2021 Notices/Agendas
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, January 20, 2022 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held via teleconference, do not come to the office at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 12/16/2021 Meeting Minutes.
- Set Dates and Location for 2022 Board Meetings
- Premium Credit request
- 128 Colonial Dr.
- 2022 Rates Resolution
- General Managers Report: Billing, Financial, Water System.
- TTHM Compliance
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
- Executive Session Cite 24-6-402(4) C.R.S. (f)
- Specific employee pay/compensation/benefits
*Contact the LDWA office for details if you are interested in calling in to the meeting.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, February 18, 2021 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held via teleconference, do not come to the office at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 1/21/2021 Meeting Minutes.
- General Managers Report: Billing, Financial, Water System.
- ALWCD Water Purchase.
- Shenandoah Tank Recoating and THM Stripping
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
*Contact the LDWA office for details if you are interested in calling in to the meeting.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held via teleconference, do not come to the office at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 2/18/2021 Meeting Minutes.
- Trappers Crossing Taps.
- La Plata West Service Area Adjustment
- General Managers Report: Billing, Financial, Water System.
- ALPWCD Water Purchase
- Shenandoah Tank Recoating and THM Stripping.
- DOVE Compliance, DOLA Grant Application.
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
*Contact the LDWA office for details if you are interested in calling in to the meeting.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, April, 2021 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held via teleconference, do not come to the office at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 3/18/2021 Meeting Minutes.
- General Managers Report: Billing, Financial, Water System.
- Shenandoah Tank THM Stripping.
- DOVE Compliance, DOLA Grant Application.
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
*Contact the LDWA office for details if you are interested in calling in to the meeting.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held via teleconference, do not come to the office at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 4/15/2021 Meeting Minutes.
- 474 N. Lakeside Dr. Premium Credit Request.
- General Managers Report: Billing, Financial, Water System.
- Shenandoah Tank THM Stripping.
- DOVE Compliance, DOLA Grant.
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
*Contact the LDWA office for details if you are interested in calling in to the meeting.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will at the Lake Durango Water Authority office located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 6/17/2021 Meeting Minutes.
- General Managers Report: Billing, Financial, Water System.
- Shenandoah Tank THM Stripping.
- DOVE Compliance, DOLA Grant.
- Possible Executive Session pursuant to 24-6402(4)(b) and 24-6-402(4)(e) 9
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
- Masks required for unvaccinated attendees.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will at the Lake Durango Water Authority office located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 6/17/2021 Meeting Minutes.
- General Managers Report: Billing, Financial, Water System.
- Shenandoah Tank THM Stripping.
- DOVE Compliance, DOLA Grant.
- Possible Executive Session pursuant to 24-6402(4)(b) and 24-6-402(4)(e) 9
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
- Masks required for unvaccinated attendees.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Wednesday, August 25, 2021 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held via teleconference, do not come to the office at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
1. Call to order.
2. Approval of the Agenda.
3. Approval of 7/15/2021 and 7/29/2021 Meeting Minutes.
4. General Managers Report: Billing, Financial, Water System.
5. 2008 Tax Notice
6. TTHM Compliance
7. DOVE Compliance.
8. Approval of Bills.
9. Public Comments or Questions.
10. Adjourn.
- Contact the LDWA office for details if you are interested in calling in to the meeting. 970-247-4062
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday September 16, 2021 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held via teleconference, do not come to the office at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 8/25/2021 Meeting Minutes.
- General Managers Report: Billing, Financial, Water System.
- 2008 Tax Notice
- TTHM Compliance.
- DOVE Compliance.
- General Manager Hiring Process – Possible Executive Session per CRS 24-6-2402(4)(e and f)
- Rescind Resolution 2020-4 Disaster Declaration
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
- Contact the LDWA office for details if you are interested in calling in to the meeting. 970-247-4062
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold a special meeting open to the public on Friday October 15, 2021 at 1:00 pm. The meeting will be held via Zoom, do not come to the office at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- General Manager Interviews – Executive Session per CRS 24-6-2402(4)(e and f)
- Public Comments or Questions.
*Contact the LDWA office for details if you are interested in calling in to the meeting.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold a special meeting open to the public on Sunday November 14, 2021 at 12:00 pm. The meeting will be held in person and immediately go into Executive Session.
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- General Manager Interviews- Executive Session per CRS 24-6-2402(4)(e and f)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Lake Durango Water Authority will hold its monthly meeting open to the public on Thursday December 16, 2021 at 5:15 pm. The meeting will be held via teleconference, do not come to the office at the Lake Durango Water Authority located at 667 S. Lakeside Dr., Hesperus, Colorado
The agenda for the meeting is as follows:
- Call to order.
- Approval of the Agenda.
- Approval of 11/18/2021 and 11/29/2021 Meeting Minutes.
- General Manager Hiring Process
- General Managers Report: Billing, Financial, Water System.
- 2022 Budget Hearing.
- Resolution 2021-3 Resolution to Adopt 2022 Budget.
- Resolution 2021-4 Resolution to Appropriate Sums of Money for the 2022 Calendar Year.
- Approval of Bills.
- Public Comments or Questions.
- Contact the LDWA office for details if you are interested in calling in to the meeting. 970-247-4062
2021 Minutes
1/21/21 Minutes
- Call to Order – 5:15 pm
The meeting was held via Zoom. Directors present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Chuck Stevens, and Michael Roussin. General Manager Charlie Smith was also present.
- Approval of Agenda –The Agenda was approved with the addition of an item for Drinking Water Revolving Fund Loan
- Approve 12/17/20 Minutes – Jeff, moved to approve the 12/17/20 minutes, Mike second, Approved.
- Set Dates and Location for 2021 Board Meetings
Mike moved to approve Resolution 2021-1 Establishing Time and Place for Regular Meetings. Meeting will continue to be held on the 3rd Thursday of each month at the Lake Durango Water Authority office or by teleconference. Chuck 2nd, Approved.
- 2021 Rates Resolution –
Mike moved to approve Resolution 2021-2 Establishing Rates, Fees and Charges. The rates and fees have been updated for 2021 to adjust the annual Royalty Fee recalculation in July 2020 and increase of the tap fee from $14,360 to $14,540.
- General Managers Report
Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Balance Sheet and Budget Performance reports for December were reported. Rafter J water sales are estimated. 2020 Water Sales are $75,000 above budget. Retail sales are $92,400 over. Bulk sales are $17,400 below budget due to LPWWA not being an active customer until September 8.
YTD expenses are $14,848 below budget.
Alexis’ 11 year-old computer needs to be upgraded.
Source and Supply –
The lake volume is approximately 808 acre-feet.
December water production was 5,466,100 gallons.
A leak in filter #2 was plugged. A gantry and a chain hoist were purchased for removing the old distribution pumps from the clearwell. The treatment plant unit heater was repaired. A new unit would cost $2,815 installed.
Coagulant was purchased but did not arrive for over 1 month due to shipping delays. A drum was borrowed from Dove Creek to insure that supply did not out. New orders will be placed at least 6 weeks in advance. I have requested that RAC Transport not be used as the carrier.
December water sales are approximately 3,700,000 gallons.
A leak after a service connection was repaired by the homeowner’s contractor, the meter was not functioning and did not record the water lost.
There have been several frozen meter pits and ruptured meter freeze plates at locations that are typically covered with snow in December and January. A booster pump in the Lake Durango pump station was replaced.
The line extension from Indian Bend across CR 136 is underway, the connection to the existing main and a valve have been installed.
