill at Bodo and would like to figure out usage rates if possible. “Chuck stated the city does not allow commercial users to use hydrants to fill anymore so we could fill a void”. “Ward and
Mike stated we should have the purchase price at $15 a 1000 gallons so they pay more than the retail customers”.
Grant EIAF 9360 was amended by Dola until October 2024 so we have $75000 matching funds for instrumentation and gauges designated to upgrade the plant.
At the ALP OMR board meeting (April 6th) Chairman Frost explained he would be stepping down and Peter Ortego (Ute Mnt Ute Tribe) will be the new chair starting in May 2023. Also Justin Elkinson (City of Durango) had a presentation on how the city would like to build a pipeline from Lake Nighthorse up to College Mesa( 276 AF of storage-3 days of supply) where the treatment plant is located for the City of Durango. Currently the Florida watershed feeds the city of Durango but if there is a wildfire or any other possibility of contaminating that water supply the City wants a plan B. The Tribes were briefed on this project and were not pleased because they believe a pipeline will disturb burial grounds harming their ancestors.
Henry J. Kaim who lives on 45 Mayday lane had a leaking toilet over the winter while they were out of town. Henry has been a good customer and has no prior issues or relief requests in the past. Tom Brossia helped with the repair and Henry is requesting rate relief. Tier 1 rate Ward, Mike R 2nd, approved.
Tim and Chris work Performed list-
Installed tap at 255 colonial lane
Went over treatment plant with Charlie for capital improvement plan(redundancy)
Installed New CL-17 (chlorine analyzer)Talked with Andrew Rice about adding the new pumps to the record of approved water works and how the new pump locations will affect the Contact time/baffling factor
Sampled for Phalates (missed sample last 2 yrs. sampled early in case something goes wrong and we can redo)
Installed new motor minder at RJ pump house for backup pump
Trouble shoot motor minder at the Deer Valley pump house Fixed issue with Shenandoah Scada
Replace Shenandoah drive booster pump (backup)
Repair leak at Thunderbird and Heritage – most likely hire/rent a hydro vac (other utilities are present in the leak area)
Observe algae growth in lake and potentially dose with copper sulfate (in May) Replace non functioning radios
Met with Browns Hill engineering about calibrating raw water flow meters, and new instrumentation/meters
Install check valves on filter backwash effluent lines
Treatment: Water Production for February was 6,638,300 gallons. The new screens for filter 1 have been fabricated by CalSteel and need to be installed.
The guys have been monitoring the plant after hours because the runoff has created higher turbidity levels. They have had to adjust the PAC levels and the backwash timing to stay in compliance with the state accepted levels.
Chris started the quote process for raw water flow calibration so far rust quoted $4000. The Compressor was having issues so Phillips electric was able to rewire the compressor so it stopped burning out fuses.
Distribution: Trappers Crossing tank needs to be refurbished so Riley Industries from Farmington New Mexico gave us an initial bid for $60,000 and after the site visit will have to update the bid. Pittsburg Tanks from Henderson Kentucky sent us a quote for $117,000 to refurbish the tank and we are responsible for discarding the old materials and also any dirt work that must be performed. “Tom does not want to waste money on repairs but rather spend the money on a new tank that will last longer”.
- Capital Improvements
Charlie Smith is obtaining new tank quotes and also tank refurbishment bids. This will help in the planning of future projects and creating a replacement timeline so we can hopefully avoid major disasters. Quoted new tank for trappers ($112,364) from Contain Water System Inc.
National Storage Tank INC quoted ($111,198) plus dirt work fees.
- Pine Ridge Ditch discussion– Adam Reeves wants to know if the South West Water Conservancy District purchases ALP water, will LDWA trade their Pine Ridge Ditch Water rights for the ALP water? Is one source of water better than 2? Also we have a contract with Mary Austin until 2029 where she owns a portion of the Pine Ridge Ditch water rights. This trade had been brought up in years past. One question might be will they pay for 304 AF of water that the ditch provides on a heavy snow year? “Erik Bikis stated that LDWA would have more consistent water if they made a trade with LPWCD instead of wandering if the ditch would produce”. “Chris Moore asked if the trade went through, if the Nighthorse water was contaminated would LPWCD let LDWA have a portion of the pine ridge ditch if there was an emergency, Adam said yes”. “Adam presented the case that the ditch did not have consistent AF averages year to year and trading rights LDWA would not have to bother with the ditch maintenance”. Adam presented his case and asked if anyone had questions to please reach out.
- Approval of the Bills – com report to follow. Mike , Jeff 2nd approved.
- Rate increases Concerns and Credit–
Durango West 1 and 2 have voiced concerns on raising rates for 2023 so the board needs to vote on enforcing the new rates or if they want to establish a laddered percentage approach. “Mike R said per the statute for notice regulations we should work with D West 1 and 2 since they did not have proper notice for the rate increase. Also Mike R stated we should treat our bulk customers well and moved for a credit on the January, February and March rate increase”. Ward motioned to credit the first quarter rate increase for 2023, Mike R, Ward, Jeff all voted yes, Chuck abstained since he was absent for the March meeting.
Durango West 2 is requesting a credit for May 2022 so Ward contacted Jane Looney for more information. Ward can brief us on their discussion so the board can decide if they get any type of credit for May of 2022. “ Ward spoke with Jane and told her that Doug did not have authority to credit D west 2 for May of 2022”. “ Chuck wanted to know at what level did D west 2 have to conserve water? Lightner Creek mobile home park has zero water currently and D west 2 did not have to stop using”. “ Chuck requested more information to present their case so we don’t set a precedent to anyone requesting a credit”. The board asked Wayne(D West 2 Board member) to speak about the credit but he could not expand on the issue. The LDWA board has asked the D west 2 board to come and present their case at the next monthly meeting for the May 2022 requested credit.
- Public Comment
- Adjourn 6:41PM
Draft Minutes 5/18/2023
- Call to Order 5:15pm
Board in Attendance: Ward, Jeff, Tom, Mike R and Chuck. Staff Present: Matt, Tim, Charlie
Visitors: Michael Wasson Rafter J, Janet Anderson Durango West 1 Metro.
- Approval of the Agenda. Ward, Mike 2nd.
- Approval of 4/20/2023 Meeting Chuck, Jeff 2nd.
- General Managers Report: Administration,2022 Audit update, Source, Treatment Water System.
- Capital Improvements update
- Approval of the Bills
- Public Comment
- Adjourn 6:25PM
- Financials, Billing, Insurance, Premium Credit Requests,
Water production for April was 5, 576,780.
We filed an extension for the 2022 audit and hope to have it completed by Haynie and Company in late July. Whitney Rosenfeld (Haynie) has been updated and even if she does not handle our audit she told us she would help get a coworker familiar with our books.
Michael Killion on 90 Arapahoe Drive had a shower head brake off and water ran for over a month in his vacation rental. Kelly notified the owner for hi usage (300,000 gallons) calling his listed number and then emailing him twice before he replied. We notified the owner that his usage was very hi ($22,000) and that we had turned the water off. The neighbor discovered the leak and had repairs made so Chris and Matt turned the water back on with the neighbor present to make sure the house was in good standing. Michael is asking for relief because he thinks his bill is too large and he can’t pay it. –After much discussion on this large water leak the board agreed that Tier 1 premiums are normal but this owner needs to keep track of his usage better and communicate with the office during emergencies. The board also stated that if this happens again and the homeowner does not stay involved he will pay full cost. Chuck approved Tier 1 premiums, Tom 2nd, approved.
