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2024 Draft Budget

Budget table here

Actual Year Ending December 31, 2022 Projected Year Ending 2023
Budget Jan 1 - Dec 31 2024
Ordinary Income/Expense Increase %5 sales &Base Fees
0-489 · Water disconnect/reconnect fee $50 $200
Water Sales
0-461 · Metered Sales to Retail 1,97,032.05 $2,44,181 $2,56,390 5% rate increase
0-461-1 · Base Fees Retail 2,04,892.41 $2,41,614 $2,53,695 5% rate increase
0-461-2 · Sales - Retail 59,351.00 $1,48,180 $1,55,589 5% rate increase
0-461-3 · Premiums Retail 59,351.00 $148,180 $155,589 5% rate increase
Total 0-461 · Metered Sales to Retail 461,275 $633,975 $665,673
0-462 · Metered Sales to Bulk Users
0-462-1 · Base Fees Bulk 58,047.67 $72,479 $76,103 5% rate increase
0-462-2 · Sales Bulk 87,876.33 $62,464 $65,588 5% rate increase
0-462-3 · Premiums Bulk 0.00 $31 $32
Actual Year Ending December 31, 2022 Projected Year Budget Jan 1 - Dec 31 2024
Ordinary Income/Expense Increase %5 sales &Base Fees
0-489 · Water disconnect/reconnect fee $50 $200
Water Sales
0-461 · Metered Sales to Retail
0-461-1 · Base Fees Retail 197,032.05 $244,181 $256,390 5% rate increase
0-461-2 · Sales - Retail 204,892.41 $241,614 $253,695 5% rate increase
0-461-3 · Premiums Retail 59,351.00 $148,180 $155,589 5% rate increase
Total 0-461 · Metered Sales to Retail 461,275 $633,975 $665,673
0-462 · Metered Sales to Bulk Users
0-462-1 · Base Fees Bulk 58,047.67 $72,479 $76,103 5% rate increase
0-462-2 · Sales Bulk 87,876.33 $62,464 $65,588 5% rate increase
0-462-3 · Premiums Bulk 0 $31 $32
0-462-4 LPWWA Base Fees 50,731.38 $58,097 $61,002
0-462-5 LPWWA Water Sales 17,508.52 $48,218 $50,629
0-462-6 LPWWA Sales Not Per-Gallon 13,426.78
Total 0-462 · Metered Sales to Bulk User $227,591 $241,289 $253,354
Total Water Sales 688,866 $875,264 $919,027
0-500 · Late Fee Revenue 4,721.00 $7,771 $5,000
0-419 · Interest and Dividend Income 39.56 $387 $750
0-421 · Nonutility Income 5,215.36 $4,400 $4,000
0-485 · Meter Installation Fees transfer from operating reserve fund 8,200.00 $3,000 $10,000
Total Income 707,042 $890,872 $938,977
Expense Cola CO 8%
1-609 GM_Employee Benefit_Company M 2,465.70 $2,855 $4,568
1-601 · Salaries & Wages - Employees 182,990.17 $176,209 $200,000
1-603 · Salaries & Wages - General Mgr 81,200.00 $65,185 $81,200
1-602 · Payroll Tax Expense 20,519.10 $19,651 $21,512
1-604 · Employee Benefits 34,176.81 $42,944 $49,769
GM Relocation expense 16,412.01 $0
1-631 · Contractual Services - Engineer 3,836.25 $4,968 $10,000
1-632 · Contractual Services - Accounti 18,524.74 $25,453 $30,000
1-633 · Contractual Services - Legal 4,130.00 $5,300 $7,500
1-634 Contractual Services - Manageme 3,400.00 $0 $0
1-635 · Contractual Services - Other 30,545.39 $18,874 $45,000 Locates, Chris Kramer, Harris Eng
1-637 · Contractual Services - Billing 4,867.34 $4,284 $5,499
1-679 · Board Stipend 1,300.00 $1,425 $1,600
1-606 · Bank Fees 766.99 $859 $900
1-605 · Dues 2,852.64 $2,908 $1,000
1-630 · Education and Certification 2,030.05 $3,084 $3,000