- ALPWCD Grant Application
ALPWCD has indicated that it will not provide grant funds for the annual water purchase. The Authority will be applying for two projects – Shenandoah tank stripping and auto-flushing in Long Hollow – requesting funding equal to the annual water purchase cost.
- Shenandoah Tank Recoating.
Neither D and R Tank in Albuquerque nor Pittsburg Tank provided a quote for Shenandoah tank recoating. D and R indicated that they would not be able to perform the work until June or July of this year.
Mike moved to approve Industrial Coating Inc quote of $69,594 for the recoating of the Shenandoah tank, Chuck 2nd, Approved.
- Drinking Water Revolving Fund Loan for TTHM and Dove Compliance and Capital Improvements.
Mike and Charlie attended an SRF loan prequalification video meeting with, CDPHE, CRWPDA, and DOLA. The SRF loan process is better suited for a large single project than the varied individual projects that are included in the prequalification application. Each individual project will require engineering, an environmental review that may result in an environmental assessment. Construction contractors will need to pay Davis- Bacon wages and use American steel. In discussing our projects with CDPHE’s loan and grants project manager he recommended that our estimates be increased to included engineering equal to 25% of project costs, contingency 25%, and $20,000 for the EA to increase CT Volume. Charlie proposed that the projects be funded from operating reserves over a longer period of time. He will apply for a DOLA grant for the DOVE compliance increase in CT volume
LPEA unsuccessfully attempted to persuade the property owner on Ute Junction to provide an electrical utility easement and is now working to acquire an easement from the property owner at the end of Roble Way.
CDPHE does not require an engineering submittal for relocating the Shenandoah tank stripping blower.
- Approval of Bills – Mike moved to approve the bills included in the check detail, Jeff 2nd, Approved
- Public comments or Questions – There were no questions or comments.
- Adjourn 6:00pm.
2/18/21 Minutes
- Call to Order – 5:15 pm
The meeting was held via Zoom. Directors present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Chuck Stevens, Tom Brossia, and Michael Roussin. General Manager Charlie Smith was also present.
- Approval of Agenda –The Agenda was approved.
- Approve 1/21/21 Minutes – Mike, moved to approve the 1/21/21 minutes with a correction to add the word “run” in item six treatment, Jeff second, Approved.
- General Managers Report
Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Balance Sheet and Budget Performance reports for January 2021 were reported. Rafter J water sales are estimated.
Source and Supply –
The lake volume is approximately 803 acre-feet. The Reservoir projection assumes no La Plata River water in 2021 and 2022. Columbus Basin snow water equivalent is 60% of average after the past week’s storms.
Six acre-feet was pumped from Lake Nighthorse for La Plata West storage in Lake Durango. The booster pump float switch is faulty.
The annual Pine Ridge Ditch Co. meeting is scheduled for March 9.
Neighboring property owners would like to fence and gate access to Lake Durango at their properties and request the Authority fence its property along S. Lakeside Dr. to prevent access across from the dam onto their properties. Eden has prepared a letter to property owners. Bob Johnson allowed access to Lake Durango for homeowners within the LD subdivisions but there does not appear to be any written easements or covenants. Keeping people off the dam and away from the intake would be a positive for safety, insurance and source water protection. Estimated cost for LDWA’s portion of fencing is $3,600.
January water production was 6,600,000 gallons. The house water line has been relocated so that the old distribution pumps can be removed.
January water sales are approximately 3,600,000 gallons. Lines were flushed in January and TTHM compliance samples were taken on February 1. There were three large leaks from ruptured freeze plates that were repaired. Booster pumps were replaced in the Lake Durango and Morningstar pump stations. Region 9 Economic Development inquired about placing an antenna on the rafter J tank for broadband service.
- ALPWCD Water Purchase
Closing for the ALPWCD water purchase is scheduled for 3/19.
- Shenandoah Tank Recoating and THM Stripping
Industrial Coating Inc. will begin the Shenandoah tank blasting and recoating on March 1. The tank level will be drawn down during the week of 2/22, water will be off for a few hours while the tank service line is transferred to the temporary tank. The contractor will weld brackets for the THM stripping blower duct and flanged entry before blasting.
Property owner Larry Riggs has offered to allow an electric easement across his property to access the Shenandoah tank. The route will be up the steep hill south of the tank. The preliminary LPEA estimate for this route is $12,000 and the excavation estimate is $13,215 not including conduit. LPEA requires a Applicant Installed Infrastructure Agreement.
Charlie is working on a DOLA EIAF grant application for DOVE compliance.
- Approval of Bills – Tom moved to approve the bills included in the check detail and to authorize Charlie to sign the Applicant Installed Infrastructure Agreement with LPEA, Mike 2nd, Approved
- Public comments or Questions – There were no questions or comments.
- Adjourn 6:00pm.
3/18/21 Minutes
- Call to Order – 5:20 pm
The meeting was held via Zoom. Directors present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Chuck Stevens, Tom Brossia, and Michael Roussin. General Manager Charlie Smith, LDWA attorney Bud Smith, LPWWA President Mardi Gebhardt, and LPWWA attorney Amy Huff were also present.
- Approval of Agenda –The Agenda was approved.
- Approve 2/18/21 Minutes – Tom, moved to approve the 2/18/21 minutes, Mike second, Approved.
- Trappers Crossing Taps.
The Board reaffirmed its position that taps cannot be transferred outside of the subdivision for which they were originally assigned. The Board directed Bud Smith to draft a response to Marla Underell’s letter that requested the transfer of taps originally designated for Trappers Crossing outside of the Trappers Crossing subdivision.
- La Plata West Service Area Adjustment
LPWWA requested a service area boundary adjustment to service 4 parcels at the end of Miramonte Dr. LPWWA would run a main down from CR141 to reach the parcels and use USDA funding for the project. LDWA servicing the properties would require the owners to share the cost of 4,500’ of 3” water line extension across Shalako Canyon, estimated cost $150,000, possibly higher due to rock in the area.
Chuck moved to approved a service areas adjustment with LPWWA for the four lots at the end of Miramonte Dr. LPWWA shall draft an amendment to the LPWWA LDWA Agreement for final approval by the Board. Tom 2nd, Approved.
- General Managers Report
Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Balance Sheet and Budget Performance reports for February were reported. Rafter J water sales are estimated. Electrical expense is over budget due to less solar production in the winter and increased electric at Lake Durango tank for THM stripping.
Audit field work is scheduled for April 13, staff have begun working on the pre audit requests.
Tom moved to approve a Merchant Agreement with Allpaid that will enable customers to pay their bills more easily with credit card, with no cost to the Authority. Customer will pay 2.65% fee, Chuck 2nd, Approved.
Tom moved to approve the quote to switch the Asyst billing software over to a cloud based platform. Mike 2nd, Approved.
Source and Supply –
The lake volume is approximately 784 acre-feet. The Reservoir projection assumes no La Plata River water in 2021 and 2022. The Board directed Charlie to pump additional water after it is purchased by from ALPWCD on March 19 until the end of the month to take advantage of water stored in Lake Nighthorse prior to the ALPOMR water year which begins April 1.
The annual Pine Ridge Ditch Co. meeting was held on March 9, Tom, Tim G. and Charlie attended via zoom.
An ALPOMR Annual Water Operations Plan workshop is scheduled for March 22.
Neighboring property owners Eden requested that the Authority to supply a letter to customers stating that the lake is off limits without permission of the property owners bordering the lake. Charlie provided a draft letter that states that, excluding the dam, the property around Lake Durango and all access to the lake is private.