Source and Supply: Reservoir projection is 1020AF and 3 inches approximately from spill. Per Jeff Titus (Water Commissioner) we topped off the lake and will have a chance to refill in the next couple of weeks. Mr. Titus told us there is no reason to have the lake spill and waste any water when it can be diverted down south to other users. For April and May combined we have received 211 AF giving the staff a chance to understand how much water the ditch can deliver. This also gave us a chance to work with the ditch rider and adjust the CFS and diversion box.
Early May we wired a payment of $61,000 to Colorado Water Resources and Power Development to repay a portion of the loan for the acquisition of the water company. A payment every May has been made since 2009 and the remainder of the balance is $586,000.
CHC Engineering contacted the office about the possibility of integrating into the distribution system if they build 20 new homes on Seabiscuit Lane and Vaquero way. So far the engineer has met with the Fire department and is trying to see what costs are associated with supplying homes with 1000 gallons per minute for 2.5 hours if a fire started. Matt and Tim met with Clayton(CHC) and we expressed the need for them to install a vertical tank to supply the new homes. If hydrants are needed (every 150ft) and they need to deliver 1000 gpm per the Fire Department the developer will have to install their own system.
The City of Durango (Justin Elkinson) is moving forward with the raw water pipeline project from Nighthorse up to college mesa treatment plant. Its in the early stages of planning and updating all the stakeholders within the city, county and both the Ute Mountain Ute and Southern Ute Tribes.
Tim and Chris work Performed list-
-Copper sulfate lake –treat lake for algae
-Screens in filter 1 installed
-Red Valves in filter 1 installed
-Browns hill coming to calibrate flow meters
-Browns hill offering quote for new scada/plc soon
-New CL17 failed and installed replacement from Hach
-Monitored Amber and the ditch adjusted flow every day
-Met with parties about line extensions at Oak Dr and Deer trail
-Talked to Andrew Rice about changing record of approved water work for new pumps, also about how much they would increase clear well effective volume
-THM HAA and chlorite samples were taken and sent out
-Battled dirty water from the ditch, a few late-ish nights
-Tap at 969 meadow in Rafter J
-Talked with Jeff Titus about updating Lake level/spillway marks on staff gauge and tow drain.
-Titus advised us to let amber spill when taking ditch water to keep it full
-Ordered Chlorite
Treatment: The guys have been monitoring the plant after hours because the runoff has created higher turbidity levels. They have had to adjust the PAC levels and the backwash and flush timing to stay in compliance with the state accepted levels.
Distribution: Trappers Crossing tank needs to be replaced so we have Mike Waggoner coming up to fix some old patches to make it through the next year. Trenton with National Tank gave a quote for $45K to refurbish the tank and recoat the inside. We have been in contact with Benchmark in Farmington and Doughty steel tanks in Delta Colorado to get bids on a replacement tanks. Because the of the access road and labor shortage all companies have increased their prices and their project timelines. Both Benchmark and Doughty Steel have advised us to have a welded steel tank and do not go with a bolted steel tank with a glass liner. Both companies explained that the location of the tank in the shade against the hill side and the cold temperatures any tank with a seam (bolted steel)will not last. – The board asked if a smaller tank was installed could we use another location since the current road is so small and narrow up to the Trappers tank? –-Matt and Tim stated they could potentially look at another tank location where it was easier to access from Thunderbird Road giving more options for cranes and larger equipment to access the water tank site.
- Capital Improvements
Charlie Smith has included a 3.8 million dollar improvement update. Tom approved the CIP and Mike R 2nd, approved.
Charlie discussed the capital Improvement plan so it could be used in the new rate study. Charlie stated that you can prioritize and move projects around with thin the CIP but rather the board should approve and vote on an amount each year to spend (300K –400K). This way some years you may save money and use for a larger project the next year. This also gives staff the ability to move projects around based on priority as they see fit. For example if the lake is low one year that is a perfect time to dredge the lake forebay. –Tom stated he did not want to miss out on any grants that could help with this large improvement plan. –Chuck stated we should hire someone who specializes in infrastructure grants so we do not miss out on opportunities and that person can spend the time and accounting to make sure the correct protocol is followed per project. Charlie stated we should reach out to Stacy Beaugh who has worked with CWCB in the past.
- Approval of the Bills – com report to follow. Tom, Mike R 2nd, approved.
- Public Comment
Michael Wasson stated there is a leak in Rafter J and wanted to know when that might get repaired? Tim stated the small leak was coming from a pipe that is sleeved so we need to dig multiple holes because the leak may be above where the water is visible.
- Adjourn 6:25pm
Draft Minutes GM Report 6/15/2023
- Call to Order 5:15pm
Board: Ward Homes, Mike Roussin, Jeff Wagner, Tom Brossia, Chuck Stevens. Staff: Tim Graham, Chris Moore.
Visitors: Michael Wasson Rafter J.
2. Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 5/18/2023 Meeting Jeff approved, Tom 2nd.
- General Managers Report: Administration, Source, Treatment Water
- Capital Improvements update- Grants writer Stacy Beaugh, Engineer -Carrie
- County Board Seat
- Approval of the Tom B approved, Mike R 2nd.
8. Public Comment.
- 6:05PM
4. Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Water production for May was 6,703,600 gallons.
Water sales are slightly off due to the wet spring and lots of rain rolling into summer. Also Durango West 2 water meter read zero for May because they are using their 2 wells. According to their water operator the wells have produced more this year than any other season to date. With lots of consistent rain and colder evening temperatures customers have used less water to get their lawns all green. As we move towards the end of June and into July with higher temperatures I think we will see a dramatic difference in usage.
Source and Supply: Reservoir projection is 990 AF and 6 inches approximately from spill. Per Jeff Titus we should never let the reservoir spill but we should top off the lake and Amber reservoir before the ditch stops running. The La Plata County Weed Manager came by for a site visit to help educate us on how to battle the thistle on the dam and the surrounding areas. Tim stated we should treat AMBER reservoir with copper sulphate to battle algae growth since it fully filled this spring. This will trickle down and feed Lake Durango and will only help in the long run with stopping the algae growth.
Tim and Chris work Performed list-
Tim Passed Treatment C Exam 5/25!!!!!!
-Ordered Pac – Delivery scheduled week of 6/19 Ordered Chlorite – Delivered 6/5
Ordered Chlorine – Delivered 6/5
Patched holes in wet wells (for backwash and flush waste water), filled in drain trough between wet wells.
Hired hydrovac to expose water line at 12910 CR 136 (needed to find out if the water line ran northeast along CR136)
Draft Consumer confidence report-links attached to bills for all customers. Repaired broken meter valve at 145 North rd.
Recently Chris observed high turbidity in the treatment plant so the guys had to trouble shoot all possible causes, it was determined the chemical feed pump was not functioning properly. Repaired chemical feed pump, WTP back up and running at 6 pm.
Researching possible backup chemical feed pumps (current pump is obsolete and discontinued) Will order pump when a suitable replacement is found.
