eBilling/ Log IN
This option will allow you to have your bills emailed to you and then have the ability to pay it online with a credit card through our billing program processor. You will need your account’s PIN number to sign up, which you can find on the top of your paper bill or can call the office to receive. After every billing period, you will be delivered an email alerting you that you have a new bill. You can then log on to our website, click the red “Make an ePayment” button and pay with a credit card online (a small processing fee of 3% + $.35 is charged.) At this time, we don’t have a credit card machine in the office to process payments over the phone, therefore paying online is the only option for credit cards.
Credit Card ePayment
This option allows you to pay your bill online with a credit card without signing up for eBill. You will need to have your billing information including the account number, current amount due, and the billing address to make the payment. If unsure of any of this information, you can call the office at 970-247-4062.
Auto Bank Draft
This option will allow you to automatically pay your bill from a bank account of your choosing. After completing the form you can email it or mail it to our office (info on Billing Questions page). Depending on your account’s billing period, your bank account is drafted the same day or following business day each month. For example, the billing period on the 1st (10/1/16 – 11/1/16) is drafted on the 20th of the month (11/20/16). The billing period of the 15th (10/15/16 – 11/15/16) is drafted on the 5th of the month (12/05/16).
Click the link to download the form.
Rate Relief Program
Lake Durango Water Authority (LDWA) offers limited financial assistance to qualified low income homeowners. This assistance is intended to partially mitigate the impact of the 2009 acquisition costs. All information submitted by applicants will be kept confidential and will be stored securely per federal and state requirements. For more information or to apply, please click the link below.