Mike moved to approve the IXOM SolarBee Service Program renewal for a 3 year term, Tom 2nd, Approved.
February water production was 6,776,000 gallons.
One old finished water pump was removed. Boyer Seeley is preparing a quote for a pump that will be used for DOVE compliance.
February water sales were approximately 3,300,000 gallons. Charlie was contacted about placing an antenna at the Rafter J tank site for broadband service again, he asked the provider to put together a proposal which included compensation to the Authority.
- ALPWCD Water Purchase
Closing for the annual ALPWCD water purchase is scheduled for 3/19.
- Shenandoah Tank Recoating and THM Stripping
The Shenandoah tank recoating was completed on 3/12 (a full week after scheduled completion,) after two days of drying the tank refilling began on 3/15. There was a short water outage for customers on the north side of Ute Junction Cr. on 3/2 when service was transferred to the temporary storage tank.
LPEA easement agreements have been given to property owners Larry Riggs and the Hutchison sisters, the Hutchisons are requesting a survey for the easement route. The route is up the steep hill south of the tank. LPEA and Accurate Backhoe are adjusting their quotes for the service based in the new route.
ALPWCD awarded a grant of $85,000 to the Authority for THM stripping in Shenandoah tank ($41,800) and engineering and installation of an auto flush hydrant in Long Hollow ($43,200.)
- DOVE Compliance, DOLA Grant Application.
Charlie prepared a grant application requesting for $75,000 for DOVE compliance which has been submitted to DOLA. The request is for 50% of the increased CT volume cost but all DOVE compliance expenses- are included to demonstrate a higher match amount $169,500.
- Approval of Bills – Mike moved to approve the bills included in the check detail , Tom 2nd, Approved
- Public comments or Questions – There were no questions or comments.
- Adjourn 6:00pm.
4/15/21 Minutes
- Call to Order – 5:15 pm
The meeting was held via Zoom. Directors present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Chuck Stevens, Tom Brossia, and Michael Roussin. General Manager Charlie Smith was also present.
- Approval of Agenda –The Agenda was approved.
- Approve 3/18/21 Minutes – Mike moved to approve the 3/18/21 minutes, Jeff second, Approved.
- General Managers Report
Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Balance Sheet and Budget Performance reports for March were reported. Rafter J water sales are estimated. YTD water sales are $11,500 above budget. The 2020 Audit site visit was on 4/13. Audit requests continue and responses are being submitted.
Source and Supply –
The lake volume is approximately 803 acre-feet. 40 acre-feet was pumped from Lake Nighthorse to Lake Durango in March and 37 acre-feet in April.
An ALPOMR 2021 Operating Plan Workshop was held on March 22 to go over the draft Operating Plan. I attended expecting to discuss the proposal to pump to Lake Durango while water is being pumped to Lake Nighthorse from the Animas River. Unexpectedly most of the discussion was regarding whether LDWA could use the joint pool to access the full volume of the water purchased from ALPWCD including the direct flow component. At the April 1 ALPOMR meeting all parties agreed to allow LDWA and LPWWA to utilize the joint pool in 2021 but included “no precedent” language for that use.
March water production was 8,800,000 gallons.
March water sales are approximately 4,600,000 gallons. Water was flushed to empty the Shenandoah tank for recoating.
- Shenandoah Tank THM Stripping
The Shenandoah tank site required a survey before they would approve an electrical line easement, the survey was completed last week. The tank site easement is platted but there is no easement agreement for accessing the tank. The property owner included terms that their potential buyer would like in the access easement. The Board directed Charlie to respond to the owners terms for the access easement.
The blower for tank stripping has been delivered. A pad for the blower has poured and posts for the electrical controls have been set. The blower will be set next week. Phillips Electric will then complete all of the electrical installation at the site and wait for the LPEA transformer to be placed for final connection. IXOM/Medora is scheduled to install the stripper in the tank the week of May 24.
- DOVE Compliance, DOLA Grant Application.
The grant application was accepted by DOLA. Charlie zoom met with Patrick Rondinelli and Randi Snead to go over the grant request in preparation for their April 21 meeting to review all regional grant requests. After review of the requests final recommendations will be sent to Director Rick Garcia who will make funding decisions, Award letters will be sent out during the second week of May. Grant contracting will take 30 days and the contract should be completed by the end of June. Because of the lengthy schedule and the desire to begin purchasing the instrumentation required for compliance as soon as possible Patrick recommended removing the instrumentation items from the grant match. The reduction in match should not affect the grant requests competiveness.
- Approval of Bills – Tom moved to approve the bills included in the check detail with the addition of a bill from Floyd Smith and the Ma1 CWRPDA loan payment wire transfer, Jeff 2nd, Approved
- Public comments or Questions – There were no questions or comments.
- Adjourn 6:30 pm.
5/20/21 Minutes
- Call to Order – 5:15 pm
The meeting was held via Zoom. Directors present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Chuck Stevens, Tom Brossia, and Michael Roussin. General Manager Charlie Smith and customer Bob Browder were also present.
- Approval of Agenda –The Agenda was approved.
- Approve 4/15/21 Minutes – Tom moved to approve the 4/15/21 minutes, Mike second, Approved.
- 474 North Lakeside Premium Credit Request.
Customer at 474 N. Lakeside had a persistent leak which was finally located in the hydronic heating for an exterior concrete slab and has made a premium credit request. The customer had received a previous premium credit in the past three years.
Mike moved to approve a reduction in premiums to the tier 1 rate less the 2019 credit that had previously been issued, Tom 2nd, Approved.
- General Managers Report
Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Balance Sheet and Budget Performance reports for April were reported. Rafter J water sales are estimated. Water Sales are $19,300 above budget. YTD operating expenses are $9,900 below budget. $3,200 of electrical expense is unbudgeted cost for operating the stripping equipment at LD Tank.
Final items for the 2020 audit have been submitted. The auditors are reconsidering the Royalty payment allocations relation to purchased water rights.
Source and Supply –
The lake volume is approximately 803 acre-feet. The Reservoir projection is assumes no La Plata River water in 2021 and 2022. Pumping from Lake Nighthorse began on 5/3 and will continue while Nighthorse is filling.
Ward and Charlie attended a zoom meeting with ALPWCD president Bob Wolf and consultant Bruce Whitehead regarding the Joint Pool and direct flow component of the ALPWCD ALP water rights. APLWCD will engage ALPOMR to determine a better understanding of the availability of the “joint pool.”
IXOM performed the Bee Keeper maintenance on the Solar Bee and relocated the intake to 10’ below the lake surface. Additional reservoir monitoring at different depths will resume.
Adjoining property owners Hobson and Eden installed the fence at the south access to the lake
April water production was 6,691,000 gallons. The chlorine dioxide generator was serviced by Evoqua.
The 2020 Consumers Confidence Report is posted on the website. There was one violation for missed chlorite sampling.
April water sales are approximately 4,600,000 gallons. Water was flushed prior to 2nd quarter TTHM sampling. A leak was detected in the middle of a pasture off Shiloh Circle. The leak is in a dead end line that originally supplied Shenandoah. a valve will be installed upstream from the leak to allow the ground to drain and dry out before beginning the repair. The water main could not be located after 4 days of digging. A vactor truck has been contracted to locate the main closer to a known pipeline location and install the valve at that point.
A leak at a 6” tee in the Lake Durango pump station is scheduled for repair.
2 leaks at meter pits were repaired.
4 inactive taps have been connected and are now active.