San Juan Wildlife Service’s LLC gassed the prairie dogs on Johnson 2 dam.
Water Technologies informed us that the new distribution pump is complete, and may need to be shortened. Before it is installed, we will need new VFDs installed, and a new PLC(Browns Hill) or Timberline to expand the current PLC. No ETA (Waiting on Browns Hill quote for PLC and Tank Monitoring/SCADA).
Filter # 1 is close to operational. We need to replace the Leaking waste gate cylinder, clean the media (determine its viability) and ripen the filter.
Need to order Copper Sulfate
Chris and Tim had an impromptu pump class with Chris Scaggari of Arvada Pumps Received TTHM,HAA5, and Chlorite sample results – All results are below MCL
Treatment: Browns Hill spent a day in the plant recalibrating and adjusting our raw water flow meter so we can better calculate how much water we are treating and distributing.
We have high hopes this summer that treating the lake early with copper sulphate mixed with the solar bee we will prevent algae growth. This will help us later in the summer and fall with reducing the algae clogging the filters in the plant.
Distribution: The update on the Trappers Crossing Tank is Doughty Steel Tanks from Delta is in the process of coming up with a proposal once their engineer finishes the rough plans. So far Doughty has been the only company willing to give us a proposal on a welded steel tank and will help transport/ install. The other companies want to sell us on a Fiberglass tank with insulated liners and heaters or a steel bolted tank with glass liners. So far Doughty has been the only company willing to construct the tank we prefer and help transport it to the difficult location. Tim and Matt looked at a different location for a smaller tank in Trappers crossing and the steep hillside prevented us from finding a better suitable site. We reached out to a Montrose helicopter company and they described what their helicopters could handle if we need to take the tank up in pieces. So long story short we are looking at multiple plans and gaining information so we are ready for the day we have the green light on the tank replacement.
The guys dug up the fire hydrant on Heritage Road in Trappers Crossing to fix the leak only to find it was a hidden valve in the same area. The old valve was cut out and capped but in the process of re-pressurizing the system the thrust block came apart and started leaking again. So the “T” was cut out and the guys spliced the line with some hymax couplers so we never have to deal with that ever again. The guys did a fantastic safe job and even had some residents stop by to show their appreciation. Tim explained the saturated dirt and clay was little sketchy because the edges did want to give away. Tim stated we should look into purchasing or renting for the summer shoring equipment to repair lines in a safer manner. The entire board agreed that this was a great idea and the board did not want to see anyone get hurt. Mike stated purchasing the equipment would be a good idea casus renting could be problematic if a leak happened on a holiday weekend when the stores are not open.
5. Capital Improvements Update.
Stacy Beaugh and Carrie Padgett have verbally offered assistance in finding grants for the long list of capital improvement projects and assisting with planning. Next step is finishing a scope of work so they have some directions to go and their fee structure. If we have any questions or concerns now would be a great time to pick their brain and move forward. Matt explained that over the next 3 years having extra help geared towards chasing down loan programs and grants to take advantage Drinking Water Act will help replace aging infrastructure. Tom explained he did not want to pass up this opportunity fix the old infrastructure. Also the funding opportunities will help us upgrade the plant so we can stay in compliance once we know the exact treatments the state wishes us to use to treat PFAS.
- At Large Board seat Chuck Stevens will give us an update of who the county has picked to represent the at large board seat. Chuck explained the County has appointed John Gallup to represent the At large Board Seat. Mr Gallup is a graduate of the New England Maritime school and was formerly a Chief Marine Engineer who oversees all maintenance/repairs to a vessel. Currently Mr. Gallup is the General Manager of Phoenix Recycling and happy to join the board and be of assistance.
- Approval of the Bills – com report to follow and Matts Alpine Bank credit card lists.
Bills approved by Tom B, 2nd by Mike R.
8. Public Comment.
Mr.Wasson wanted an update on the Rafter J Ridge Road Leak. Chris explained the Locates have been scheduled and will be carried out the next week. After locates we can begin digging “spot” holes to see which part of the lines is leaking before we dig deep to expose the ground and full line. Mr. Wasson said he would pass this onto his board.
- 6:05PM
Board Minutes –GM Report 7/20/2023
- Call to Order– Ward 5:18pm
Board Present: Ward Homes, Jeff Wagner, Tom Brossia, John Gallup,
Mike Roussin excused. Staff present –Tim Graham, Matt Nesbitt. Visitors, Beverly Lawrence Durango West 2 Vice president.
- New At Large Board Seat
- Approval of the Motion by Ward to change agenda- move #4. New Board seat to item number #2.
- Approval of 6/15/2023 Meeting Tom approved, Jeff 2nd.
- General Managers Report: Administration, Source, Treatment Water
- Capital Improvements update, Grant Writer,
- Approval of the
- Public
- 6:08pm
- New At Large Board Member.
Welcome John Gallup as the new at large board seat to represent the County. John introduced himself and gave a brief background on his work in Alaska for 8 years and his years as a Marine- Chief Engineer.
- Financials, Billing, Insurance,
Water production for June was 7,761,700 gallons with an average per day of 258,723. Usage is on the rise especially with higher temperatures people are trying to keep their yards looking green and their trees from dying up. Please help spread the word on watering in the mornings and evenings otherwise you are wasting water mid day to evaporation. Durango West 2 is still running off their wells so our bulk sales are a little short this month. We will make up the difference after we collect from the road maintenance project since we allowed water trucks to fill off county road 125 under our supervision.
Rate Relief Request.
Jeff and Lisa Ward are seeking rate relief after watering their new sod not realizing they used 68,000 gallons. They plan on using irrigation water rights in the future when the lines are installed but for now using LDWA for all indoor and outdoor needs. The Wards did not realize running 2 sprinklers from June 1st through July 12th the usage would be so extreme. They understand the situation better now as new home owners and have a better understanding of the usage/ billing structure. Tom moved for tier 2 charges and Jeff 2nd, approved.
Source and Supply: The ditch this year helped deliver 211 acre ft and went off call on July 7th . Most of the ditch water we took was runoff but it was a great year to learn how productive the ditch can be and with a little maintenance how beneficial it really is. We will continue to drain Amber reservoir into the Lake and have it already treated with copper sulphate. The new water coming in will help mix and prevent algae growth along with the Solar Bee. As we see higher temperatures we can guesstimate that we will evaporate 2 inches from the lake about every 10 days. Matt spoke with Pete Johnson and about using his road up to Amber Reservoir to haul the boat and treat for algae. Pete gave us verbal permission to use the road and Ward would like to see it in writing just to be on the safe side in the future.
Tim and Chris work Performed list-
New Tap installed on county road 136
Solar Bee Serviced- technician checked batteries and cleaned off algae
Annual tank inspections completed – some tanks need minor things addressed (clearing brush) others need more serious things addressed (tank level gauges repaired)
Tap installed at 375 Deer Valley Ordered/Received Copper sulfate
AJ Construction – Filled multiple water trucks, caused issues with low pressure in the system Checked in with Browns Hill Engineering about SCADA updates, have not heard back Changed Air filter on the Blower/Stripper @ Shenandoah Tank
Low water pressure issues in Rafter J when operating backup pump at Rafter J pump station (fed by 2″ line – recommend increasing water line size and or putting backup pump on VFD)
Spoke to Mardi (LWWA) about addressing a possible leak at the Nighthorse Booster pump station. We were informed that anytime we touch their equipment, we need to inform Dave Marsa. Tim got in touch with Dave, hoping to meet with him this week to see if we can address the issue or if we need to call in help.