1-657 · Insurance - General Liability 17,563.00 $19,748 $20,735
1-658 · Insurance - Workman's Compens 5,028.00 $5,925 $10,000
1-625 · Permits- License- Fees 465 $581 $581
1-621 Office Supplies 278.22 $1,405 $2,000
1-622 · Postage & PO Box 4,087.29 $3,542 $3,542
1-615 · Purchased Utilities
1-690 · Septic Service 490 $663 $1,000
1-617 · Trash 1,445.81 $1,546 $2,000
1-614 · Telephone & Internet 9,177.48 $8,741 $9,003
1-613 · Electric 43,328.03 $50,083 $45,000
1-611 · Gas 1,182.25 $1,923 $2,116
Total 1-615 · Purchased Utilities 55,624 $62,956 $59,119
1-642 · Rental of Equipment 6,186.04 $5,220 $6,000
1-645 · Repairs & Maint. 32,838.57 $24,618 $50,000 Buy more meters $225 buy 20 5000
1-652 · Snow Removal and Road Repairs 0 $2,367 $3,000
1-650 · Transportation Expense 15,282.95 $14,214 $15,500
1-651 Backhoe Expenses 0 $2,500 $6,000 Tires front -ServiceTruck all new
1-620 · Materials and Supplies 57,454.93 $46,398 $65,000
1-618 · Chemicals 32,848.99 $37,004 $37,000
Actual Year Ending Projected Year Budget Jan 1 - Dec
1-619 · Testing 3,750.00 $3,872 $4,000
1-675 · Miscellaneous Expense 1,242.19 $155 $200
1-653 · Reservoir Weed Control $3,450 $5,000
1-670 Tank Inspections $0
1-700 TTHM Compliance
Total OPERATING EXPENSES 642,666 $607,955 $749,225
1-680 · Contingency 0 $0 $20,000
Other Utility Operating Expense
1-666 · Ditch Assessment 2,970.00 $3,713 $2,970
1-671 Pipeline Operating Expense 30,025.14 $15,991 $33,000
1-672 ALP OMR 10,652.43 $11,469 $12,616
Total Other Utility Operating Expense 43,648 $3,713 $48,586
Total Expense 686,314 $639,607 $817,811
Net Ordinary Income 20,729 $259,265 $121,167
Other Income/Expense
Other Income
Other Income
0-486 · Water Royalty Fees 74,513.01 $72,747 $72,747
0-501 · Acquisition Surcharge 235,894.84 $253,478 $253,620 less 20 Trappers Crossing taps
0-691 Other Grant Revenue 43,200.00 $0 $100,000
DOLA Grant
0-503 Tap Sales 76,770.00 $43,980 $59,120 (4) Increase tap fee to $14,900
0-504 Tap Reservation Fees 180 $173 $180
F150 Insurance Claim 14,256.07
Employee Contributions to Health Insurance $0
Total Other Income 444,814 $370,377 $485,667
Total Other Income
Other Expense
Other Expenses
0-403 · Depreciation Expense 104,915.00 $100,000 $100,000
0-417 · Royalty Fees Paid Out -0.48 $47,167 $47,167
0-622 · DWRF Bond - Interest 16,650.89 $14,766 $14,494
0-624 · PRVB Bond Interest $0
0-627 CWCB Loan Interest 95,378.50 $93,353 $93,353
Employee Family Insurance $0 $0
Capital Improvement Plan update $25,000
Rate Study $15,000
Total Other Expenses 216,944 $255,286 $295,014
Net Other Income 227,870 $115,091 $190,653
Net Income 248,599 $374,356 $311,820
All Funds Acquisition and Capital Improvements Water Royalty Fund Operating Reserve Fund
January 1, 2022 Balance 522,634 $54,039 $16,635 $451,960
Projected 2022 Net Income 199,356 -$10,963 $5,580 $204,739
December 31, 2022 Balance 721,990 $43,076 $22,215 $656,699
Projected 2023 Net Income -110,980 -$28,752 $0 -$82,228
December 31, 2023 Balance 611,010 $25,287 $22,215 $563,508