- Shenandoah Tank THM Stripping
Easements with the Hutchison and Riggs were finalized and the indeterminate contract was delivered to LPEA. Accurate Backhoe has dug the trench from the transformer at the Riggs to the location for the new transformer near the Shenandoah tank. LPEA will install the power conductor in the trench this week and set the transformer early next week. Phillips Electric has begun the wiring and control work for the tanks sprayer and blower. A 10” pipe has been extended up the side of the tank from the blower. IXOM is scheduled to install the sprayer in the tank on May 26.
2nd quarter compliance samples were taken. TTHM samples were also taken at the Lake Durango tank, Shenandoah tank, and Shenandoah pump station to provide baseline values prior to Shenandoah stripping installation. Analysis shows that stripping in the Lake Durango tank has significantly reduced TTHM values.
| TTHM Results (ppb) | |
| SGM Compliance Report | After Stripping Installed at LD Tank Nov 2020 |
| August 2019 | May 2021 |
LD Tank | 76 | 11.1 |
Shenandoah Tank | 78 | 28.5 |
Shenandoah PS | 85 | 14.8 |
DBP001 | 96 | results not received |
- DOVE Compliance, DOLA Grant Application.
DOLA awarded a $75,000 grant for the CT volume increase to meet DOVE compliance. DOLA reps Patrick Rondinelli and Randi Snead are working on the Scope of Project document to be used for the grant contract.
- Approval of Bills – Tom moved to approve the bills included in the check detail, Mike 2nd, Approved
- Public comments or Questions – There were no questions or comments.
- Adjourn 6:00 pm.
7/15/21 Minutes
- Call to Order – 5:30 pm
The meeting was held in person at the Authority office. Directors present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Chuck Stevens, and Mike Roussin. General Manager Charlie Smith was also present.
- Approval of Agenda –The Agenda was approved with the addition of items for Customer Premium Credit Requests and LPWWA water dock.
- Approve 6/17/21 Minutes – Mike moved to approve the 6/17/21 minutes, Chuck second, Approved.
- Customer Premium Credit Request.
Customer at 149 Blue Ridge had a leak in their sprinkler system and is seeking premium relief. They had a previous credit for premiums within the past 3 years. Mike moved to approve to approve to increase the premiums for the current bill to include premiums from the previous credit and to provide a premium credit charging only 1st tier premiums for the current water usage., Jeff 2nd, Approved.
Customer at 115 Zane Dr. had a leak in their sprinkler system and is seeking premium relief, they have not had premium credit within the past three years. Charlie downloaded the radio which indicated that the leak was responsible for 15,000 gallons of the total 18,650 gallons usage. Mike moved to waive the premiums, Chuck 2nd, Approved.
- General Managers Report
Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Balance Sheet and Budget Performance reports for June were reviewed. Rafter J water sales are estimated. YTD Water Sales are $56,300 above budget (Retail $43,300 over and Bulk $13,000 over.) YTD operating expenses are $10,000 below budget.
The 2020 Audit is almost completed, Charlie will send out the Audit Report for the Boards review when it arrives and schedule a Special Meeting date for the audit approval.
Source and Supply –
Lake volume is approximately 820 acre-feet. The Reservoir projection assumes no La Plata River water in 2021 and 2022. Lake Nighthorse pumping resumed on 6/17 and will continue until the July 19. The pumping rate was decreased from 750 gpm to 460 gpm on 6/25.
June water production was 10,544,800 gallons. Additional pre-chlorination is being used to counteract iron effects on coagulation. A process air line ruptured on 7/15 and the plant shut down for 14 hours.The broken line and several aging air lines were replaced.
June water sales are approximately 7,190,000 gallons. Second quarter TTHM and HAA values were well below the MCL.
A leak on Ridge Rd. where water was surfacing from underneath the pavement was repaired, the leak was a broken pvc fitting after a tap saddle.
A leak in Shenandoah was called in on Saturday June 26. The leak was found to be a broken pvc fitting after a 1-½” tap saddle. The leak was isolated and one customer was without water until Monday June 28.
A customer on Ridge Rd. doing fire mitigation with a brush hog/chipper hit a meter pit on July 3 which sheared off both sides of the pvc meter setter. Water was shooting over 2’ in the air. Tim responded but was unable to shut off the water. Charlie arrived about 1 ½ hours later and also had difficulty getting upstream valves to close completely. Bud Fitts helped us locate a nearby valve which was not included with the Rafter J intersection maps. Water still l leaked by after the valve was shut but we were able to plug the leak and restore service to homes in the section of Rafter J. The customer was without water until July 6 when we were able to get parts at Grand Junction Pipe.
A pipe broke in the Lake Durango pump station on July 4, affecting approximately 20 service connections. The pipe was isolated and water was restored to all but 2 customers (they continued to have water but at a very low pressure) until July 6 when the piping and booster pump were replaced.
There is a leak at a valve box on Ridge Rd. and another leak in the road on Sawmill Rd. in Rafter J. Two valve boxes on Ridge Road were accessed so that water can be shut off for the repair which will shut off all of Rafter J and King Mountain.
Charlie will be out of town the week of August 16, the August Board meeting was rescheduled to August 25, 2021 at 5:15 pm
- Shenandoah Tank THM Stripping
LPEA installed an electric meter at the Shenandoah tank site on July 1. Phillips electric completed the final electrical connection and the TTHM stripping equipment was turned on July 6th.
Construction Completion as Approved Certification needs to be submitted, I am checking whether the form needs to be signed by a PE. More baseline samples were taken prior to the equipment installation. Samples will be taken next week for comparison.
A request for funds from ALPWCD for the grant funds that they committed to the stripping project was signed by Ward.
Harris Water Engineering has agreed to prepare the TTHM Engineering Report Addendum required by CDPHE for TTHM enforcement order compliance and the auto flush hydrant for Long Hollow. They will bill on an hourly basis.
The total cost to date for the stripping equipment installation not including engineering fees is $96,905 for the Lake Durango tank and $114,600 for the Shenandoah tank.
- DOVE Compliance, DOLA Grant Application.
DOLA has not completed the contracting document for the grant that was approved in June. Apparently DOLA has given priority to American Recovery Act projects. The Authority cannot be invoiced for DOVE project items until the contract is completed. This will put us behind schedule to meet the Sept 1 date for meeting DOVE compliance.
Harris Engineering has agreed to prepare the engineering for the CT volume increased required for DOVE compliance.
- LPWWA Water Dock.
The Board discussed the impact of a possible LPWWA water dock on Authority operations.
- Possible Executive Session to Discuss Personnel Matters.
The Board chose not to go in to Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. The Board directed Charlie to take action he deemed necessary in response to a customer complaint.
- Approval of Bills – Chuck moved to approve the bills included in the check detail, Mike 2nd, Approved
- Public comments or Questions – There were no questions or comments.
- Adjourn 7:05 pm.
Draft 7/15/21 Minutes
- Call to Order
- Approval of Agenda – The agenda was approved with the addition of items for customer premium credit requests and LPWWA Water Dock.
- 6/17/21 Minutes – Mike, Chuck 2nd Approved.
- Customer Premium Credit Requests. –Customer at 149 Blue Ridge Rd. requested premium relief for high usage caused by a sprinkler valve being stuck open for two weeks. June water usage was 70,000 gallons. His landscaping contractor has corrected the problem. The customer typically has high usage in the summer and has used an external cistern to supplement LDWA water. The cistern was taken off line after a valve broke last year. He is repairing the cistern and plans to use it for the rest of the summer. Even though his past usage has been high he has not requested premium credit in the past three years. The highest usage recorded was 35,800 gallons for July 2018. Mike moved to credit premiums to 1st tier level for usage above 35,800, Chuck 2nd, approved
Customer at 115 Zane Dr. reqested a premium credit for a sprinkler system leak. May water usage was 18,650 gallons. The radio download indicated that 5the leak was responsible for 15,000 gallons of the water Mike moved to credit premiums, Jeff second, Approved
- General Managers Report
Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Balance Sheet and Budget Performance reports for June were reviewed. Rafter J water sales are estimated. YTD Water Sales are $56,300 above budget (Retail $43,300 over and Bulk $13,000 over.) YTD operating expenses are $10,000 below budget.