Ordered backup chemical feed pump and parts to rebuild old pump
Replaced mechanical seal on the 3 hp pump in the Shenandoah pump station
The American Technical Team came for a site visit, gave us a rough quote of $15-20K for the install and parts. Will give us an actual quote when the prices for parts come in. We are going to have the new pump shipped to them for logistical reasons (they have a forklift)
VFDs for the new pumps were delivered
Met with Matt Fogg from Philips Electric to schedule VFD install and electrical re-route (3rd week of August)
Service truck needs some minor repairs ( tie rod ends )
Backhoe has a hydraulic leak – Wagner Cat is going to come out for a 2000hr service and address the leak- work performed on 7-19-2023
Met with Greg Wyatt – New property owner at 699 North Lakeside Drive- Our water line runs through the middle of their property so he is having a surveyor come out to mark the easement. There is an existing meter pit on the property, we gave them the option of using it (pressure is low, would need to install booster pump and cistern) or tying into the North lakeside pump house. If they want to tie into the pump house they would have to cross 3 main lines and install a new tap and pressure tank. Greg Wyatt is gathering information and quotes to make an educated decision.
Treatment: Turbidity has slowed down since we are not running the ditch any longer which will help the plant run more smoothly. This is why treating the lake is so important with Copper sulphate because as we move into the hot months we will deter the algae growth which means less chance of clogged filters.
Distribution: We had some low pressure calls over on 125 because we had some water trucks filling while road maintenance was being performed in Trappers Crossing and South Lakeside. I think we learned our lesson and we can’t allow trucks to fill off hydrants because the system can’t keep up. Maybe in the future we can let water truck pump out of the lake but using our hydrants did not go well and many homeowners called in with low pressure. We learned our lesson! Matt and Tim expressed that filling water trucks off hydrants did not go well and even board members received calls from residents concerned and complaining about low water pressure.
- Capital Improvements
Carrie Padgett ( Harris water Engineering), Matt and Erik Worker the project manager for the grants and loans division with the state of Colorado met via zoom to discuss grant opportunities. First was updating and submitting out LDWA eligibility Survey outlining all our project needs for the next 20 years explaining much needed projects and our wish list. Erik described different opportunities and plans recommending multiyear phased projects that could piggy back off each other to keep momentum. Early August Carrie, Matt and Stacy will connect and try to plan out the grants we want and build a multi year project plan. This will help during budgeting in the fall so we can plan which projects we can start to tackle in early 2024. Tom expressed that we need to have proper engineers involved for all the individual projects because of the complex LDWA system. Ward stated to let LPWCD know that LDWA is not currently interested in exchanging Pine Ridge Ditch rights for ALP water.
- Approval of the Bills – com report to follow.
- Public Comment. Beverly stated on the LDWA website the 2022 minutes were not opening and it states “page not found”. Matt told her he would check with the new web host since the website was getting updated and items were being uploaded.
- 6:08pm
Agenda Items and Minutes 8/17/2023
- Call to Order (5:20pm) Board Present: Ward Holmes, Tom Brossia, Mike Roussin, Jeff Waggoner, John Gallup. Staff present: Tim, Matt, Chris. Visitors: Janet Anderson- Durango West 1, Beverly Lawrence-Durango West 2.
- Approval of the Ward motion, Jeff 2nd, approved.
- Approval of 7/20/2023 Meeting Tom B motion, Mike R 2nd, approved.
- General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment Water System, Trappers Tank Update. Nighthorse update.
- Capital Improvements update, Grant Writer,
- Seabiscuit Lane Subdivision planning
- Approval of
- Public
- 6:29PM
- Financials, Billing, Insurance,
Water production for July was 10,761,700 gallons with an average per day of 358,723. That’s 3 million gallons higher than Junes total and a little over an acre foot per day. The reservoir is projected to be around 947 AF by the end of the August. As we expected once we hit the higher temperatures we had an increase in sales with everyone trying to keep their grass and trees from dying during the hot months. Also LPWWA’s fill station has been gaining traction and comparing last July 2022 to July 2023 they have taken an additional 739,144 gallons.
Rate Relief Request.
William Hoffman at 910 Sawmill Road is requesting rate relief after finding his broken sprinkler was leaking. Mr. Hoffman recently had irrigation lines installed and one of the sprinklers broke and leaked 60,000 gallons. Mr. Hoffman has a good history with LDWA and has never had a rate relief request going back to 2010. Tier 1 Mike motion R, Ward 2nd , approved.
Joe Whirry at 595 Deer Trail disputed paying a bill in 2019 and has since been hauling water because he believed LDWA was charging incorrectly and did not agree with the fee structure. Mr. Whirry averages 15,000 to 20,000 gallons monthly during the summer for his garden which he admits is high usage but does not agree with the premiums associated. Mr. Whirry would like to move forward and pay only half of his $3,848 outstanding account and start receiving service again so he does not have to haul water anymore. After review the board decided not to adjust the account or make any motions to change outstanding balance. No change.
John Herlihy at 1261 Deer Valley (Trappers Crossing) is requesting rate relief after finding a relief valve on his water heater (2gpm) had been leaking since June. The small leak got worse over time and was undetected because the valve is out of sight and has a floor drain, so the residents did not notice anything. John has sensors on his water heater and other appliances so he can get high usage notifications with the ability to turn off all water with the master shutdown valve. John was very proactive and communicated the measures he was taking while trying to find the leak and ultimately replace the relief valve. John is requesting rate relief for July (61,000gallons) and August (28,000 gallons). Tier 1 Tom B motion, Mike R 2nd, approved.
Melvin Owen at 111 Denby Lane is requesting rate relief after a sprinkler valve broke on his sprinkler/ drip system causing 98,000 gallons to leak out. The Owens were on vacation when the landscapers noticed the lawn and bushes dying. The landscapers noticed pools of water down the hill side past the driveway and notified the Owens that there was a leak. The Owens immediately had Mountain Oasis repair the sprinkler system and reset the frequency/ watering cycles. The Owens residence normally uses 20,000 gallons in the summer months and are fully aware of the normal usage and billing amounts. The Owens family are in good standing with their account history but are requesting rate relief for this unfortunate leak. After board review-with the large amount of usage, board agreed on normal rates for the first 24,000
gallons and Tier 1 relief for the remaining 74,000 gallons. Mike R motion, Ward 2nd, approved.
The McBride family at 878 CR 125 is requesting relief because they did not understand how expensive the water rates have risen. Per their letter they have been used to the old rates 20 years ago when 20,000 gallons was $20. The Mcbrides are asking for some relief because $1800 for 35,000 gallons was more than they expected to pay. After review the board decided no change to the account, no vote or motion needed. No change.