The 2020 Audit is almost complete. Charlie will contact the Board when the draft Audit Report and Financial Statements are received and schedule a meeting for approval.
Source and Supply –
The Lake volume is approximately 820 acre-feet. The Reservoir projection assumes no La Plata River water in 2021 and 2022. Lake Nighthorse pumping resumed on 6/17 and will continue until the July 19. The pumping rate was decreased from 750 gpm to 460 gpm on 6/25.
June water production was 10,544,800 gallons. Additional pre-chlorination is being used to counteract iron effects on coagulation. A process airline ruptured on 7/15 and the plant shut down for 12 hours. The airline was replaces along with several other aging airlines.
June water sales are approximately 7,190,000 gallons. Second quarter TTHM and HAA values were well below the MCL.
A leak on Ridge Rd. where water was surfacing from underneath the pavement was repaired, the leak was a broken pvc fitting after a tap saddle.
A leak in Shenandoah was called in on Saturday June 26. The leak was found to be a broken pvc fitting after a 1-½” tap saddle. The leak was isolated and one customer was without water until Monday June 28.
A customer on Ridge Rd. doing fire mitigation with a brush hog/chipper hit a meter pit on July 3 which sheared off both sides of the pvc meter setter. Water was shooting over 2’ in the air. Tim responded but was unable to shut off the water. I arrived about 1 ½ hours later and also had difficulty getting upstream valves to close completely. Bud Fitts helped us locate a nearby valve which was not included with the Rafter J intersection maps. Water still l leaked by after the valve was shut but we were able to plug the leak and restore service to homes in the section of Rafter J. The customer was without water until July 6 when we were able to get parts at Grand Junction Pipe.
A pipe broke in the Lake Durango pump station on July 4, affecting approximately 20 service connections. The pipe was isolated and water was restored to all but 2 customers (they continued to have water but at a very low pressure) until July 6 when the piping and booster pump were replaced.
There is a leak at a valve box on Ridge Rd. and another leak in the road on Sawmill Rd. in Rafter J. Two valve boxes on Ridge Road were accessed so that water can be shut off for the repair which will shut off all of Rafter J and King Mountain.
Charlie will be out of town the week of August 16, the August Board meeting was rescheduled to August 25 at 5:15 pm.
- Shenandoah Tank TTHM Stripping
LPEA installed an electric meter at the Shenandoah tank site on July 1. Phillips electric completed the final electrical connection and the TTHM stripping equipment was turned on July 6th.
A Construction Completion as Approved Certification needs to be submitted, I am checking whether the form needs to be signed by a PE. More baseline samples were taken prior to the equipment installation. Samples will be taken next week for comparison.
Attached is a request for funds from ALPWCD for the grant funds that they committed to the stripping project.
Harris Water Engineering has agreed to prepare the TTHM Engineering Report Addendum required by CDPHE for TTHM enforcement order compliance and the auto flush hydrant for Long Hollow.
- DOVE Compliance, DOLA Grant.
DOLA has not completed the contracting document for the grant that was approved in June. Apparently DOLA has given priority to American Recovery Act projects. The Authority cannot be invoiced for DOVE project items until the contract is completed. This will put us behind schedule to meet the Sept 1 date for meeting DOVE compliance.
Harris Engineering has agreed to prepare the engineering for the CT volume increased required for DOVE compliance.
- Possible Executive Session to Discuss Personnel Matters.
The Board did not go in to Executive Session to discuss personnel matters. The Board directed Charlie to take whatever action he thought necessary in response to a customer complaint.
- Approval of Bills – Chuck moved to approve the bills listed in the 7/15 Check Detail, Mike 2nd, Approved.
- Public comments or Questions.
- Adjourn.
Draft 8/25/21 Minutes
- Call to Order at 5:15 pm – The meeting was held via Zoom. Directors present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner , Tom Brossia, and Michael Roussin. General Manager Charlie Smith and customer Bob Browder was also present.
- Approval of Agenda
- 7/15/21 and 7/29/21 Minutes – Tom moved to approve the 7/15 and 7/29/21 minutes.. Mike 2nd, Approved
- General Managers Report
Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Balance Sheet and Budget Performance reports for July we reported. Rafter J water sales were estimated. YTD Water Sales are $62,500 above budget (Retail $47,000 over and Bulk $15,500
over.) YTD operating expenses are $11,250 below budget.
The 2020 Audit has been submitted to the state.
The Water Royalty was recalculated the new amount is $4,555.71 down from $5,279.96 last year. The reduction is due to water sales to new customers, water sales to LPWWA, and premiums being supplied from ALP water.
Source and Supply –
The Lake volume is approximately 820 acre-feet. The Reservoir projection is assumes no La Plata River water in 2021 and 2022. Pumping was resumed from Lake Nighthorse on 8/23 but stopped with a VFD fan fault. The pump restarted without incident on 8/25.
Lake Durango, Amber, and Johnson 2 reservoirs were inspected on 8/24.
The Lake is showing significant algae growth near the surface but the water is much clearer than previous years. We are planning on dosing with copper sulfate next month to try and kill off some of the grass and algae prior to winter.
July water production was 9,342,400 gallons.
July water sales are approximately 6,203,000 gallons.
The leak at the valve box on Ridge Rd. was repaired. The leak on Sawmill Rd. in Rafter J where water was surfacing was excavated, there was water in the pipe sleeve but no leak was detected when the sleeve was drained. The neighboring property had been doing construction with cement trucks turning at the driveway. Vibration may have dislodged material in the sleeve and allowed accumulated water to drain.
The Trappers Crossing tank dropped to 1’ on 8/12 due to a customer over watering.
A customer has tied in to the line extension on Deer Trail Rd. and a second plans to extend the line further to their property.
Two customers are planning on extending the CR136 extension as soon as they can get an available contractor.
On August 1 a pipe ruptured at the line extension along CR136, over 200,000 gallons drained from the Shenandoah tank before the leak was isolated. AJ construction, who installed the line, repaired the line. The adjacent homeowners said that they lost water pressure almost immediately after a lightning strike. A junction in the tracer wire above the pipe was melted. AJ believes that the Authority should pay for the repair because the rupture was not due to their installation. Mike moved to pay AJ Construction for the pipe repair, Jeff 2nd, Approved,
Charlie Smith gave the Board Notice that he would be resigning from his position as General Manager. He will stay on until the end of the year to allow time for hiring and training a new manager.
- 2008 Tax Notice
A back tax notice for 2008 taxes for the Rafter J tank site was received from La Plata County. The taxes due are $42,593 which includes interest and penalty. The original tax amount which was not paid by the Water Company was $8,716. Notice of this tax due was originally received in 2011 but was not included in the agenda at that time. Charlie will work with Bud Smith to see if the Authority is liable for the taxes and whether the amount can be reduced to the original $8,716.
- TTHM Compliance
Harris Water Engineering prepared and submitted the response letter to CDPHE for compliance with paragraph 3 of the 2020 Request for Information Letter which was due on August 3 and the Construction Completion Form for the Lake Durango and Shenandoah tank stripping equipment installations.
Third quarter TTHM samples were well below the MCL. Samples taken after installation of the stripping equipment at the Shenandoah tank show a large reduction in TTHM. Charlie spoke with our CDPHE compliance officer to initiate the process to have the enforcement order lifted. He will prepare a Completion of Requirements Letter for CDPHE’s review.
TTHM Results (ppb) | |||
SGM Compliance Report | Stripping Installed at Lake Durango Tank Nov 2020 | Stripping Installed at Shenandoah Tank July 2021 | |
Sample Date | August 2019 | May 2021 | August 2021 |
Location | |||
LD Tank | 76 | 11.1 | 11.8 |
Shenandoah Tank | 78 | 28.5 | 11.1 |
DBP001 (compliance point MCL = 80ppb) | 96 | 45.6 | 29.7 |
- DOVE Compliance
After a site visit and discussion with the Goulds pump representative Charlie has requested quotes from pump suppliers for two smaller pumps that will fit in the existing clearwell openings. They will include pump installation as a separate quote.
- Approval of Bills – Mike moved to approve the bills as listed in the Check Detail report, Jeff 2nd, Approved.
- Public comments or Questions.
- Adjourn.
Draft 9/16/21 Minutes
- Call to Order at 5:15 pm – The meeting was held via Zoom. Directors present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner , Tom Brossia, Chuck Stevens, and Michael Roussin. General Manager Charlie Smith and attorney Floyd Smith were also present.
- Approval of Agenda – The Tax Notice was moved to item #4
- 8/25/21 Minutes – Mike moved to approve the 8/25/21 minutes. Tom 2nd, Approved
- 2008 Tax Notice
A back tax notice for 2009 taxes for the Rafter J tank site was received from La Plata County. The taxes due are $42,593 which includes interest and penalty. The original tax amount which was not paid by the Water Company was $8,716. Notice of this tax due was originally received in 2011, the Authority responded to La Plata County at that time. The board directed Charlie to draft a letter to La Plata County Treasurer reaffirming that the Authority is not responsible for the tax.
- General Managers Report
Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Balance Sheet and Budget Performance reports for August were reviewed. Rafter J water sales are estimated. YTD Water Sales are $62,000 above budget (Retail $44,000 over and Bulk $18,000
over.) YTD expenses are $3,800 below budget.
Customer Larowe is requesting premium relief for a leak that occurred in July. The Board took no action because the leak has not been repaired
Source and Supply –
The Lake volume is approximately 808 acre-feet. The Reservoir projection assumes no La Plata River water in 2021 and 2022. Pumping was resumed from Lake Nighthorse.
Charlie spoke to Bob Wolff from ALPWCD regarding the status of the Lake Nighthorse direct flow/joint pool allocations. At a preliminary meeting between ALPWCD and Association attorneys it was decided to have consulting engineers continue the discussion.
Lake Durango, Amber, and Johnson 2 reservoirs were inspected on 8/24.
Lake Durango Dam Inspection Report found no major deficiencies but full storage is conditioned upon an outlet pipe inspection. Two inspection services are proving quotes.
Johnson #2 is approved full storage conditioned upon removal of vegetation on the dam face.
Copper sulfate may be added to the reservoir the last week of September.
August water production was 8,254,400 gallons. CDPHE conducted a Sanitary Survey on Thursday September 16. Numerous document requests were uploaded in preparation for the survey.
August water sales are approximately 6,250,000 gallons.
Leeder Construction’s $10,970 bill for four road repairs in Rafter J is in the check detail. They missed one 3’ x 3’ spot that will need to be fixed next year
A customer has posted a complaint about his water bill on Nextdoor social media site. He has habitually high water usage in the summer. The majority of comments were supportive of the Authority.
The backhoe failed to start. Wagner diagnosed the problem as corroded battery terminals. Parts are on order.
- TTHM Compliance
Nothing new to report
- DOVE Compliance
Rust Automation is preparing quotes for instrumentation for the DOVE project. Updated quotes for new finished water pumps that will fit in the existing openings in the clearwell have been requested from Water Technology CO (Goulds pumps) and Boyer Seeley (Floway pumps.) have not yet been received.
- General Manager Hiring Process –
The Board discussed the General Manager Hiring process. Chuck Stevens, Mike Roussin, and Jeff Wagner will act as the hiring committee.
- Rescind Resolution 2020-4 Disaster Declaration
Resolution 2020-4 will continue to be in effect at this time.
- Approval of Bills – Mike moved to approve the bills as listed in the Check Detail report, Chuck 2nd, Approved.
- Public comments or Questions.
- Adjourn.
Draft 10/21/21 Minutes
- Call to Order at 5:15 pm – The meeting was held via Zoom. Directors present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Tom Brossia, Chuck Stevens, and Michael Roussin. General Manager Charlie Smith was also present
- Approval of Agenda – The agenda was approved.
- 9/16/21 Minutes – Tom moved to approve the 9/16/21minutes. Jeff 2nd, Approved
- General Managers Report
Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Balance Sheet and Budget Performance reports for September were reviewed. Rafter J water sales are estimated. YTD Water Sales are $83,000 above budget, sales include premiums discussed below YTD operating expenses are $18,000 above budget. Materials and supplies expenses are over budget due to purchasing increased costs for materials, and the purchase of additional meter pits, meter setters, and meter installation supplies for inventory. Repairs and maintenance expense is over budget due to more repairs than budgeted and Rafter J road repairs (also included in snow removal and road repair expense.) Electric expense is over budget due to Lake Durango and Shenandoah tank stripping electricity and excess treatment plant pumping to meet demand. YTD Chemical expense is over budget but should be at budget by year end.
The draft 2022 Budget was reviewed. Budget highlights include:
- Water Sales assumes a wetter year with less water sales and premiums.
- Tim Cavanaugh has given his notice to retire and will be leaving before the end of November.
- Payroll has been adjusted for a general manager and water operator at reduced salaries from current wages. I am proposing a $6,000/year increase for Tim Graham and a 5% increase for Alexis.
- Contractual Services for Engineering, Accounting and Other have been increased. The combined Contractual Services and Payroll expense is equal to 2021.
- ALP Pipeline Operating Expense assumes pumping 350 af, the amount will be considerably less if the reservoir fills from the La Plata River.
- Apart from the purchase of an additional Solar Bee, the Capital Improvements budget essentially includes the minimum for DOVE compliance and needed repairs.
- 8 new tap sales.
- The budget results in the overall Fund Balance dropping $150,000.
Customer Larowe 283 Browns Lake Road is requested premium relief for ongoing leak(s) that occurred beginning in July. Tom moved to allow Ms. Laroue to pay the premiums from the previous credit in 2019 and then credit the 2021 premiums related to this bill. Jeff second. Approved.
Customer Jeff Brame requested premium relief for a September leak in a broken hose while he was out of town, he has not had a credit in the past. July and August usage were 8,800 and 7,400 gallons. Chuck moved to approve the premium credit in accordance with policy., Tom 2nd, approved.
Customer Rosenberger is requested premium relief for over watering with a hose left on. Usage in July was 25,000 gallons and August was 30,100. The Trappers Crossing tank drained to empty due to his consumption. Chuck moved to not approve any premium credit because the request not fall under the credit policy. Jeff 2nd, Approved
Source and Supply –
The Lake volume is approximately 790 acre-feet. The Reservoir projection assumes no La Plata River water in 2021 and 2022.
The Lake Durango Dam drain pipe was inspected with a robotic camera. Sagging in the drain pipe was observed.