935 Deer Trail, last minute rate relief for float valve failed on cistern. Tier 1 motion Jeff, Mike R 2nd approved.
Source and Supply: We have a Leak on the intake pump at Nighthorse so we are in the process of getting parts and supplies ordered so we can pump water this fall. We are working with LPWAA and the Southern Ute Indian Tribe on a operating and maintenance agreement so that there are clear expectations for maintenance done each month. The SUIT had their engineer send over a lengthy maintenance list which all three entities are going to work together to make more realistic and affordable. Board asked when the Nighthorse pumps will be fixed and see if we can help Marsa speed up the process. Matt spoke with Marsa and he was waiting for the approval from Yavone and her LPWW board to order parts.
Tim and Chris work Performed list-
Replace multiple valves and fix hydrant leak on Indian bend in Long hallow
Checked in with Browns Hill Engineering about SCADA updates, have not heard back Tap installed at Rasmussen residence 765 Deer Trail Rafter J
Low water pressure issues in Rafter J when operating backup pump at Rafter J pump station (fed by 2″ line – recommend increasing water line size and or putting backup pump on VFD)
Spoke to Mardi (LWWA) about addressing a possible leak at the Nighthorse pump station. We were informed that anytime we touch their equipment, we need to inform Dave Marsa.
Ordered backup chemical feed pump and parts to rebuild old pump Replaced mechanical seal on the 3 hp pump in the Shenandoah pump station VFDs for the new pumps were delivered
Bacti samples taken
Service truck needs some minor repairs ( tie rod ends )
Treatment: Treating the lake early on with copper sulphate has helped tremendously during these hot months. The treatment deters algae growth which in turn keeps the treatment plant filters working properly so it can process the raw water. So far this July and August we have run the plant at a high rate and we are seeing the need for the clear well expansion. Any leak or clogged filters from algae really hinders the rate we can treat and distribute during high usage months.
Distribution: The electrical panel at the Lake Durango pump house is scheduled to be replaced after a pump was tripped off multiple times. A resident called in saying they had low pressure and it turns out the pump was tripped off so Phillips Electrical ran by and found the glitch.
We found DNR Tank out of Albuquerque to give us a budgetary number on building and installing a Tank at Trappers Crossing. We have multiple bids from Superior, Pittsburg/ Tower, Kalhaas and Great Plains. All these companies want to build a bolted steel tank with a glass liner or another version with a reinforced fiberglass which does not work for Trappers Crossing. We need a welded steel tank to battle the elements at 7,600ft and handle freeze thaw inside the tank. If we do the proper maintenance a welded steel tank will last the longest for that particular site. Board asked if there was any possibility of changing locations for the Trappers tank so that the install went smoother? Matt and Tim stated moving locations even with some homeowners that granted permission would create a more expensive location because of steep hillsides. Running new lines and excavating out hillsides, getting environmental assessments would take lots of extra time we don’t have. So far keeping the current location (current easements) will be a better fit and the company that helps with transport and install will have to have the right equipment. The board wants staff to keep finding tank manufacturers so we can have this be a top priority for next summer.
- Capital Improvements
Carrie Padgett ( Harris water Engineering) and Stacy Beaugh are working on timelines and grant opportunities so we pick out the correct projects and send out pre-qualification applications.
Mike wanted more information on grants and contact information at the Colorado Water Quality so he could look into opportunities for the Durango West 1 tank to be refurbished.
- Seabiscuit
LDWA staff has met with Jamie Johnson Cody, and CHC Engineers to look over water lines and infrastructure at Vaquero Way and Seabiscuit Lane off county road 125. The Johnson family is looking into developing 20 lots that run parallel to Seabiscuit Lane. Early on meeting with the Engineer, LDWA staff told the CHC Engineering that the infrastructure could not meet the Fire Flows of 1000GPM for 2.5 hours demanded by the Fire Department. Also the Fire Department needs fire hydrants installed every 150 feet to be in compliance. CHC Engineering is weighing the costs of installing a vertical tank that would produce enough pressure or installing gravity fed tank on the west corner of the parcel. LDWA staff has communicated that for this subdivision to happen the Johnson family needs to install a new tank, new water lines and new hydrants because the current infrastructure will not stay intact at 1000GPM. The Johnsons have been invited to the August LDWA board meeting to communicate the progress made with the Fire Department and to explain the subdivision to the board. John spoke about the county planning department being 2 years out, Ward stated keep getting information and we will pick this up when the Johnson family has more information. The discussion came up that this could possibly be a bulk customer if the homes formed an HOA/ taxing authority.
- Approval of the Bills – com report to follow
9.Public Comment. Chris spoke about the American technical team bid and Tom said to move forward. Tom motioned, Ward, 2nd approved.
- Adjourn.6:29PM
Minutes LDWA Board Meeting 9/21/2023
- Call to Order 5:11PM Ward Holmes
Board Present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagoner, Tom Brossia, Mike Roussin. Excused: John Gallup.
Staff Present: Matt, Chris, Tim.
Visitors: MH Wasson Rafter J, Beverly Lawrence Durango West 2.
2. Approval of the Agenda. Approved Jeff, Mike 2nd.
- Approval of 8/17/2023 Meeting Approved Mike R, Tom 2nd.
- General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment Water System, Trappers Tank Update.
- Capital Improvements update, Grant Writer,
- Approval of Approved Tom Brossia, Jeff Waggoner 2nd.
- Public
- 6:09pm
4. Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Water production for August was 7,961,600 gallons with an average per day of 256,825. The reservoir is projected to be around 833 AF by the end of the August. We are seeing consumption slowing down with the cooler temperatures but have done well with our retail and premium sales. Durango West 2 has started pumping again after using their wells all summer saving them from buying around 1 million gallons per month. The 2022 audit will be finished by the end of the month after a few more items from Haynie get figured out. Tom stated he wanted to get the rate study moving after the 2022 audit was finished. Mike R stated he wanted to get the budget going so he could relay any increases to D west 1 so they can plan ahead and Budget for 2024.
Rate Relief Request.
Cheryl and Cole Eden – 923 S. Lakeside are asking for rate relief for setting their sprinkler system on the wrong setting “too high”. The Edens have been traveling almost every weekend for family matters and mistakenly set their sprinkler system to run for too long. The Edens have a good account history with no issues over 7 years so they are asking for some variance or relief on the $1500 bill. Mike R moved for Tier 1 relief, Jeff 2nd, approved.
Tara Loyd at 167 Colonial Lane is requesting rate relief after a line leaked on their hot water heater. The line leaked during July and August and they did not notice until there was a damp smell and they discovered the leak in their crawl space. They called and had the plumber repair the line the following day but incurred extra charges for 2 months. Tom moved for Tier 1 relief, Jeff 2nd, approved.
Jim Goolsby at 304 Peak Trail Drive is requesting rate relief after his newly installed irrigation system failed and leaked. The leak was not noticeable in the thick vegetation so it went unnoticed until Mr. Goolsby viewed the large water bill. The landscaping company has made repairs to the system and for the remainder of fall will have the system off. Mike R motioned for tier 1, Tom 2nd, approved.
Steven and Susan Usaitis at 782 are requesting rate relief after a water line in the house leaked for a few month unnoticed. Once they noticed the small leak they had the plumber repair it following day. The small leak lasted 2 months without any visible pooling or smell. Jeff stated that they built and ADU(not sure the county is aware) and if they ever sell the house they will have to be grandfathered in. Tom motioned for tier 1, Mike R 2nd, approved.