The lake turned over beginning in mid September.
September water production was 8,631,400 gallons.
There were several complaints about the taste and odor of the water which resulted from the lake turnover. The higher chlorine residuals leaving the plant seem to amplify the odor for some customers. Surface recirculation rather than full lake recirculation may also have caused a more significant turnover. A second solar bee is proposed in the 2022 budget.
A Significant Deficiency was noted in the Sanitary Survey Report from CDPHE for not having continuous chlorine leak detection with audible alarm in the chlorine room. Charlie will work with Timber Line Controls to install a detector and tie it in to the SCADA system. The detection equipment was not required as of the previous sanitary survey. The survey reported no violations. Due to the number of pressure zones in the LDWA system a Level 3 Distribution Certification is required for the Operator Responsible in Charge.
September water sales are approximately 6,346,000 gallons. A leak in the Trappers Crossing tank is scheduled for repair on 10/21.
The Shenandoah pump station was broken into sometime between the afternoon of Friday 10/2 and the morning of 10/4. The door was kicked in and the door jamb broken. The door has been repaired. Future attempts to kick in the door may result in a broken ankle.
A property for sale owned by Mary Austin does not have a recorded easement for the Lake Durango tank and water lines. Austin has paid for the survey and Bud Smith has drafted an easement agreement.
- 2008 Tax Notice
The Board approved a letter to LPC Treasurer Aichele regarding Lake Durango Water Company taxes due.
- General Manager Hiring Process –
The Board discussed the General Manager Hiring process. Charlie will set up a zoom interview for potential candidate(s.)
- Approval of Bills and CWRPDA Wire Transfer – Tom moved to approve the bills as listed in the Check Detail report and the CWRPDA loan payment wire transfer. Jeff 2nd, Approved.
- Public comments or Questions. There were no customer comments or questions.
- Adjourn.
Draft 11/14/21 Minutes
- Call to Order at 12:00 pm – The meeting was held in person at the Lake Durango office. Directors present: Ward Holmes, Tom Brossia,Jeff Wagner, and Michael Roussin. General Manager Charlie Smith and a General Manager applicant were also present
- Approval of Agenda – The agenda was approved.
- General Manager Interviews – Executive Session per CRS 24-6-2402(4)(e and f)
The Board interviewed a potential General Manage Candidate.
- Public comments or Questions. There were no customer comments or questions.
- Adjourn.
Draft 11/18/21 Minutes
- Call to Order at 5:16 pm – The meeting was held via Zoom. Directors present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Tom Brossia, Chuck Stevens, and Michael Roussin. General Manager Charlie Smith and Renate Widder were also present
- Approval of Agenda – The agenda was approved.
- Approval of the 10/ 21, 10/ 26, 11/4, and 11/14/21 Minutes – Tom moved to approve the 10/21, 10/26, 11/4, and 11/14 minutes. Mike 2nd, Approved
- General Managers Report
Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Balance Sheet and Budget Performance reports for October were reviewed, Rafter J water sales are estimated. YTD Water Sales are $76,000 above budget, YTD operating expenses are $15,000 above budget. Electrical expense for operating the TTHM removal equipment at the Lake Durango and Shenandoah tanks was the largest contributor to the operating expense being over budget.
Charlie was contacted by LPC Treasurer Aichele after she had received the Authority’s Past Tax Due Notice Letter. She agreed that there wasn’t a way that Authority property could be taken and that receiving payment from Robert Johnson was unlikely.
Mike moved to approve the 2021 Audit Engagemnet Letter with Haynie and Co., Tom 2nd, Approved
The draft 2022 Budget was updated. The budget hearing will be held during the December Board meeting. Budget highlights include:
- Water Sales assumes a wetter year with less water sales and premiums.
- Payroll has been adjusted for a new general manager, new water operator, and new administrative assistant at reduced salaries from current wages. Charlie is proposing a wage increase for Tim Graham and a bonus for this year’s work. Charlie is currently acting as the on call operator and Tim G. will take over that responsibility in the near future. When there are details for the new GM compensation it can be incorporated into the budget and may also affect the contract services budget.
- Employee benefits have been adjusted to include a $200/month HSA contribution to all employees, previously only Tim C. and I received the monthly contribution.
- ALP Pipeline Operating Expense assumes pumping 350 af, the amount will be considerably less if the reservoir fills from the La Plata River.
- Apart from the purchase of an additional Solar Bee, the Capital Improvements budget essentially includes the minimum for DOVE compliance and needed repairs.
- 8 new tap sales.
- The budget results in the overall Fund Balance dropping $130,000.
- The 2011 Rate Study recommended 5% per year rate increases but the rates have remained unchanged since 2017. If there had been a 5% per year rate increase the 2022 rates would be 27.6% higher than current.
Source and Supply –
The Lake volume is approximately 785 acre-feet. The Reservoir projection assumes no La Plata River water in 2021 and 2022. The Solar Bee was serviced on 11/11.
Water was pumped from Nighthorse to Lake Durango from October 26 to November 16. 297 acre-feet of the 300 af purchased from ALPWCD has been pumped this ALP water year (April 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022.) If it appears that no La Plata River water will be available in 2022 the 2022 ALPWCD water purchase should be made in early March 2022 so that the additional 50 af can be pumped in the 2021 water year and then be available again after April 1.
ALPOMR hosted a zoom presentation on previous ALP project water modeling on November 8. BOR modeling and later revisions predict that there could be years with water shortages. The models suggest methods to maximize supply through scheduling of direct flow diversions and diversions to storage. The shortages occur in years similar to 2002-2003 if all project partners are taking their full supply. Also discussed were the revisions to the IGA and language related to the joint storage pool. Russ Howard suggested that an agreement surrounding the joint pool will take many years and that operations should continue as is which would allow LDWA to continue to meet its current demand during drought years with storage and direct flow water rights. Unfortunately another representative resumed arguing IGA language which may have a negative effect on the use of the joint pool for 2022.
October water production was 6,313,756 gallons. Clear well draw down tests and continuous pumping tests indicate that the water meter that totalizes flow to the distribution system reads 10% higher than actual. Lake Durango Homeowners have agreed to have repairs made to Lake Durango road pavement. The cost per parcel is $200.
October water sales are approximately 4,346,000 gallons. The leak in the Trappers Crossing tank was repaired. There is a small leak on Deer Trail road. There is pooling water below Ridge Rd., the source of the leak has not been identified.
Water was flushed prior to taking TTHM and HAA5 compliance samples on November 4. Lab analysis has not yet been received.
The person who broke into the Shenandoah pump station returned and left an “offering” at the door to the building. LPC Sheriff was notified. The same person had broken into a nearby home two days earlier and has been charged with criminal trespass.
Charlie has been working with Dave Henry from Harris Water Engineering on the auto flush hydrant project.
Installation of a line extension from South Lakeside Dr. to Hesperado Hills Dr. will begin after Thanksgiving.
Rafter J has sent a draft MOU for the Authority’s input. Renate Widder RJ HOA president said the HOA needs a way to be made aware of new tap sales within the HOA service area.
Tim Cavanaugh’s last day was November 15. Chris Moore was offered and accepted the Water Operator position, he is scheduled to begin work on December 6. There were several applicants for the Administrative Assistant position to replace Alexis, Heather Robertson was the most qualified candidate and seems to be someone who would stay in the position for a long time. She can begin work on November 29.
- General Manager Hiring Process –
The Board went into Executive Session per CRS 24-6-2402(4)(e and f) – The Board came out of Executive Session and named Doug Carouthers as the sole finalist for the position. Mike will contact Doug to begin negotiations on compensation.