Source and Supply: Marsa is still waiting on pressure switches to arrive so we can pump Nighthorse water for LPWWA. LPWWA has used their allocated amount in lake Durango and we would like to refill the lake this fall. We are also currently having Bud Smith Look into the Three Party Agreement which defines the operating agreement for the LPWWA raw water conveyance system. The Southern Ute Indian Tribe wants LPWWA and their ORC to operate and maintain the intake structure, booster pump and the 210 pipeline. LDWA is fine with this as long as the maintenance protocol is realistic and not too expensive. Once we have our attorney look this over the LDWA board should also look over the agreement to make sure all parties are content.
Tim and Chris work Performed list-
Valves and hydrant replacement on Indian bend are working properly
Lost a lot of water out of Morningstar tank and went to investigate noticing water shooting out of a camper trailer at 621 Morningstar. Notified landlord of 30,000 gallons drained from tank.
Back flow test at plant and D West 1 line by Roseberrys plumbing. Completed main line extension at 875 Deer Trail in Rafter J
Met with Mardi (LWWA) and Dave Marsa on future maintenance and operating Booster Pump station. Dave is ordering parts so we can pump and refill the LPWWA 17 AF.
Leak repair in Rafter J on Westfork- dug up road and replace old schedule 20 pipe Leak repaired on Peaks Trail and Rendezvous
3 PLC quotes(BH, Water Technology and Filter Tech) and Brown Hill is the most cost effective and local choice Unanimous from Board all in favor of Browns Hill.
No progress on Filter 1 since we had multiple leaks that kept us all busy
Treatment: Plant is running smooth and had a nice break from running so hard in July. We still need to treat Amber reservoir before we drain it into Lake Durango which could be an additional 40 AF to replenish the lake. With the last week and a half of rain we gained 11.38 AF but also changed turbidity levels a noticeable amount from the runoff.
After a discussion with Andrew Rice (state engineer) and Dave Henry with Harris water Engineering we are looking at a 1-2 year process to install a new tank at Trappers Crossing. The first step was finding a manufacturer that would work with us from start to finish and help with the install. Second after meeting with Harris water engineering and looking at the states model and design criteria, policy #5 (184 pages) we have specific items the state must approve. So we have our engineer tell the manufacturing engineer how to build the tank so its approved by the state engineer. I think we have 2 options, 1 we refurbish Trappers and fix all the holes while we go through all the proper steps of installing a new tank. 2, we do nothing to the old Trappers tank and risk a complete failure. Option 2 also exposes us to write ups from the state who has records of their site visits and tank health. I think option 1 is the safe choice and buys us time in case the new tank has set backs or the state changes design criteria mid year causing us further delays. The current estimate looks like the new Trappers tank could set us back $225,000 to $250,000 after civil engineering, concrete work on the new pad and install. Mike and Tom asked if we could get a long tern rental auxiliary water tank hooked into the Trappers Tank in case we did have a failure. Matt will call and see if we have long tern rental program for auxiliary tanks (Riley industrial, DNR Tanks, Kohlhaas Tanks). Mike made a motion to get scheduled for next summer with Riley Industrial to refurbish the Trappers Tank in case we cant get an auxiliary tank rental. Jeff 2nd. Tom asked if the Ashmore site (easier location for heavy equipment and semi trucks to access) was still an option and Tim stated the hill side would have to be excavated and the water lines re routed but its possible. Matt said he would get and cost and more information to see if its an alternative.
5. Capital Improvements Update.
Carrie Padgett ( Harris water Engineering) has attached a memo on the state Revolving Fund to access potential Federal funding. Memo and flow chart is attached. Tom stated CWCB had grants available for Raw water projects. Matt said he would look into it and Chris stated maybe we could get the forebay dredged or backwash ponds dredged. Tim stated we could use the grant to buy another solar bee for the Lake.
- Approval of the Bills – com report to follow
7. Public Comment.
MH Wasson asked if resident at 199 Ridge who built a new house could get any type of discount on a water bill after extra excavation costs were incurred trying to tie into the main( wrong location) line while installing a new meter. Staff used Authority maps and communicated with prior staff on where the main line was located showing where to trench for new homeowner to dig up main line. Staff apologized for any extra excavation costs that occurred but LDWA does not discount future rates because a new build cost more than expected.
MH Wasson asked about the WestFork Road Leak repair and if it was fixed? Tim said yes. MH Wasson asked if we were going to fix the leak on the Far View Road where the pipe is located inside another pipe section, long story short yes its on our radar to fix. Tim said yes we want to fix it and we are aware but we need time to go after that leak and the pump house leak on west fork.
Beverly stated she and the D WEST 2 board would like to get updates when some of the capital improvement items were moving forward so they can updates residents.
- 6:09PM
Board Minutes 10/21/2023
- Call to Order: 5:13pm
Board present: Ward Holmes, Tom Brossia, Jeff Wagner, Mike Roussin Excused Prior: John Gallup
Staff Present: Tim Graham, Chris Moore, Matt Nesbitt Visitors: Beverly- Representing Durango West 2
- Approval of the Mike R, Jeff 2nd approved.
- Approval of 9/21/2023 Meeting Jeff, Tom 2nd, approved.
- General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment Water System, Trappers Tank Update.
- 2024 Draft Budget— Executive Session per CRS 24-6-2402(4)(e and f)
- Approval of
- Public
- 6:32PM
- Financials, Billing, Insurance,
Water production for September was 6.9 million gallons averaged out to 230,000gallons per day. The reservoir is projected to be around 812 AF by the end of the October. We are seeing consumption slowing down with the cooler temperatures and have noticed more people turning off their irrigation systems for the cooler fall temperatures. The 2022 audit was finished in early October and took longer than expected because Haynie changed some staff around once we started. The new staff and manger took some time to understand the Authority so they will be more helpful next year during the same process.
Trappers Tank update is that Riley Industrial gave us a quote for $67,000 to refurbish the tank next June if we give them a deposit of $25000 in November. Otherwise they will not add us to their schedule next summer and we will be risking a major failure for another year. I looked into renting mobile storage tank trailers and without engineering or install the cost was $404 per day/ $147,000 per year. I think the safe bet is to refurbish the tank and gain years(5-8) of life while we juggle the hoops of the state and get a new tank installed preferably with grant money. The board discussed the benefits of refurbishing the Trappers tank and the consequences of trying to wait until a new tank was installed. Staff urged the board to approve a refurbishment and showed them pictures of the aging tank. The board weighed the options of a major catastrophe versus spending money to refurbish the tank to gain additional useful years. The board chose to refurbish the tank because the costs associated with an emergency are extremely high and the red tape for installing a new tank are multiple years out. The board agreed that by refurbishing the trappers tank we can hopefully get 5 to 8 years safely out of this older tank and by then we should have a new tank ready to be installed. Matt explained some of the process he learned from the state engineer and was told 2 years of paperwork was to be expected for the new install.
Rate Relief Request.
The Winters residence at 16 Hutch Lane are requesting rate relief for a leak in their irrigation line that was not noticeable all summer. As they investigated each month they noticed a larger water bill but could not find the leak. The Winters called their landscaper who installed the irrigation system and they found the line had split in half leaving a noticeable mud puddle. The winters are requesting relief since they looked for a leak multiple times and never found anything until it was a major line failure. Mike R motioned for Tier 1 relief, Jeff 2nd ,approved.
Frank Beebe at 404 N Lakeside Drive had a leak that bubbled up near his driveway so once he noticed the water pooling he had Chris turn off his water and called the plumber. Mr. Beebe is requesting rate relief since he took action as soon as he noticed the leak calling and emailing Chris and Matt to notify the Authority as soon as the water was discovered. Mike R motioned for Tier 1 relief, Jeff 2nd ,approved.
Source and Supply: Dave Marsa received new pressure switches that were needed for the Nighthorse pump so now we are just waiting on the backordered fans for the vfd. Once he gets all the parts installed we can pump from Nighthorse and replace the water that LPWWA has used (17AF). LPWWA has used their allocated amount in lake Durango and we would like to refill the lake this fall and take this off “the to do list”. We are still currently having Bud Smith Look into the Three Party Agreement and make corrections that define the operating agreement for the LPWWA raw water conveyance system. The Southern Ute Indian Tribe wants LPWWA and their ORC to operate and maintain the intake structure, booster pump and the 210 pipeline. LDWA is fine with this as long as the maintenance plan is realistic (not overly complicated) and current protocols are in place for this specific booster station. There are ongoing drafts for this plan so once it is in the final stages the board will review and have their say on the matter.
Tim and Chris work Performed list-
Willow removal from Johnson 1 and Amber Reservoir Ordered chemicals – chlorine and PAC
Submitted Pump proposal to Colorado Record of Approved Water Works (spoke to state engineers, postponed pump install unit their specified approval date.) No date estimated as of now…
We have a meeting with state engineers on Thursday 10/19 about bringing filter # 1 back online and the new pump proposal
Ran filter back wash and multiple clarifier flushes on filter # 1. Filtered to waste to observe turbidity. Spoke to the state about the steps to put it back online. We have a meeting scheduled 10/19
Issues with blower noise at Shenandoah and Lake Durango tanks; researched ways to muffle
noise and get fewer complaints
Normal day to day Operations
Removed left over dirt after the west Fork road repair to reduce issues with the Rafter J HOA and homeowners
Treatment: The treatment plant is running well and turbidity has mellowed out after the lake turned over. We waited too long to drain amber and its now covered in algae which will clog the filters in the plant so we will drain it next spring with the other runoff from the ditch.
Distribution: A homeowner on Panorama Drive called saying that they have 5 interested homeowners serious about a line extension. This group started communicating back in 2020 and were told costs and then backed off the idea. Now the group wants to revisit the idea and get serious about next year. This group was told about the engineering cost plan from 2020 which was $30,000 and has definitely increased since that time. The group was told to look into costs and excavation companies just to make sure they are still interested in actually completing the line extension. If this group makes progress we will keep the board up to date.
Board agreed that it would be costly to add a line extension for the 5 to 8 homes on panorama. With current excavation costs being very high but ultimately the value long term would benefit them greatly, Matt stated he would keep them up to date on any progress.
- 2024 Draft Budget— Possible Executive Session per CRS 24-6-2402(4)(e and f)
Both Durango West 1 and 2 have been notified that we are looking at our draft budget and a rate increase of 5% (Could change or increase). Both have been notified that since our 2022 Audit took longer than expected to complete therefore putting us behind schedule for the rate study. The plan is to send our RFP’s in January, pick a firm in February, “have said firm” complete the work 4-6 weeks and have a completed study done in April. Then we will have the ability to use this new study to carry out the rate increase schedule so all parties can plan ahead and budget accordingly. Tom motioned to move into executive session Mike R 2nd. Motion passes. The discussion covered statutes CRS 24-6-2402 (4) E and F involving personnel and wages from 6:15pm –6:27pm. Ward motioned to end executive session and Jeff 2nd (6:27PM). Mike R discussed notifying the residents of the rate increase on the back side of the bill and placing the notification on the website for customers. Matt added that in addition to the website and bill that any customers with an email address associated to their account would get an email notification.
Tom Brossia discussed expenses in the draft budget and that we need to keep track and plan for issues in the future with supply chain, specifically chemical orders and parts. All the board members agreed that inflation and current uncertainties in the world are a challenge but we must move forward and treat each issue as it comes. Tom stated that he was really interested in a new rate study and all board members agreed that it was long overdue. Matt sated he would get the RFP ready so it can be sent out in early January.
- Approval of the Bills – com report to follow Jeff , Tom 2nd approved.
- Public Beverly stated she had no official comment but rather thanked everyone for their hard work and thanked everyone at keeping the old system alive. Bev stated she enjoyed learning more about the system and overall how it worked.
LDWA Minutes11/16/2023
- Call to Order: 5:08PM
Board Present: Ward Holmes, Tom Brossia, John Gallup
Excused Prior: Jeff Waggoner, Mike Roussin
Staff Present: Tom Graham, Chris Moore, Matt Nesbitt
Visitors: Beverly D West 2, Janet Anderson D West 1, Joe Whirry Rafter J resident
- Approval of the Tom approved, John 2nd.
- Approval of 10/19/2023 Meeting Tom approved, John 2nd.
- Budget Hearing 2024- No Corrections or changes
- General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment Water System, Trappers Tank Update.
- Approval of
- Public
- 6:04PM
4. 2024 Budget Hearing.
See attached.
5. Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Water production for October was 6,280,200 million gallons and we estimate the lake is at 808 acre feet. We did make some chemical purchases because we’re worried about running out of pac during the holiday season and waiting on reliable shipping companies. We also can see how the large amount of snow last winter really reduced our overall (last 10 months) sales in April May and June.
Rate Relief Request:
The Donaldson’s are requesting rate relief after multiple months trying to track down an irrigation leak. The Donaldson’s were made aware that there must be a leak on their property but could not find the location and needed assistance from the irrigation company. The
Donaldson’s noticed that their trees and landscaping were struggling during the dry summer and that the drip system was not keeping up. Turns out the low pressure drain caps were not installed causing the water to drain out the line instead of spray out/mist. The Donaldson’s found the two irrigation lines did not have the correct pressure caps installed for the summer causing water to wastefully drain out. The problem was resolved but unfortunately this leak ran for four months wasting 197,000 gallons. Board did not understand why the resident let the leak go on for so many months. Board decided no rate relief currently, unless the resident can produce records or invoices for the repairs made on the irrigation system (after 4 months of knowing there was an issue). Board decided that the residents need to produce paperwork for any relief and ultimately the residents should try and collect from the irrigation company. Since the irrigation company did not install the parts correctly the resident should try and get compensation from them not the water provider. Matt will talk with the residents and explain the boards view and see what documentation they (Donaldson’s) can produce to further discuss rate relief if any.
Source and Supply:
Dave Marsa received the parts that were backordered for the Nighthorse booster pump (VFD fans). The plan since he is taking over all pumping responsibilities is to meet with La Plata West Water Authority and Russ Howard (ALPOM&R) to go over reporting procedure. Then Dave will work with Tim and Chris to go over proper procedure on running the Nighthorse pump and get a feel for the operation. We want to make sure all parties involved are up to speed and the reporting is followed properly since we have very strict Bureau of Reclamation reporting requirements.