- Approval of Bills – Mike moved to approve the bills as listed in the Check Detail report and. Tom 2nd, Approved.
- Public comments or Questions. There were no customer comments or questions.
- Adjourn.
Draft 12/16/21 Minutes
- Call to Order at 5:16 pm – The meeting was held via Zoom. Directors present: Ward Holmes, Jeff Wagner, Tom Brossia, Chuck Stevens, and Michael Roussin. General Manager Charlie Smith and Renate Widder were also present
- Approval of Agenda – The agenda was approved.
- Approval of the 11/18, and 11/29/21 Minutes – Mike moved to approve the 11/18/21, and 11/29/21 minutes. Jeff 2nd, Approved
- General Manager Hiring Process – Doug Carothers accepted the Offer of Employment for the position of General Manager, he anticipates starting by January 1, 2022.
- General Managers Report
Financials, Billing, Insurance, etc.
Balance Sheet and Budget Performance reports for November were reviewed, Rafter J water sales were estimated. YTD Water Sales are $69,000 above budget, YTD operating expenses are $20,000 above budget. The largest expense overage is electric due to strippers and blowers at Lake Durango and Shenandoah tanks. Mike moved to designate Doug Carothers as the CHP representative effective on his start date. Charlie has not worked on the Rafter J MOU.
Source and Supply
The Lake volume is approximately 775 acre-feet. The Reservoir projection assumes no La Plata River water in 2021 and 2022. Charlie will work with Doug to extend the projection through 2023.
If it appears that no La Plata River water will be available in 2022 the 2022 ALPWCD water purchase should be made in early March 2022 so that the additional 50 af can be pumped in the 2021 water year ending March 31 and then be available again after April 1. The purchase request should go to ALPWCD before the end of January.
ALPOMR held another modeling workshop prior to their December 2 Board Meeting. Reservoir pass-through as a mechanism for delivering direct flow river water rights was discussed. In 2021 the Authority pumped its entire direct flow volume at the same time as ALPOMR was filling the reservoir to demonstrate that this mechanism could work and not injure other water users. CWRPDA negotiated and agreed to pay higher construction costs to compensate for using the joint storage pool but the Association cannot come to agreement on the intent or availability of the pool. Regardless, modeling indicates that there will be shortages which will limit the availability of the joint pool when all partners are using their allocated share of the reservoir.
November water production was 5,258,000 gallons. The chlorine dioxide generator was serviced by Evoqua. The chlorine dioxide production rate is now set at the lower limit of the equipment to prevent chlorite reformation.
November water sales are approximately 3,800,000 gallons.
4th quarter TTHM concentrations were well below the MCL. HAA5 concentrations were above the MCL, the long range running average which is regulated and the Operational Evaluation Limit which indicates possible future non-compliance were below the MCL. As a result of the high HAA5 concentrations pre-chlorination has been reduced to the amount necessary to produce chlorine dioxide.
A leak was repaired as scheduled December 7 on Deer Trail Rd. The leak was at a 6” x 22 -1/2⁰ elbow mechanical joint. GJ pipe did not have the proper fitting in stock, Alexis brought up a fitting from Essco Supply in Farmington the next morning. Water was off over night but all customers on the line have cisterns or were not home. Some additional road clean up will be necessary next spring.
While work was taking place on Deer Trail a contractor, Waldo Construction, replacing a service line on North Lakeside broke a fitting on the line from the LDWA main to the meter pit. The line was isolated while Waldo called in a vac truck to expose the main. A new corp was installed and water service restored on N. Lakeside. It appeared that the original 1 ¼” service line was installed prior to LDWC using water meters and the meter was added at a later date. Waldo replaced the meter pit and re-plumbed the service line to the meter.
A new tap was installed on Meadow Rd.
The person who broke into the Shenandoah pump station will not be returning.
Tom moved to credit premiums for a leak at 590 Ridge Rd, Mike 2nd, approved.
The F150 was totaled on November 23. Glatfelter Insurance is working on the claim. It is assumed that the payout will not be received prior to 2022. A new pick up is included in the 2022 budget.
Alexis’ last day is December 29. Heather Robertson started work on November 29, she working out great and seems to understand all of Alexis’ instruction.
Chris Moore started work as distribution operator on December 6. He is motivated and brings valuable skills to the job. It was great having two backhoe operators while we worked on the Deer trail leak.
Charlie will plan on working into January at an hourly rate until Doug is comfortable with running the system. He will also be available as needed for the 2021 Audit, 2022 Royalty calculations, 2023 budgeting, ALPWCD negotiations, and other items as needed. Mike moved to approve an hourly contractor rate of pay for Charlie after December 31, 2021. Tom second, Approved.
Charlie recommended a bonus for Tim Graham for work performed in 2021. He has assumed Tim Cavanaugh’s on-call responsibilities and his performance this year has been exceptional. MIke moved to approve a bonus for Tim Graham, Tom second, approved.
Charlie recommended that the Board consider tracking time off as paid time off as carry over to the following year rather than vacation time to be used in the same year. Tim G. and Charlie both have remaining vacation to be used before the end of the year. Charlie will make sure that Tim G is able to take his remaining vacation time. Mike moved to pay Charlie 5 for 5 days accrued 2021 vacation time, Tom 2nd, approved.
- 2022 Budget Hearing –
The Board reviewed an updated draft 2022 Budget. Revisions since the last Board meeting include changes to General Manager’s salary, GM relocation expense, employee benefits, and purchase of a new pickup truck.
Budget highlights include:
- Water Sales assumes a wetter year with less water sales and premiums.
- Payroll has been adjusted for Doug Carother’s compensation as general manager. The new water operator and new administrative assistant start at reduced salaries from Tim C and Alexis’ wages and an increase for Tim Graham and a bonus for this year’s work.
- Employee benefits have been adjusted to include a $200/month HSA contribution to all employees, previously only Tim C. and Charlie received the monthly contribution. A 2% IRA match has also been included.
- ALP Pipeline Operating Expense assumes pumping 350 af, the amount will be considerably less if the reservoir fills from the La Plata River.
- Apart from the purchase of an additional Solar Bee, the Capital Improvements budget essentially includes the minimum for DOVE compliance and needed repairs.
- 8 new tap sales.
- The budget results in the overall Fund Balance dropping $150,000.
- The budget includes a rate study to be performed in 2022. If the study results in rate increases then the budgeted revenues will increase.
- Resolution 2021-3 Resolution to Adopt 2022 Budget – oved to approve Resolution 2021-3 to Adopt the 2022 Budget, Mike 2nd, Approved.
- Resolution 2021–4 Resolution to Appropriate Sums of Money for the 2022 Calendar Year. – Tome moved to approve Resolution 2021-4 Resolution to Appropriate Sums of Money for the 2022 Calendar Year, Mike 2nd, Approved.
- Approval of Bills – Tom moved to approve the bills as listed in the Check Detail report plus the most recent invoice from Bud Smith, Mike 2nd, Approved.
- Public comments or Questions. Renate Widder informed the Board that Rafter J HOA will be adding a layer of chip seal to the roads in the HOA when the weather warms up in the spring.
- Executive Session per CRS 24-6-2402(4). The Board went into Executive Session to discuss employee bonuses for 2021. The Board came out of executive session, Tom moved to approve a bonus of $750 dollars for Alexis Weber and a bonus of $7,500 for Charlie Smith for work performed in 2021. Mike 2nd, Approved.
- Adjourn.