Tim and Chris work Performed list-
Greased Toe drain on lake
Dam inspection with state inspector Matt Gavin
Met with 925 Ridge Road to discuss road maintenance up to the Rafter J Tank
Met with Lazano’s on Wildcat road to discuss the last items for the line extension (still waiting on easement and survey before tap can be installed-staff explained this in May)
Read Meters
Work with homeowner at 477 King MNT Rd on meter installation near our underground tank (new home build)
Had Meeting with State Engineer (Andrew Rice) for pump
Got approval from the state so American Technical Team will be installing the new pump in the Plant
Solar Bee serviced
Shenandoah Residents want to reduce noise from the blower on Tank- Looking into sound barriers
Pressure switch installed in Lake Durango Pump House Trappers Tank patched and welded
Tried to locate Hawskill water lines for LPEA boring project- many miles of locates and hydro vac pot holes( Tim and Chris have spent days doing locates for this project).
Browns Hill installed new antenna and conduit for SCADA/ pump PLC
Filter 2 has been working really hard trying to filter the turbid water from the lake turning over. With the colder temperatures from the lake and the dirty spring runoff water from the ditch it takes longer to treat the water (contact time in clear well). We also do not want to speed up the process by using lots of chemicals (bad taste= complaints).
- Approval of the Bills – com report to follow
7. Public Comment.
Beverly stated she had no questions she just wanted to stay in the loop so she could report back to her board. She also stated we should charge more on large leaks since it puts a strain on the entire system.
Janet had no questions for the board, she just wanted to ask Tim and Chris about VFD’s for the D West 1 Pump.
Joe Whirry asked the board if they could work something out with his account since he has not used water in years but his monthly charges kept adding up after a usage dispute years ago. Joe asked that the board work out a payment plan so he could pay off his balance and then start using water again. The board decided to move forward on a payment plan plus the additional usage per month. Chris stated he needs to install a shutoff valve on his cistern if he wishes to turn off his water after the cistern is full. Joe agreed to the shutoff valve and the payment plan.
8. Adjourn. 6:04PM
DRAFT MINUTES 12/21/2023
- Call to Order 5:15pm
Board Present: Jeff Wagoner, John Gallup, Tom Brossia, Mike Roussin, Excused-Ward Holmes
Staff Present: Chris Moore, Matt Nesbitt Visitors: Frank Beebe 404 North Lakeside
- Approval of the Tom, Jeff 2nd, approved
- Approval of 11/16/2023 Meeting Tom, John 2nd, approved
- General Managers Report: Administration, Rate Relief, Source, Treatment Water
- Approve Resolutions 24-1 Meeting locations and Resolution 24-2 Adopt 2024 Budget
- Approval of
- Public
- Adjourn. 6:39pm
5. Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Financially we are looking strong but you will see some increased costs year to date in accounting for the 2022 Audit. Also we had a few repairs this year so we had extra expenses with different contactors and vacuum truck rentals.
Water production for November was 6,484,700 million gallons and we estimate the lake is at 802 acre feet. We did order pac last month but we are down to 4 barrels so we will order again soon just in case we need extra time with the supplier and holidays. We are getting ready for our pumping estimate which is due every year to ALP OM&R on what we think we will need to fill up the Lake. We will estimate our need on the high side so we can always reduce the amount after we see what kind of winter we have.
Rate Relief Request:
Mr. Kaufman at 909 Heritage Road is asking for rate relief after a frost free ran for 2 weeks while the house was unattended. The open frost free ran approximately 14gpm for 15 days releasing 262,800 gallons. Mr. Kaufman was shocked after the incident and did not know if someone tampered with the handle so he installed locks and a water meter sensor so he can watch his usage in real time. Mike R approved Tier 1 rate relief if owner buys smart meter and we install, Jeff 2nd ($3171.80 + ($450)cost of smart meter). Mike R stated we can log in and look at the usage on the smart meter but homeowner is still responsible for watching it, we just have access to track periodically.
Joe and Pam Leder had a water line break while they were out of town. The Leders did have a house sitter keeping an eye on the property but they did not notice the line break or reduced pressure. The Leders received their bill showing high usage so they had a plumber look over the house and investigate. Sure enough the plumber found where the line had frozen and cracked in the crawl space. All repairs were made in a timely manner but the Leders are asking for rate relief for this unfortunate line break. Mike R made a motion for Tier 1, Jeff 2nd, approved.
Source and Supply:
We were trying to pump this fall (late November) to fill the 22 acre feet LPWWA used and to show Dave some procedures on Nighthorse pumping. The pressure transducers were full of water and not working so the parts are ordered and we shall see when they arrive. It would be nice to fill the small 22 AF hole in the lake but if the lake is frozen over we will wait until spring.
Tim and Chris work Performed list-
The VFD’s for the new pumps have been programmed, waiting to install in the new PLC until after the holidays
Once the PLC is installed, and the pumps are operational, A construction completion form needs to be completed and submitted to the state. The Monthly Operating Report will be updated to reflect the increased clearwell volume and baffle factor.
Meeting with the state engineers about filter # 1, they approved putting the filter back online. We need to write the state a letter describing the work that was completed to bring the filter back online. They will then update our Record of Approved Water Works.
Turned Joe Whirry’s water back on (as of December no payment) Ordered/Received Chlorine cylinders
Meeting with Russ Howard, Robin Wicka, Dave Marsa(LPWWA) about Dave taking over Nighthorse pumping and reporting. Matt and Tim wanted to express the communication and reporting seriousness to Dave so high valued relationships stay intact.
Dave Replaced the pressure switches and VFD fans at the Nighthorse booster pump station. Attempted to pump from Nighthorse, the pressure transducers were full of water and not functioning so parts are being ordered.
Lead and copper survey meeting with Sunrise Engineering (contracted by the state) Meeting with Mike Harris( Backwash compliance state employee) about Discharge permits Meeting with Harris engineering about Capital improvements
Locates for LPEA in Shenandoah(many hours)
Discovered leak on Meadow Road, repaired loose meter connection on 12-13
Oak Road line extension completed—many months assisting this project
The colder temperatures have slowed down the treatment process so we are distributing 200 GPM slow and steady. If we have more demand we will have to distribute a little faster which means more chemicals used which is not ideal. We are beginning to understand the importance of the clearwell expansion so we can keep up with demand and also distribute a taste free product.
5. Approve Resolutions 24-1 Meeting locations and Resolution 24-2 Adopt 2024 Budget
Motion to approve resolution 24-1 meeting locations. Mike R approved, Jeff 2nd Motion to adopt Resolution 24-2 adopt 2024 Budget. Jeff approved, Tom 2nd
- Approval of the Bills – com report to follow
Mike R , Jeff 2nd, approved.
7. Public Comment.
Frank Beebe had 2 leaks on his property this fall asked for rate relief since he was scheduled to replace the entire line from the road to his house this spring. The board agreed since he was proactive with the issue and notified us immediately to shut off his water. Mike R motioned for tier 1 relief, Jeff 2nd, approved.
Executive Session:6:12PM Tom motioned to move into executive session to discuss personnel (CRS 24-6-402 <4> <F> )matters, Jeff 2nd unanimous vote. 6:25PM Jeff motioned to leave executive session, Tom 2nd
8. Adjourn. 6:39PM